Monday, July 20, 2020

Absolute Power...

I've kind of sat back quietly during this raging pandemic, for the most part, awaiting my Boy Guv to make up his mind about ending this whole "social distancing" and home confinement and mask-wearing thingie.

I know that his authority to MAKE me do these things is nonexistent, at best, considering that pesky old "Constitution," doncha' know.  I mean, the 1st Amendment to the Constitution gives me unquestioned authority to say whatever I want, to whomever I want, whenever I want and wherever I want.  

Except everything has limits, of course, even the size of Nancy Pelosi's refrigerators.

And that same Amendment gives me the unabridged Right to assemble with whomever I want, whenever I want.  And to practice whatever religion I want, whenever and wherever I want, no matter who gets pissed off about it.  

So I'd say my Rights pretty well trump (pun intended) any governor anywhere who decides to try and remove them.  But that doesn't mean they won't try, and aren't trying.  And I must admit that being old and somewhat bored with my normal, uneventful life, I'd actually enjoy one of these commie storm troopers ticketing me for exercising my 1st Amendment Rights.  Or 2nd, or 4th, or 5th, or, or...  And I'm sure there's an unused attorney somewhere or other who'd come to my defense and make the commies pay for having abused my Rights.

And that attorney wouldn't even have to be all that good, either.  I mean, there are more than 177,000 attorneys in California.  Surely there's a mediocre one available if needed...

Did you know there are more attorneys in Orange County, Taxifornia then in all of Canada?  Of course, there's no 1st Amendment in Canada to defend.  Or 2nd, or 4th, or 5th.  That oughta' tell you something...

Now, I'll admit that there are governors who will opine that their authority to adopt "emergency" restrictions to our Constitutional Rights is absolute.  That' whole "yelling 'fire!' in a crowded theater" thing is an example, doncha' know.  And I would agree. It depends on the emergency, of course.  But that authority is pretty much limited to The Peoples' decision as to whether or not such a proclamation is "reasonable."  Remember, they govern at the consent of The People.  If not, then I have the Right to simply disobey in a civil manner.

That's called "civil disobedience," doncha' know.  

Sort of like the hundreds of thousands - millions? - of "protesters" protesting in each of the 38 Democrat-led, bright-blue cities in which there are protesters protesting today.  Right now.  As we (digitally) speak they are protesting away.  And some of them are rioting and looting and burning and destroying and...

Example?  Sure.  Those same "protesters" set fire to the courthouse in Seattle last night.  And the police union headquarters.  And they smashed their way into Amazon and Apple stores.  And relieved them of all their inventory.  And they then mounted a carefully orchestrated assault on the Seattle police.  18 of them were wounded and required hospitalization.  That kind of protest...

The cops can write me a ticket for my lawlessness, if they choose, and I'll show up in court.  And then I'll either get found guilty, and forced to pay a fine or spend a few relaxing days in the Gray Bar Hotel, from which they're steadily releasing hardened felons due to the Chinese Killer Coronavirus (should be pretty empty in there), or be found innocent because the judge was a Republican appointee and actually understood and could read English and was committed to following the Law of the Land.  

And, if I'm found guilty, no doubt at the behest of a Liberal weenie judge, I'd appeal, and win.  And if not, I'd appeal again, and THEN win.  I'd win in the end, no doubt, because the Bill of Rights is absolute.  And any commie pinko puke who decides to separate me from those Rights will pay a price down the road.

Bet on it.

Except we're now faced with a collection of Democrat governors, 22 of them in all, who are happy as a clam over their new-found powers.  Powers over our lives.  Powers they've claimed over where we can go, and when, and with whom, and exactly how long we can stay.  Powers they would never, ever have in a normal, "non-emergent" situation.  And powers that time has proven they do not deserve.  However, their endeavoring to extend such emergency authority past the time it's absolutely proven necessary is the subject of this particular rant.  

A timely example is one Ted Wheeler, the Mayor of Portland, OreGone.  This once-great city has endured 54 straight nights of rioting and looting and burning and anarchy.  The "Antifa" thugs there have terrorized the local populace for months.  They have looted and burned and destroyed local businesses.  They have attempted, so far without success, to burn down the local Federal Courthouse.  And because it's a Federal building, our Government has chosen to protect it from destruction, via Executive Order, as one would expect.  So the DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf sent in a dozen or so CBP swat officers about ten days ago.  And they've stationed themselves between the vandals and the Courthouse they're so dead set on destroying.  And Portland's Mayor is mad about it.  And so is Senator Jeff Merkeley, (D-OR).  They are both on record as saying that the Federal officers are to blame for the violence there.


The looting and pillaging and burning has gone on unabated for 7 weeks now, and its the Federal officers who've been there for a few days who are at fault for the violence.  Hmmmm...

Better yet, the U.S. Attorney for that area has filed a lawsuit against the DHS and Trump and everybody else in an effort to get them to withdraw!  Imagine that!  A Federal attorney, representing us, The People, has been so heavily influenced by the "Dark Side" that he is attempting to help the rioters and looters and anarchists tear down our Federal courthouse.  Specifically, he says our Federal agents are "kidnapping" ordinary citizens and placing them in "unmarked cars" and whisking them away.  That is true, dummy!  Marked police cars have been burned to a toasty crisp of late, so driving them into a war zone isn't a very good idea (actually, there may not be any of them left!).  So they're using ordinary, unmarked rental cars to travel to the courthouse, and then use them to corral and transport the rioting thugs it arrests back to jail.  

Makes perfect sense to me.  But then again, I'm not a commie pinko dumbass liberal anarchist puke.  Or the Mayor of Portland...

Think about that: a U. S. Senator and a U. S. Attorney and an American mayor are blaming Federal law enforcement officers for violence and destruction because they're protecting American property.  Not the "Antifa" criminals or the "Black Lives Matters" looters and arsonists and anarchists who are on record as desiring the overthrow of America that have become an ingrained part of Portland of late, but Federal officers.  Officers tasked with protecting a Federal courthouse.  A courthouse the mayor seems to want destroyed.  So he's ordered them to leave.  But he doesn't have the authority to make them do so.  Thus, we have what's called a "Mexican standoff."  One The People will ultimately win...

A formerly great American city is being deconstructed right before our eyes.  And so is its cousin, Seattle.  And those who were elected to protect and defend them are AWOL...

A quote from British Lord Acton might prove helpful at this juncture:

"Power tends to corrupt; absolute
 power corrupts absolutely."

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