Monday, November 30, 2020

"New Red America"

Did you know you own the air above your house?  Well, actually only the airspace you can reasonably use.  The rest "belongs" to the FAA.  That's the Federal Aeronautics Administration.  They control air travel.  And they "own" such air as is necessary for planes to fly around above our heads, all hither and yon.  And that's because our states have ceded such authority to the FAA, by way of the Federal Government, for it to accomplish this effort.  Or at least they have until now...

Did you ever wonder what might happen if a state decided to withdraw such permission?  What if a bunch of states decided to do that?  All together?  Such as all the states that decided to vote for "Red" candidates in the most recent General Election?  Which is all the states in the middle of the Country?  How interesting.  Especially because I just took a good hard look at our "New Map..."  

That's the one that's resulted from our most recent Election.  The one that appears to show that all of the states in the West, and all of the states in New England and the Mid-Atlantic area voted for Biden and the Democrat Party.  

Turns out they are called "Coastal Elites" for a reason.  In other words, the Election that left all of the states in the Middle of America a beautiful Solid Red.  In short, our New Map shows America as having divided itself along political lines; Coastal Elites on either side, Flag-Waving 'Muricans in the middle.  

Sort of like a sandwich made with moldy bread.

To that I'd add the results of a recent national poll.  It reflected that fully 78% of Republican voters believe the Election was stolen from them.  It shows that 3 out of 4 Trump voters believe they were screwed!  And, considering that 74 million people voted for him, that means nearly 40% of America is Pissed Off!  They're mad as Hell and they're not gonna' take it anymore!"

Well, fellow Pilgrims, I have an idea how they can get some of that dreaded "payback."  I propose that the "Red" states join together into a new "Conservative Coalition."  A "union" of sovereign individual states, banded together for safety and security.  Like they did under the 10th Amendment.  Which isn't working for them so well anymore.

States that could not only require a passport to enter, but official permission for a "flyover."  In other words, a state owns the air above itself; it could therefore decide to withhold the right of "flyover" to any plane it chooses.  And that plane could belong to...gulp!...the United.  States.  of.  America!    

Remember that pesky 10th Amendment I just mentioned?  The last one in the Bill of Rights?  The one that states that the only Rights ceded to the Federal Government by the states are those specifically enumerated by those states?  Meaning not ceded, not granted?  And that could, and I emphasize COULD, include the Right to enter or travel within a particular state's airspace.  And if that Right is specifically withheld, especially if it also contains a threat, then an airplane would have to choose an alternate route of travel so as to avoid a potential legal jam.  Or...gulp again!...getting shot down!  By a member of the "New Red America" air force.  And you might recall there's about 40 Air Force bases in New Red America.  And if all the states were to so choose, then an airplane attempting to travel from LAX to NYC, for example, would have to fly via Canada or Mexico to achieve its destination.  A 2,600 mile flight it could quickly become a 6,000 mile flight.  Made necessary to avoid some of that, ummm, conflict.  Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

Do you think those pickup-driving, flag-waving, beer-swilling, hot dog- and freedom-loving 'Muricans would shoot down a flight illegally entering their airspace?  A flight coming from the place that just screwed them out of an Election?  From a place that's trying to legislate their speech and their morality and their religion and their freedom?  I'm thinking that yes, they would.  With glee!  That thought just might cause airlines operating from Coastal/East Coast Elite airports to think a time or two before takeoff, right?

Orrrrr, New Red America could accept something in value in exchange for the Right of Free Travel across its airspace.  No longer having the White House, perhaps New Red America could use the threat of force to exact legislative accomplishments.  Maybe they could cause TV stations to cease carrying the signals of Coastal networks.  And maybe they could censor the print media within their borders.  And the social media companies, too.  And maybe they could build some of those "beautiful walls" which Trump made so popular.  Walls separating New Red America from the states on either side.  Big walls.  Walls big enough to keep out those who choose to live in either Coastal area.  

Especially folks like San Fran Nan Pelosi.  

Maybe it's just time to realize that the Coastal types do not, and will not, ever agree with us about God and guns and religion and Gummint and abortion and taxes and freedom.  Maybe they're just A-okay with having people take away their freedoms, one at a time, little by little, like that proverbial frog in a pot of lukewarm water...just waiting for the heat to be turned up.  To boiling.  But those in the middle of the Country are not among those folks.  

And never will be...

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