Tuesday, July 7, 2020

"Fortress Chuckmeister"

You'll recall last year I announced that I, The Chuckmeister, was building "Fortress Chuckmeister" here in the Temecula/Murrieta locale (franchises available in your area).

Yes, I, The Chuckmeister, having been born prescient (Edgar Cayce, eat your heart out!) predicted that an effort by Marxist marauding anarchist rampaging revolutionaries to tear down and destroy our Great Country would soon occur.  And in fact, I advised all my friends and family to stock up on firearms and ammunition well in advance of the upcoming melee.  I'm guessing they all thought I was nuts.  But most acquiesced.

And, as you'll now notice, it has occurred...

Buildings are being burned.  Businesses are being looted.  Churches are being vandalized.  Cops are being harassed and injured.  Even killed.  And they are resigning in droves.  Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs are marching through our streets, throwing bricks and bottles of frozen water and baseball bats at our cops.  In short, they are doing everything in their power to destroy America and remanufacture it as a socialist Utopia.  

They've attacked some 38 cities.  So far.  All, you might wish to know, are run by solid Democrat majorities.  In fact, a recent Washington Post article stated that 19 of the top 20 most dangerous American cities are all Democrat-run.  Chicago, as an example, hasn't had a Republican in office since 193246 of California's 54 counties are represented by Democrat legislators.  Not a single one of California's statewide offices is held by a Republican.  Very simply, these Marxist agitators attacked Deep Blue cities because they knew that they'd encounter little, or no, resistance from their commie weenie pinko wussie cowardly governors and mayors.  And they haven't.  

The "CHAZ" or "CHOP" zone in Seattle was all the proof you'll ever need.  

These revolutionaries burned 172 buildings in Minneapolis on the first night of the riots.  A total of more than 1,500 by the time they were finished (MN's governor has petitioned the Federal Government for a $500 Million Dollar gift to help rebuild the City that he and the other Democrats abandoned).  They emptied Macy's NYC Flagship Store.  They burned 38 Lost Angeles cop cars just last week!  They tried to establish one of their little "autonomous zones" directly across the street from the White House!  

Hello!  Is anyone paying attention here?

Annnnd, worst of all, each of these weenie cities are preparing to defund their police?  New York City has already defunded its cops to the tune of $One Billion Dollars.  Lost Angeles has done the same in the amount of $150 Million Dollars.  Think of it: crime is rising alarmingly, so they decide to cut their police budgets.  It looks for all the world like these villages have found their idiots...

So if you think this effort to destroy America is in somebody else's back yard, think again.  They're coming for you!  And me.  For all of us.  They attacked Beverly Hills last weekend, shouting "Eat the rich!"  Which is why, fellow Pilgrim, that I built "Fortress Chuckmeister."  The battlements are placed, the provisions are stored, the moat has been dug and filled, the drawbridge is installed, and all we need is some Patriots to join in the resistance.  

I'm guessing we can accommodate at least 20 Patriots, perhaps a few more, and you could be one of them!  Be sure to bring your personal provisions and a sleeping bag, and, oh yeah, your weapons.  Bring lots and lots of weapons!  No weapons?  That's okay.  We have more than enough!  We'll be nice enough to protect you, even though you decided not to protect yourself (you dummy!).  Your Security Fee will be a little bit higher, but hey, personal safety and security is worth it, right?

Recall that lawyer and his wife in St. Louis whose home was attacked by armed, rampaging Antifa/BLM mobs a week ago?  He called the cops.  No cops came.  He was forced to resort to using his own firearms cache to keep he and his wife from being killed.  And the so-called "MainStreamMedia," a collection of rabid Leftists, named him, a Democrat and BLM supporter, "The new face of White Supremacy" for "brandishing" guns at "innocent protesters."  Protesters who, by the way, threatened to not only murder him and his wife, but also disembowel his dog.  So now defending oneself is no longer acceptable to commie group-think.  

Remember what Founding Father (and non-slave owner) Benjamin Franklin once said:  

"Those willing to trade a little security
for a little liberty, deserve neither
security nor liberty." 

So if you're afraid that these commie pinko Leftist dumbass Marxist rebels are coming for you, why not come with us?  I guarantee we'll be among the very last ones "eaten."  The cost is reasonable and the conversation is spirited.  It may get noisy around here, but we'll be the ones making the noise!  Remember, first come, first served!  

"Fortress Chuckmeister" awaits...  

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