Sunday, July 5, 2020

"Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!"

You'll be interested to know that that NBA just announced that all of their courts will have "Black Lives Matters" emblazoned on them for every game of the much-shortened, upcoming 2020 basketball season.

That's interesting, don't you think?  But let us take a little look at the racial makeup of the NBA and whether or not this outfit is as socially responsible as it's letting on.  

74.4% of all basketball players for the 2020 season are Black.  And 23.3% are White.  Those percentages are roughly similar, inversely, to the current racial makeup of our Great Country.  That means, it seems to me, that White people are quite obviously in the minority in the NBA.  

Sort of like Black people are in the minority in America.  And I'm in the minority in California...  

And Black people are now protesting their treatment all across our fruited plain.  It seems that Black people think they're being mistreated by Whites in today's America.  Or at least, that's what poverty pimps like Rev. Al Sharpton are telling them, and us.  They didn't think that 2 months ago, or if they did, they weren't protesting about it.  Only after the George Floyd killing did they decide to start protesting (or perhaps somebody else pulling the strings decided it for them, and they're responding like trained seals).  And then a significant percentage of Blacks also decided to riot, and to burn, and to pillage, and to plunder, and to wound, and maim, and even kill.  And to engage in a level of anarchy not seen in America since at least the 1960's, and perhaps never seen before.  

So being in the minority, I gather, means that one may protest if one feels they're being mistreated.  Or undermined.  Or underpaid.  Or underutilized.  Or disrespected.  Or any other perceived slight, real or imagined, that they may (or may not!) have been forced to endure. 

So follow the bouncing ball here, folks.  If Blacks can protest for better treatment, or anything else, because they're in the minority, then it seems to me that minority Whites can protest the NBA if they believe they're being mistreated as well.  And if the NBA folds like a cheap suit when the Blacks protest, as its capitulation regarding the "Black Lives Matter" slogan plastered all over the place has so indelibly - and shamefully - shown, then just a little bit of protesting by the White players should accomplish equal success, don't you think?

Unless they're only partial to Blacks, of course.  

I'm thinking maybe a gigantic slogan saying "All Lives Matter" should be painted on the walls of every arena.  After all, all lives DO matter, now don't they?  And maybe a few "Blue Lives Matter" slogans for our law enforcement friends painted right next to the "BLM" slogans should add to the social justice warrioring quite a bit.  But perhaps most important would be some neon signs hung just below those nice "BLM" ones stating, "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!" Remember that one?  That should serve to remind us all of "BLM's" famous marching chant they've so often employed.  They repeated it so often, I'm sure they're proud of it.  Oh yeah, and the White players' jerseys should each show pictures of murdered cops.  Yeah, murdered cops!  That's the ticket!

As they say, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.  And in this case, what's good for Blacks should be good for Whites, right?  That's called "equality," right?  And equality is what they're both fighting for, right?  If Blacks get to splash Marxist-inspired, anti-police, anti-capitalist, anti-Jewish, anti-nuclear family, pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQMZX "Black Lives Matter" slogans all over the place, then Whites should get to pick their favorite social memes and do exactly the same thing, right?  Right?  

And what if they don't get what they want?  

Well there, Pilgrim, what, indeed?  What if the NBA tells the White players to pound sand?  What if the NBA Commissioner just blows them off?  Well then, it seems to me that the White players should all get together and boycott the games.  And invite legions of their admirers to march and protest and display all sorts of signs and placards and banners.  And if that doesn't work, just set fire to a stadium or two!  And loot the Commissioner's house!  And burn down all the Black players' Bentleys and Porches and Rolls-Royces!  

That's called "protesting" now, right?  That's A-Okay in today's America, right?  It doesn't even spread the Chinese Wuhan Killer Coronavirus, we're told.  And the NBA says "protesting" is just fine.  Nothing to see here, just move along...

I'm guessing this little plan should work out perfectly.  And even if the NBA fires all the White players and replaces them with Black players (which should take oh, about 45 minutes), they could file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  And the FBI.  And the DOJ.  And the NSA, and the CIA and the NAACP.  And Alphonso Sharpton.  And Oprah Winfrey.  And then call in Billy Graham to do a little press conference.  Am I hitting a nerve here, folks?

I sure as Hell hope so...

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