Sunday, November 1, 2020

What the Future Might Hold...

       The Chuckmeister's Election Special:

                               The First of Two Parts:*

I got to thinking the other day, as I often do (thinking doesn't burn calories!), of what the hours and days and weeks might look like after the upcoming General Election comes and goes, for us, the exhausted American people.  And these are my thoughts...

I dunno' about you, but I'm more than ready for this whole thing to be over.  And if we're to believe the polls, all of them, then Biden/Harris is a shoo-in to win, and The Donald will be shown the door come November 4th.  It seems their strategy was to just wear us all out.  The Democrats are trying their best to make so much noise and cause such a ruckus, aided by those "Biden voters" the "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matters" and "Proud Boys" boys, trying to burn down some of our biggest cities, that we'll vote Trump out of office just to regain a modicum of peace and quiet.

They think we'll sell our collective souls for a little of that "peace and quiet" elixir.  Will we?  

And Republicans are trying their best to save America from a hostile takeover by a Marxist theology.  A worthy quest, to be sure.  Those wishing to "conserve" our way of life (that's why they're called Conservatives, doncha' know), and those wishing to "progress" beyond freedom and toward "it takes a village," henceforth called "Progressives."  There will be a lot of fingernail biting between now and then.  But once "then" comes and goes, and we're viewing it through our rear view mirrors, I have some predictions.  And they're based upon the supposition that Joe Biden just might win come November 3rd.  Yes, Trump voters, it just might happen.  And here are some of my thoughts should such an event occur.  Read them with trepidation:

     After the champagne has flowed and the hangovers cured, the Democrats will get down to the business of deconstructing America.  They will first vote out the filibuster and vote to pack the Supreme Court.  They'll put into motion the steps  necessary to get rid of the Electoral College.  No more will an interloper like Trump be permitted to swoop in and steal the Presidency from their worthy Democrat grasp.  They'll put as many hard-core Progressive justices on the Supreme Court as it takes to assume total and complete legislative control of all its decision-making.  The Democrats will have thus turned the Supreme Court into a new, just slightly smaller, legislative body; one with fewer members, but one guaranteed to vote with the Liberal majority every. single. time.

     It will mark the end of the Republican Party.  Trump successfully took complete control of it in the years since his 2016 election, and thus his defeat at the ballot box will mean the death of the Republican platform.  No Trump, no Party.  And following the efforts of Democrats to delegitimize Republicanism on every level, aided by our Big Tech oligarchy in Silicon Valley, and the entire entertainment establishment, and our once-legitimate "Corrupt Legacy Media," its support will dwindle over the coming years and America will become a one-party state.  Just look at California if you'd like a peek at what America might look like...

     The Democrats will make states out of American Samoa and Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.  This will give the Democrats six new senators, thus taking majority control of this august old body.  With the House of Representatives in the control of the Democrats, this will now give them the United States Senate as well.  And with the Presidency they can - and will - approve any legislation they might desire, no matter how stupid or inane.  Just look at Taxifornia if you'd like an idea as just how this might look...  

     Every single gun will be purchased off the shelves at every single gun store, and every single box of ammunition of every single caliber, within days of the dust settling on this upcoming election.  Knowing that Biden/Harris have promised to come for our firearms (she's on record as giving the Congress 100 days to repeal it, or she'll issue an (unconstitutional) Executive Order, and just read his website if you didn't know Joe wants to confiscate our firearms!), we will do what proves necessary to make sure that job is made as difficult as possible.  And since the Federal Government does not know who owns what firearm (our current NICS System background check system does not call for a permanent register of guns purchased), Biden and his sycophants won't know who's got those dratted "assault weapons" he's so "triggered" by.  Even so, Biden/Harris will do their best to find them.  They will be unsuccessful.  We will make sure of it.

     You think there were militias before?  Whoa, Nellie!  There will be militias form all across the Fruited Plain and prepare for the upcoming hostilities.  What hostilities, you might ask?  The hostilities which are sure to break out between the policing forces soon-to-be controlled by the Leftist authorities, and the resistance, made up of ordinary citizens, like you and me, which is sure to build against it.  Will it break out?  Will there be a Civil War, Part Deux?  Too soon to know.  But I'm betting a qualified "yes." 

     -   Big Blue cities will continue their quest to defund their police forces, and even eliminate them entirely in certain far-Left precincts (NYC has already defunded its cops by $1.5 Billion, or one-sixth of the total budget, and L.A. has cut its police budget by $150 Million).  This will of course be met with increased crime, which may well be answered by increased citizen response.  Those cities, like Minneapolis and Milwaukee and Chicago, which choose to send along a social worker to help the cops talk down a 230 pound drunken crack addict who's just beat the crap out of his 110 pound girlfriend, may regret such a decision...

