Friday, July 24, 2020

The Solution...

I believe I have the solution to our collective "problem."

And that "problem" would be that we have riots and arson and looting and destruction of property unfolding every night across our Great country by "Black Lives Matter" and "Antifa" leadership, and the "MainStreamMedia" is fanning the flames.

And through it all they're loudly calling for our police to be "defunded."  As in, having their budgets slashed, or "redirected" as Joe Biden recommends (same thing), or most likely eliminated entirely.  

Imagine that: several of our biggest, and all Democrat-(mis)led cities, are actively considering, or have already approved, eliminating some or all of their police departments in favor of some sort of "unicorns" and "rainbows" unarmed community response teams.  Presumably, these "teams" would consist of social workers and psychologists and racial harmony advocates and religious advisors, and perhaps some Black activists, just for good measure.  Once again, unarmed, of course.  And they would surely be able to talk some sense into a 6' 2", 230 lb., drunken and meth-addled baby daddy who's just beaten the crap out of his baby momma and is loudly threatening to kill both her and his toddler child, and anyone else who interferes, while brandishing his machete.

Yeah, that oughta' work.  That oughta' work reeeel good!   

And I hear they're planning for these same "teams" to do all the car stops as well.  We know that over half of all the physical altercations involving cops occur as a result of vehicle stops, so I'd suggest these "teams" go to the gym and work out a bit.

Oh yeah, the gyms are all closed.

Well, fellow Patriots, until or unless they figure all that out, I believe I had a better solution.  And here it is...

There are just about 800,000 cops patrolling the cities and highways and byways of America today.  77.1% of them are White, and 13.3% of them are Black.  The remainder are spread throughout the color spectrum, but that doesn't concern us here today.  All we're interested in, it seems, is Black vs. White.  And as they're happy to admit, they, the rioters and looters and vandals and anarchists from "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matter," only, ONLY care about Blacks.  And that's the way they want it.

(NOTE:  The Associated Press just announced it will henceforth capitalize the "B" in "Black," as in the race descriptor, but not the "W" in "White," the other race descriptor.  They say they're doing that because Blacks have been mistreated in the past, yada, yada.  But I, The Chuckmeister, shall henceforth capitalize both.  Because I'm egalitarian, that's why.)

To continue:  Just try saying "All Lives Matter" to anyone associated with this riotous gaggle of humorless thugs and you'll find out what I mean.  They'll beat the stuffing out of you and leave you a bloody mess...

So, instead of constantly being in a tinder box over when the next time a White cop kills a Black guy, and then the ensuing couple of months of rioting/burning/looting/protesting, I suggest we simply fire all the White cops and replace them with Black cops!*  Today!  And that'd be a great idea for 3 solid reasons.  

First, it would remove the excuse that Blacks are a hunted minority once and for all.  It just might make Whites a hunted majority, which I sincerely doubt, but it would certainly free our Black friends from believing they're being hunted night and day.  Even though they aren't.  And weren't.  And it would also remove a major talking point from the CNN/MSNBC/NPR/PBS/ABC/CBS/NBC Clickbait Media echo chamber crowd, which they incessantly bang like a snare drum.

Why?  Because they're a bunch of commie pinko dumbass liberal weenies, that's why.  There.  I said it.  (This IS an opinion piece, may I remind you, and this is MY opinion!).

Second, it would open up some 700,000 jobs for Blacks nationwide.  And I'd suggest we don't make the qualifications for employment too terribly high so we can get those jobs filled right away.  If an applicant is a felon with a conviction or two, or three, no problem.  That will make them more "empathetic" to the perpetrators they meet on the streets.  And it would also remove a talking point from poverty pimps and race hustlers, The Sharpton's and the Jackson's, for example, whose only job is deconstructing America.

Third, it would put 700,000 White folks on the streets, making them unemployed and making our Black friends feel oh so much better about themselves.  And who cares about White unemployment anyway?  They've been the preferred class for so long it will serve them right to be treated as the underclass for awhile.  

The good (bad!) news is that we have some 20,000,000 jobs unfilled at the moment, so our ex-White cops should have no trouble finding alternative employment.     

So, once this change takes place, our cop violence problem should be over (unless November 4th arrives first).  Unless Blacks start killing Whites in inordinate numbers, that is.  But even if they do, there will only be one or two news organizations reporting it.  And even when they do, no one will care, because that doesn't fit the current narrative.    

Remember:  Only White cops killing poor Black felons gets reported by the MainStreamMedia.  Got that?  I knew that you would...

Of course, this would almost certainly result in the creation of scads of private security forces, from the ranks of those fired White cops, to protect those who the new policing format leaves unprotected.  The Hollywood celebritards have used these private cops for years, but I suspect that a whole bunch of new ex-White-cops on the street will almost surely result in more of the same.  

Overnight we'll see teams of armed White militias spring up.  They already exist in small numbers, so they just have to emerge from the shadows.  And those militias will work for those who pay them; Media conglomerates and businesses and mega-churches and political organizations and major corporations and uber-rich magnates and oh so many others will hire them as "protection" from the marauding Antifa and "BLM" throngs, which most likely will be running things, just as they are now.  And those private White "armies" will then be in direct conflict with the-then Black police agencies, which will have to choose just who(m) to fight.  And there could well be gunfights in the streets as a result.

As I've said before, it's Dodge City, baby!  All over again!  Oh how I love the smell of gunsmoke in the morning...

*  I wrote this offering with a truck load of tongue-in-cheek to expose the hypocrisy of the rabid Left (exposing hypocrisy on every level is why God put me here).  Little did I know that Seattle City Council-weenie Lisa Herbold would make my case for me.  She, and the Council majority, just voted to reduce their police department's budget by 50%.  When told that seniority requirements would mean that Black officers would be the first ones furloughed, she made the motion that they just fire all their White cops instead!  And their City Council approved the motion.  Racism isn't racism, it seems, if socialists are practicing it...  

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