Thursday, July 9, 2020

Do Black "Opinions" Matter?

I wonder how the average Black man feels about the events unfolding in America today?

I wonder how he and his family feel when they see statues toppled and businesses burned and looted and bricks hurled at cops?  

In their names?  

I wonder if the average Black man and his family feel supportive of such activities, or shocked and outraged at them, and hoping that they stop?  And now!  

I wonder if they wonder if their friends and neighbors look at them just a bit differently these days since this national crisis began unfolding?  

And I wonder if they're happy that "Black Lives Matter" has become their national voice, even though it's nothing more than a group of Marxist revolutionaries focused on the overthrow of our political system?  And even though its on record - and on video - as desirous of killing our police officers ("Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!")?

Or, is the average Black family happy that America is being deconstructed by Marxist radical activists who wish to tear our Country apart and rebuild it as a socialist Utopia?  And are they happy that the statues of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant and abolitionists like Frederick Douglass have been ripped down and burned?  And that our Flag has been and is being burned and desecrated?  

Are they happy that more than 1,500 buildings were burned to the ground in Minneapolis a few weeks back?  Or the fact that Macy's flagship store in New York City was looted?  Or that a trailer carrying 3 horses in St. Louis was torched by one of their mob, and that they all burned to death?  While these Godless thugs danced and laughed?  Or that the "Black Lives Matter" and Antifa groups, the ones responsible for all the riots and arson and anarchy unfolding in America, are speaking and acting on their behalf and in their names?  And planning and hoping to eliminate capitalism, and Christianity, and our police departments, and the nuclear family, and Israel?

I'd like to know if our typical Black guy is happy that the "Black National Anthem" whatever that is, will be played just before our real National Anthem before NFL football games this fall.  In fact, I'd like to know if our prototypical Black guy even knew there was a "Black National Anthem!"  And I'd like to know if he'd like to know why, after years of refusal to knuckle under to such demands, the NFL has shown its indelible cowardice in this instance.  Perhaps it's because 75% of the League is Black?    

And are they happy that any donations given to "Black Lives Matter," for example, are funneled through "Act Blue," a 501(c)(3) corporation, which in turn gives the vast majority of monies received to the Democrat National Committee, which then in turn hands it off to Joe Biden for President (go to their website if you need proof)?

Now I, The Chuckmeister, happen to be White.  An accident of birth, to be sure.  I'm not sure if I'm expected to apologize for that about now, but I choose not to do so (as I've often mentioned, I "identify" as Black when convenient, which the Democrats just luuuuv to do, however, and am looking forward to cashing in on my assumed "race" just as soon as reparations begin to flow).  

I've never owned slaves, or embraced racism, or kept a Black man down for any reason (I've hired and trained and managed quite a few, however).  Nor have I ever knowingly benefited from so-called "White privilege," whatever the Hell that is.  Near as I can tell, it stands for getting up early, working your ass off and trying your best to make a living.  Yet, because I happen to be White, I'm being loudly blamed for all of it.  Any of it.  Whatever negative thing happens, it's my fault and the fault of those who happen to share my race.  My skin color.  Isn't that the essence of racism?    

What ridiculous, unmitigated horsesh*t.  

Being White, I don't know how that the average Black man views these events and circumstances, nor am I presuming to do so.  You know, the guy who delivers your mail, or fills your prescriptions, or operates on your heart, or makes your car work when it's shot craps.  Just the average loyal, honest, patriotic and proud American Black guy and his family.    

Yeah, that guy.  The guy we never seem to hear about.  

I find it difficult to believe that the average Black guy, a fellow living and working and raising his family in Salina, Kansas, or Rifle, Colorado, or Boise, Idaho, or Savannah, Georgia, or Chillicothe, Missouri is proud to have these riots and lootings and burnings conducted in his name.  I find it difficult to believe that the average Black guy is proud that a bunch of black-clad goons are tearing down statues and burning down buildings and looting liquor stores are representing him.  

But like I said, maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe I'm giving too much credit to that "average Black guy."  

But if I'm right, where are the voices of the average Black man and his family?  Why aren't the normal, average, everyday Black men and women counter-protesting and parading and waving signs and demanding that this all stop?  Why aren't they on television calling for a stop to all this madness?  Or are they afraid that they'll be called "Uncle Toms?"  Or be shunned by members of their own race?  Or be "cancelled," as our society now seems to do so very well?

I dunno' about you, but I think it's high time that the "average" Black men and women start stepping up and making their positions known.  You know, "grow a set," in the vernacular.  It's time that they make the talking heads on the so-called "MainStreamMedia" stop misrepresenting them and their degree of patriotism.  And start reporting all the news, not just the news that supports their Left-leaning ideologies.  

It's no wonder why CNN has to pay airports to exclusively air their drivel.  Just imagine having to pay people to watch the crap you put out on a daily basis...  

In short, it's time that they, our proud Black man and his family, start acting like Americans again...

Somehow I don't think that's going to happen.  Do you?  But I hold out hope.  Perhaps you and your friends and family and acquaintances could start asking your Black friends and neighbors what they actually think about what's happening in America.  And if they're happy about it.  And in agreement with it.  And if not, just exactly what they intend to try and do about it.  After all, it's about them!  Only then, I offer, will we know if there's a chance for America to continue, or, because of greed and hatred and fear and loathing and political posturing and deep-seated racism and the lust for power, if our experiment in self-governance will prove to be an abject failure.

Only time will tell.  And I guess we'll all know the answer very soon...

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