     One of the really good things about November 4th, the "Day After," is that the mass hysteria over the Chinese Killer Coronavirus will be at an end.  As if by magic, the scourge of the Killer Virus will have faded from the pages of your local news source and never be mentioned again.  No more worries about getting infected if you go outside, and then dropping like a rock, as the Corrupt State Media has hippppmotizzzed America into believing.  Vote yourself into socialism and viruses magically go away...      

     - The National Basketball Association will move its headquarters to Beijing, China.  Having sold its soul to China some years back (more than half its current revenue, some $500 Million, comes from China!), this move will further cement the new and open friendship between the ignorant, foolhardy 7 foot jocks who dunk basketballs and the Chinese Communist Party.  I predict LeBron James will be elected its Vice Premier...

     Oh yeah, and another good thing is that you'll never hear of Russia again.  They will cease to be an evil country and go back to just being another country.  Since there's no further reason to falsely sully the name of a sovereign country, the Democrats will signal their Media Arm to drop all further mentions of Russia.  Or Ukraine, for that matter.  

     N.Y. Dem. Senator Fidel Schiff will trigger an indictment against Donald J. Trump.  He'll have a warrant issued for his arrest for who knows what and have to flee the country, most likely to Scotland.  His sons and daughters and aunts and uncles and cousins out through 4th will be arrested, tried and found guilty of, ummm, being associated with Trump, maybe.  It will be a purge unseen since King Charles VI eradicated the Knights Templars from France on Friday, the 13th, 1307.  Most likely they will be offered an opportunity to submit to attendance at a reeducation camp for an undetermined period to get their "mind's right" in lieu of a stiff prison sentence.  

Are you picking up what I'm putting down? 

     Plan on getting hungry after Election Day?  If so, we'll likely be left with only about 50% of our previous restaurants.  The others will be empty shells in strip malls across America.  And their owners will be unemployed and a burden to the remaining taxpayers.  And the strip mall owners will go bankrupt as well, since nobody will be paying their mortgages.  And all of this could have been avoided had Pelosi not held out for her $3.3 Trillion Dollar "HEROES" legislative package.  Which, if you didn't know, was to have paid for a $1 Trillion Dollar bail-out of the debt racked up by Democrat-run cities over the past few decades.  To be paid for by the rest of us who didn't spend like drunken sailors (with apologies to drunken sailors).  None of which, BTW, has anything to do with combating the Chinese Killer Coronavirus.  But that didn't stop them.  They didn't care.  They won't care.  All they saw was a "crisis," as a "crisis" should not go to waste...  

     Republicans will convert their investments into cash and bonds and hard assets, thus protecting them from the promised efforts by the new socialist Biden/Harris Administration to come for them via increased and onerous taxation.  Just like it was under Jimmuh Carter, new and innovative tax dodges will be created to hide income from these vultures.  Their efforts to tax their way to our prosperity will result in a major recession, and perhaps a full-bore depression.  And they'll do so in spite of the fact that such socialistic endeavors have never worked in the entire history of mankind (see Venezuela for the most recent example).  As has been noted, doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

     And perhaps the very best that could happen for the "glass is half-full" folks out there, is that they'll never hear the term "Fake News" again.  No, they definitely will not.  The reason is that the upcoming election will bring an eradication of all right-leaning news sources, meaning that all news flowing to the masses thereafter...will be absolute "truth."  And we know that's true because there will be no one or no thing to refute it.  All "news" after November 3rd will be "Corrupt State Media" news.  Just the Pablum they'll feed you.  No more wrangling back and forth over every issue.  No more "us vs. them."  All of a sudden life will be boring.  And controlled by rabid socialists...

     And last, but far from least, within a few weeks of Biden/Harris having been sworn in, Mr. Biden will somehow develop a "medical" problem preventing him from performing his duties, thus necessitating the use of the 25th Amendment.  That little Constitutional measure exists to forcibly remove a President who is judged no longer capable of fulfilling his Constitutional duties.  Biden will then be driven home to his oceanfront Maryland compound to enjoy his ill-gotten wealth, and Kamala Harris will become our 47th President.  And thus, the very most Liberal candidate in all of American history will have been "installed" into the White House without the votes of, or the desire of, the American people.  

Do you see how this could happen?  As the guy once said, "Be afraid.  Be very afraid..."  

Will these predictions come true?  I don't know.  I sure as Hell hope not.  Especially for my kids, and their kids.  But your vote on Election Day might be the one to help keep it from happening... 

Oh yeah, and BTW, if the Democrats' efforts to fully subsume and remanufacture America are unsuccessful, it will still be Trump's fault...

Part Two will magically appear in your in-box on Election Day Morning...

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