Wednesday, July 29, 2020

"Systemic Racism"

Systemic Racism:  As per Webster, a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within a society or an organization.  It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, heath care, political power, and education, among other issues.  Systemic racism affects the whole body. 

Or as Lost Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti calls it, "Systemic racism is when racism gets into the systems."  You wonder how cities get into problems?  This is your answer... 

And so, with that as an amuse bouche, I now launch my latest rant:

We're told America has this "systemic racism" ingrained into its very being, as outlined above.  I didn't know we had that, did you?  I'm pretty sure we didn't have it before George Floyd was killed, otherwise we'd have been told about it.  Or "rioted" about it.  Right?  No Floyd, no riots.  No Floyd, no looting, no burning, no anarchy.  Right?  Right? 

We didn't have it when Obama and Biden were running things for 8 entire years.  We must not have had it, otherwise Obama and Biden would have addressed it, and fixed it.  Right?  I don't recall them having said a single word about this subject, do you?  Surely Obama, our famously "half-Black" President, would have fixed systemic racism if we had systemic racism, right?  But we didn't, and they didn't.

And we didn't have it for the first three and one-half years of Donald Trump's presidency, otherwise we'd have heard about it sooner.  Right?  Incessantly, right?  Or the rioting and looting and burning would have started sooner, right?

But we didn't.  And it didn't.  Right?  Right?

Yet, we're being told that America has some sort of deep-seated, ingrained, died-in-the-wool systemic racism that infects you and me and all of us, and for which we need professional help from "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matters" to excise it.  And to apologize for it.  And to pay reparations for it!  And in the meantime, or perhaps until we all "give up," or most likely until the sun comes up on November 4th, legions of their sycophants are busy burning down - destroying - several of our oldest, and "bluest" cities.  

I guess that's their new definition of "urban renewal."  

Now, I'm not sure just who the  "they" are who are telling us all this, or how "they" came to that diagnosis, but I'm here, fellow Pilgrims, to refute that allegation.  I don't recall any race riots during Trump's Presidency.  Or, at least not until the suspiciously convenient killing of a Black felon by a rogue White cop provided the suspiciously timely impetus for such a conflagration to start.

"Everybody ready?  Everything in place?  Okay, here we go..." 
But it did. Floyd died and the riots started.  And they're still underway, night after night, in our oldest and "bluest" cities.  Not Wichita, Kansas, or Rapid City, South Dakota, or Savannah, Georgia, or Platte River Junction, Nebraska.  No siree Bob!  Just Portland and Seattle and Kansas City and New York City and Chicago and 34 other "deep blue" American cities.  Old "blue" cities with nary a Republican Governor or mayor or city council member within a hundred miles.  In any direction.

BTW, despite the fact that you won't see any rioting or looting or burning on CNN, or MSNBC, or NPR/PBS/ABC/CBS/NBC/, or any of the other "Alphabet" channels (It's 'peaceful protesting!'), it's occurring.  And you can find proof of that fact by simply watching channels that actually report all sides of the news.

It's as if we're finally living in failed Democrat POTUS candidate "Breck girl" John Edward's "Two Americas."  The America where people live and love and work and play and pay their taxes, and the America where anarchists loot and burn and riot and tear down statues.  Where black-clad criminals do their best to injure or even kill our police officers.  Where our history is being erased through burning and vandalism right before our eyes.

So I ask you, fellow Pilgrims, in which "America" do you live?  And which America do you want?  Perhaps the answer to that question will tell us whether or not you believe we're beset with "systemic racism."  And if you live in the part of America without it, you're likely mad as Hell at this effort to destroy our Great Country.  

I know I am...   

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