Friday, October 30, 2020

A Philosophical Question...

Not to get all philosophical on you here, but I have a question.  A question as serious as a heart attack.  I'm wondering if Donald J. Trump's surprising ascent to the Presidency back in 2016 served to just slow America's inexorable slide into socialism, or to speed its adherence because of the irrational hatred held for Trump by so many on the Left.  The very Hard Left... 

And maybe not just a hatred for Trump.  Maybe for all of those who Trump represents.  Those who put him in office.  Those for whom the Democrats and the Progressives and the Liberals and the socialists and the Marxists and the communists and college and university professors and union bosses and 95% (by their own admission) of all the journalists in America, and those enormous Media complexes for whom they work, and seemingly every retired member of the FBI and the NSA and the CIA, and the and all but a couple of lawyers, hate the very ground Trump strides upon.  Perhaps these people have moved up their timetable for the complete and total takeover of America now that an outsider, a businessman, a reality show star, for God sake!...can come in through the back door and steal their Presidency from their clammy grasp!   

I mean, Holy Crap!  It was Hillary's to lose, right!

As anyone who watches the news is aware, America has been slip-sliding toward socialism for decades.  Ever since Woodrow Wilson forced the adoption of so many Progressive laws back in the early 1900's, America has been on the Watch List for Progressivism.  Oh, we're not there yet, but Progressive politicians have been enacting Liberal-leaning laws for a long time.  And Liberal judges, appointed by those same Liberal lawmakers, have been rubber-stamping those self-same Liberal laws when push-back against them is received by the courts.    

Example?  Sure.  Roe v. Wade, whatever you think of it, made abortion legal and widely available.  The Supreme Court, led by its majority Liberal-appointed members back then, somehow found a "Right" to abortion hiding in the "Right" to "privacy."  Now, you might be surprised to know that the word "abortion" appears nowhere in the Constitution (I somehow cannot imagine Franklin and Jefferson and Madison sitting around and talking about when a heartbeat first occurs).  Yet, the Supremes found it in there, skulking around, peeking around the corner, and passed a law enshrining it that's yet to be overturned.  A law that due to stare decisis * is almost certain to never be overturned.  And that's regardless of the raging hissy fits thrown by the pro-abortion crowd during the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation.

Now, I'm not advocating abortion, or waving a banner against it.  Certainly not.  I would never do that.  That's not my role here.  I'm just here to shine a light on hypocrisy, a commodity in massive oversupply in Washington, D. C.  My example was just that a judge who wishes to find a reason to be for or against a law will surely find it without too much trouble.  They have for centuries, and they'll continue to do so.  And this pattern of judicial overreach has indelibly assisted in putting the Country on a pathway that, if exploited by the Progressives, could easily lead to a Venezuela-style implosion...

(NOTE:  Venezuela was among the world's Top Ten richest and most powerful countries a century ago.  And then it started electing Progressive Leftists.  And those Leftists turned into dictators.  And now its citizens are eating their zoo animals...)  

Ronald Reagan was our last Conservative President.  Republican Presidents after Reagan have been Republican-lite.  Oh, they come to Washington promising to restore America's virtues and values, and fix the national debt and yada yada yada, but they've never really delivered, have they?  At most they just help to keep the Democrats, and their excesses, from ruining things.  In essence, they've been fairly good at keeping the Visigoths from the Gates.  So relative periods of calm and peace and prosperity interspersed by a Carter or a Johnson or an Obama.  

But now?  Those Progressives, backed by a cadre of Big Tech and hedge fund and Silicon Valley $Billionaires have learned their lesson; they allowed Trump in through a crack in the ceiling, and they're not going to permit that to happen again.  Little Mikey Bloomberg, for example, the world's 17th richest person, has just forked over another $100 Million Dollars to help the Democrats crush Trump in Florida.  In Florida, for God's sake!  $100 Million Dollars!  Like I said, Trump's Presidency may well have awaked all the Forces of Darkness, and they're Dead Set of making sure there will be no future Trumps...

"Stare decisis" is Latin for "it's been around so long people have begun to rely upon it.  And thus, we can't just jerk it out from under them."  Thank God they didn't pass a law making it mandatory for people to buy health insurance!  That would be unconstitutional (Heh, heh)!  Unless, of course, we had a Chief Justice like John Roberts who was trying to make sure he continued receiving those coveted invitations to Friday night D. C. cocktail parties...

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