Friday, July 3, 2020

The Statue of Limitations...

So San Fran Nan Pelosi (Dem-CA) wants desperately to take down no fewer than 13 statues in Statuary Hall in the Capitol Building in D.C.  There are several dozen such statues in this Hall, and they collectively tell the American Story.  Tourists flock to it.  I've been there many times.  

For those unfamiliar with the concept, it's called "history."  

Ever wonder how those statues get there?  Good question, Grasshopper.  It turns out that each of our states get to select two statues to be placed in Statuary Hall, and they may rotate their statues in or out as they see fit.  That's because we operate a "Federalist" system, which makes the states uppermost in our political hierarchy.  And that means they, THEY decide which statues are displayed in the Capitol, not the Speaker.  Not nobody.  Just thought you'd like to know... 

History used to be important.  Until recent actions by violent Marxist revolutionaries and agitators and looters and rioters let us know that their history started yesterday.   

BTW, my English teacher always told me never to start a sentence with "so."  So, that's another one of the very many important lessons I didn't learn.  

Anyway, Nancy just noticed that there are statues in the Capitol Building that represent Confederate War generals!  OmaGod, nooooo!  But unfortunately, yes.  Those statues have been there for decades.  So has Nancy.  Interestingly, their faces haven't changed, and neither has hers...

And apparently, even after 33 years in Congress, including 8 of which were spent under the "leadership" of one Barack Hussein Obama, who is famously (half)Black, she just noticed them.  She's walked past them at least 45,000 times, walking back and forth, back and forth, clicking her 5" Jimmy Choo stilettos, and never noticing.  Funny how that goes.  The political wind changes direction, and VOILA!  Statues!  Of Confederate heroes!  And she just noticed them!  


Why?  Because.  Because they offended somebody or other.  Or because they're a convenient starting point to begin remanufacturing America.  Or another chance to take a swipe at Trump.  Or because they represent another way of extending this nationwide bout of lunacy.  

And because her group of Leftists needed another shiny object to divert attention away from her failed leadership.  They say, tear them down!  BTW, there's a statue in the very same Hall of dead Senator Robert Byrd.  He was a senator for more than 50 years.  He was also a Grand Dragon and the Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan and a famous racist bigot.  He was the only member of Congress to have ever uttered the "n-word" in Senate chambers for all the world to hear.  On national television.  I actually heard him say it way back then.  I was kind of surprised at the time.  I'm even more surprised now.  I must have missed Nancy's call to remove Byrd's statue as well...

Nancy?  Nancy!  We're awaiting your response...

And what about Obama?  He was a senator for a few days before running for POTUS, and was Prez for 8 years.  Didn't he notice these awful statues?  Wasn't it his job to get them removed them long, long ago?  Why didn't he?  Or, why didn't his sidekick Joe Biden, Vice President for 8 years?  And a senator since The Flood.  It's well known that V.P.s don't do a damn thing, so one would think he'd have had plenty of time to notice these foul statues.  But apparently not.  Joe was otherwise engaged, it appears.  Doing what one can only imagine...

Joe, Joe, Joe.  Why have you let us down, Joe? 

So here's the Bottom Line:  If we're going to remove statues, let's remove them all!  All of them!  All ten thousand of them!  We're not adult enough as a society, apparently, to deserve statues.  That's why we can't have nice things, it seems.  So, tear them down!  All of them!  Get it over with so that we Americans can get back to working and living and raising our kids.  And once your Titanic Temper Tantrum is over, and we've replaced you with elected officials who know their asses from their elbows, perhaps we can build some nice new statues for all to enjoy.  

But I can guarantee you one thing; they sure as Hell will not be of YOU!

Chuckmeister, out! 

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