Friday, July 31, 2020

A Gigantic Funnel...

Think of it this way:  Journalism, the news business, is like a gigantic funnel.

Since there are billions of people, it follows that there are billions of events happening every day.  And along with the all the goings on around the world, many of those events occur in America.  Good events, bad events, but a whole lot of events.

And it's the job of our journalistic corps, our vaunted "Fourth Estate," the only job given special preference by the U. S. Constitution, to sort through all these events and decide which deserve to receive reportage.  Events which need to see the light of day to the advantage of the reporters' audiences.  That would be you and me.  At least, that's the way it's supposed to be.

And so our news organizations, the so-called "MainStreamMedia" (MSM), unilaterally decides what of that cornucopia of stuff that just happened around the world which deserves to be reported.  In essence, the MSM operates a "funnel."  It looks at everything, theoretically, and then "cancels out" that which it doesn't believe you need to see and or hear, and then only chooses to report on that which meets its ideological leanings and perspective.  

And its politics.

Did I tell you that 95% of all journalists in the District of Columbia admitted to voting Democrat in 2016?  Admitted to it?  And that number was 92% in 2018?  Could it be that there's an ideological preference in our journalistic corps?  Ummmm, yeah, it would appear so...

Anyway, that's why a CNN or MSNBC, and ABC/CBS/NBC/ NBP/PBS and all but a couple of newspapers choose not to cover the President's news conferences live.  Could it be that they're afraid he might say something that doesn't fit with their narrative, perhaps?  And beliefs?  Could it be that he just might say something that would endear him to a prospective voter?  Ummm, that's another yeah!  

That's how a White cop can be killed by a Black felon, and then "crickets;" not a mention on the MSM.  That's how 80 people can be shot and a dozen killed over any given weekend in Chicago and it doesn't warrant a mention in the MSM.  Not a single mention!  That's how 2,000 or 3,000 "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matter" anarchists can riot and burn and loot in Portland and Seattle and Chicago and Atlanta and NYC the MSM will either congratulate the participants for being "peaceful protesters," or fail to mention it at all.  

And that's how 1,000 cops can be injured, and 18 killed since George Floyd died, without a single mention on the MSM.  Like I said, a funnel.  

That's how the Press Secretary at a White House news conference can be intentionally misquoted by all but two MSM agencies, as happened recently, and when that intentional "error" is brought to their attention, they do nothing to correct it.  Because they don't care.  And their audiences don't seem to care.  Or they're not enlightened enough to care.  Or dare I say it, too vacuous to care.  And the Bottom Line:  They don't have to.  

But the worst part of this scenario is that those who watch nothing but Left-wing MSM channels will never know about the news that those channels refuse to air.  They will never know what they were prevented from knowing, or even hearing about.   

This is how "disinformatia," as the Russians called, and as our MSM is now practicing, so dramatically alters our news gathering and presentation.  If a news organization "leans Left," as the saying goes, that's fine, so long as it's admitted and "owned."  Yet, that's never done; clearly Left-wing MSM channels pretend to be "mainstream" to attract the largest possible audience.  To attract "clicks."  They pretend to be straight down the line, reporting "only the facts."    

Heh, heh.  That's a good one...

If you watch nothing but CNN, or MSNBC, or PBS, or NPR, or the Alphabet broadcast channels, you're not getting all the news.  You're not getting an unbiased peek at what's going on.  You're getting, rather, some Leftist's idea of only that which they believe you should see and hear.  Do you want that?

Did you know that the Associated Press, the self-described provider of all things "news" to independent news channels worldwide, has now decided to capitalize the "B" in Black, for Black people, but not the "W" in White, for White people?  That's because, as they say, the Black folks' history is such that they deserve a capitalized descriptor because of all they've been through (they've been through?), yet White people do not (note:  I've capitalized the "W," and henceforth will).  That's what I'm talking about.  These news organizations are inserting themselves between the news - and you.  They are controlling the funnel.  To your detriment. 

Don't believe me?  The "BLM" thugs, engaged in yet another act of anarchy, set fire to the Oakland, California courthouse this past weekend.  The AP reported it as a "...peaceful protest that intensified."  I guess Pearl Harbor was "Peaceful flying lessons that intensified."  Man, that's torturing English to within an inch of its life...

Do yourselves a favor, fellow Patriots.  Do your homework.  Watch ALL the channels, and then compare and contrast and decide for yourselves what constitutes "the truth."  If you do this, and everybody else does as well, then the socialist-leaning MSM channels that are "funneling" a bunch of ideological, Left-wing pablum your way will be either forced out of business, or to move to the political center, where they used to be, and where they've always belonged.

But I'm not holding my breath...

1 comment:

  1. Breath Chuck you need the air. You just said a mouth full!


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!