Saturday, July 11, 2020

Planned Parenthood.

Everyone knows that the Democrats love Planned Parenthood (PP).

In fact, they love it so very much that they've successfully lobbied for it to receive more than $500 Million Dollars of U.S. taxpayer's money each and every year.  And PP, to show its appreciation, gives around $450 Million of that $500 Million right back to the Democrat National Committee.  Which in turn will give a big chunk of it to the Biden for President campaign.  Pretty slick, doncha' think?

So we know why PP loves Democrats.  But why, besides the money issue of course, do the Democrats love PP?  I mean, PP exists to assist mothers-to-be in "removing" their unwanted mass of protoplasm up to and including the minute of birth.  And in some instances, well after the baby is born...alive!  Up until the 3rd grade, I hear...  

Hundreds of thousands of them each and every year.  Hundreds of thousands of mainly Black babies are aborted each and every year.  Think about that...

Now, without even discussing the religious or moral considerations around this topic, my main question is this:  

Why do the Democrats want
to kill their future voters? 

A few statistics for your reading (dis)pleasure:  Of the 44 million abortions performed since Roe v Wade was passed, more than 19 million of them were Black.  We know that White women are now 5 times less likely to have abortions than are Blacks.  Perhaps that might have something to do with its availability.  And one could reasonably assume that PP is targeting Black citizens, therefore, given that 79% of all their clinics are located within walking distance of our inner cities.

(Yes, my statistics are well researched, and you can take them all to the bank.) 

And let's try this statistic on for size:  More than 400,000 Black babies are now aborted each year.  Considering that 272,071 Blacks died from all causes in 2018, the most recent year for which stats are available, one can reasonably assume that abortion is the leading cause of death for Blacks.   

So, let's us turn our attention to what gets people elected:  We know from the foregoing statistics that PP has killed just about half of the (could have been) Black population in the past three decades.  So instead of about 42 million Blacks in America, there could have been 19 million more.  And given that Blacks are owned and controlled by the Democrat Party, given that at least 85% of them vote Democrat, were they to have all this increased population to order around, Republicans would never win another General Election.

Oh, I'm sorry!  Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned all of this.  Perhaps somebody in the basement of an old building in Cinnsinnnattti, where all of the Democrat decisions are being made each day, and from which their daily "talking points" are puked forth, will wake up and decide it's in their mutual benefit to back up a bit on support of the PP and on the wholesale killing of their future voters. 

But then again, perhaps not... 

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