Friday, July 17, 2020

$6.2 Quadrillion...

You're gonna' want to hear about this one...

Those who are of the belief that this whole National Crisis in which we now find ourselves enmeshed would somehow wind down and we'd be back to normal real soon, 


No way Jose!  Or even hose "B."  Heh, heh...

Anyway, a political organization for U. S. mayors has just adopted a resolution in support of reparations for Blacks.  And while the mayors didn't address the cost, one partner study has suggested it could reach...are you ready for it?...$6.2 Quadrillion!!!

That would be 6,200 $Trillion!  

That's, ummm, $6,200,000,000,000,000!  15 zeros!  I think!

That's enough to buy a brand-new Ford Mustang GT convertible, with all the options, for everyone on Earth.  I think. 

And that's without considering the "...costs of colonial slavery as well as racial discrimination following the abolition of slavery in the United States," it adds.  By comparison, the Gross Domestic Product of the entire world for 2019 was about $142 Trillion, making the reparations thus called for about 43 times the total of the world's production for the year!

They made this proclamation with a straight face.  Somehow...

U. S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, (D-TX) and Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), both Black, and both Democrats, and both more than willing to share their opinions, as you've no doubt noticed, have proposed legislation to set up a "Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act."   


Lee said this Commission would recommend "...any form of apology and compensation to begin the long delayed process of atonement for slavery."  Neither Lee nor Booker happened to mention the fact that there are no slaves in America today, nor slave owners, even while slavery is rampant in less-developed parts of the world.  Especially in Africa, I would add.

And neither Lee nor Booker offered up exactly why they chose not to bring this whole thing up while we had a Black President.  For 8 years.

It's been reported that this "Commission" has recommended a payment of at least $151 Million to each descendant of a slave.  

That's enough to buy a brand-new Mustang GT convertible..., oh never mind..

Lee explained that the Study essentially calculates the unpaid hours slaves worked, and a price for massacres and discrimination thrown in, and then adds in interest.  No one offered up just how they calculated how many hours however many people might actually have worked 400+ years ago, or mentions the "massacres" they highlight, or who was affected, or the range of interest rates that just might be charged, and to whom.  

The Study goes on to state, "Whether the full cost of slavery and discrimination should be compensated, or only a portion, and at what interest rate remains to be determined by negotiations between the Federal Government and the descendant community."  It was not mentioned with whom the Feds would negotiate.  And just exactly who is that "descendant community?"  Lee and Booker, perhaps?

The mayors said in their letter to Congress members, "We recognize and support this proposed legislation as a concrete first step in our larger reckoning as a nation, and a next step to guide the actions of both Federal and local leaders who have promised to do better by our Black residents."  

They said their support of the legislation "is not just an endorsement - it is a resolution."  Well then, I guess we have to take it seriously...

The mayors go on to mention that they will work diligently this year on a national platform known as an "American Breakthrough," which will be informed by mayor-led work groups on criminal interconnected challenges: Police Reform and Racial Justice; Guiding the COVID-19 Response and Health Equity; Eliminating Poverty; Dismantling Systemic Racism; and Supporting Equitable Economic Recovery. I wasn't aware mayors had that much authority.

They went on to state that they are committed to doing their role in local government to disrupt systemic racism, "...which inhibits the realization of a nation of liberty, prosperity, and justice for all."

The letter was signed by Greg Fischer, Mayor of Louisville, KY.

"Systemic racism" was not defined by this Commission, or by Lee or Booker.  Nor, I might add, can it be, since, in The Chuckmeister's opinion, it literally does not exist.

The study, by several academics, concluded:  "We argue that the U.S. Government should have paid reparations for enslavement and de jury racial discrimination because the ratification of the 5th Amendment in 1791, Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution, established not only slavery but also the personhood of the enslaved, and the 5th Amendment applies to all persons, they said.  "Had these reparations been paid, they would have had intergenerational wealth implications for African-American descendants living today."

Now then, fellow Pilgrims, there's a whole lot to unpack there.  First, they somehow failed to mention that "40 acres and a mule" was offered to each and every freed slave back then, which cost our young nation an estimated $660 Million in 1865 dollars.  That would equate to more than $6 Billion in today's dollars.  

Nor is the yuuuuge investment we made as a Nation in the "Great Society" Programs of the 1960's and beyond, which have cost us another $6 Trillion Dollars to date. It also suggests that had further reparations been paid to freed slaves, their heirs, down through the centuries, would have invested and saved that money, like good capitalists, thus accruing to the interest of their Black descendants.  That's a pretty far stretch, doncha' think?

It seems they're making progress, by the way, as Asheville, North Carolina just voted to pay reparations to their Black citizens in an effort to atone for the awful stuff they think their forebears must have done to their Black residents way back when.  It should be noted they didn't plan to pay an actual monetary sum, but rather make investments of some sort in an amount to be determined in their Black communities.  I guess that would be those "communities of color" we keep hearing about...  

And if we Americans think, however, they're we're going to get away with paying only $6.2 Quadrillion per this little Plan, we shouldn't put away our checkbook quite yet.  This same study claims that the value of lost freedom to Japanese Americans held in interment camps during World War II could be pegged at $16 Quadrillion!  And that, they say, is without estimating the "...cost of opportunities lost or pain and suffering."  By my calculations that would equate to more than $One Half Billion Dollars for the heirs of each Japanese camp internee.  

I wonder if the Japanese Diet is considering reparations payments to the heirs of American sailors killed via their little sneak attack on Pearl Harbor some 70 years ago?  To include the "...cost of opportunities lost or pain and suffering?"  No?

Wowzer, Batman!  This little Commission has been smoking some damn fine weed!  I'd offer up that it probably quit puffing before it calculated the lost opportunity and pain and suffering for all the Irish immigrants brought here as indentured servants during the potato famine of the late 1800's, my forebears included, which required them to work for not less than 7 years to pay for their passage to America.  Plus, they were treated as 3rd class citizens, kicked and shoved and spat upon.  There were signs in every NYC bar and restaurant stating, "No dogs or Irish allowed!"  That ought to be worth a $Quadrillion or $Two in reparations, doncha' think?  

But I don't much care about this Commission or its findings.  Since I've already expressed to you, my faithful readers, that in an effort to poke a yuuuuge finger in the eye of all the SJW's out there, I "identify" as both Black and gay.  I'll therefore get a nice chunk of those reparations, I'm certain.  And we all know just how much the Democrat Party luuuuvs those who "identify" as something else.  Notice how many boys are winning races in girls track meets?  Notice how there are now three bathrooms in every Target?  Which, by my own reckoning, is the Obama Administration's Number One accomplishment?   

But $151 Million sounds good!  In fact, I'd say that figure should be sweetened a tad to take care of all the dirty looks I get for "identifying" as both Black and gay.  

In conclusion, fellow Patriot, while you and I are fighting a Chinese virus, and an out-of-control MSMedia, and a bunch of crazed academics, and the Hollyweird celebritards, and "Antifa" Marxists, and "Black Lives Matters," and a generation of young Americans who've yet to be taught to have pride in our Great Country and its fine and noble heritage, this gathering of commie pinko weenies has been wasting its time trying to get an "apology" and a pile of money from somebody for something nobody alive has ever done, to nobody alive at the current time...

But that won't stop them from trying...

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