Thursday, November 19, 2020

A Word to the Wise...

I remember indelibly the day Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States.

Like it was yesterday.  No, this morning.  Twenty minutes ago...

As an inveterate entrepreneur, businessman, news watcher and history buff (and also someone who will be "identifying" as Black if reparations are embraced by the incoming Administration), I'd followed Barack Hussein Obama's meteoric career since he ran for the Illinois State Senate way back in the early 2000's.  As such, I knew that he was a hardened socialist delivered in a pleasing-to-some, traditional Democrat Party wrapper.  I knew he'd been groomed by dedicated, hardened socialists (Frank Marshall?  George Soros?), dead-set on overthrowing our capitalist system, and was ready to unleash his substantial "gifts" upon America.  And I knew he was on record as saying if he ever got the chance he'd eliminate the 2nd Amendment and our rights to firearm ownership.  

Look it up.  The video's on YouTube...

I therefore actively supported Mitt Romney back then even though I was not, and am not, a Romney fan.  Romney's a Milquetoast-ian squish who gives me the creeps, but he was better than an inveterate liar and socialist schemer.  Sort of like people voted for Trump because they didn't like Hil(liar)y.  They didn't like her a whole lot.  Same thing.

Like the man said, "My enemy's my friend."

Anyway, I was crestfallen.  Downtrodden.  Angry.  Depressed.  Pissed off.  Near suicidal.  And so was about half the Country.  Sort of like now.  About half of us voted for Romney, hoping - praying - that Obama would lose.  They didn't get their wish.  Or prayer.  And so they had a choice.  We all had a choice: "Option One:"  go on with our lives, keeping our heads down, hoping for the best, girding our loins for the worst; or "Option Two:" taking it to the streets, rioting, looting, burning, stealing, breaking things, hurting people and setting fires.  

Actually, there was no "Option Two" for us.*  We Republicans and Conservatives have never done that and would never do that.  We don't burn down our homes and businesses.  So we chose the former.  To America's benefit.**

Now?  Because Trump won the General Election in 2016, some of the half of the Country that voted against him chose "Option 2."  We now know that Clinton hired a former British spy to create a bogus dossier in an effort to create a fake Russian collusion rumor against Trump.  She did this so she could sidestep responsibility for having a non-Government computer server, and destroying some 33,000 Government-owned emails she was under a Congressional subpoena to deliver, for which she remains legally culpable.  This is all true, BTW.  And to also try and destroy first Trump's candidacy, and then his Presidency.

Sort of like now. 

And recently released data indicates that both Obama and Biden were not only aware of this nefarious scheme, but approved it.  Yes they did.  And because the so-called "MainStreamMedia" manages to keep the truth from an enormous percentage of our unenlightened population, through never before seen censorship, this little "secret" remains so.

The Democrat National Committee, and our "MSM," helped try and elect Clinton.  And the Democrats have done everything in their power, aided by their lap dog Media-types, to include impeaching him, in an effort to mount a coup.  A way of forcing Trump from office.  Sort of like now.

And when that didn't work, and as we headed into the next General Election, some of those same Biden's Voters, to include "Antifa," and "Black Lives Matters," started setting fire to 48 Democrat-led cities and counties throughout America.  They looted, and burned, and destroyed businesses, and government buildings, and churches, and statues everywhere.  And they hurt and killed cops.  And they are continuing to do so as this is written...

So when we Republican and Conservative voters lost to Obama, we went on home and licked our wounds.  Through bitter tears we hoped, "Better luck next time."

But when Democrat and socialist and Marxist and communist voters lost, they decided to try and destroy America.  And keep on trying to destroy it unless and until either Trump left office, or Biden won.  And in that case, even, there's no reason at all to suspect they might stop; they like breaking things and hurting people!  That's because they're anarchists!  We know that.  You know that.  THEY know that...

Apparently the only ones who don't know that are the limp-wristed, bed-wetting, blow-dried, nearly hysterical talking heads on the Left-wing TV channels (which is to say most TV channels).  They keep trying to lie to us about the level and degree of rioting.  They hope we won't notice.  They hope we won't notice that Portland is on fire.  And Seattle.  And Rochester, Minnesota.  What a bunch of commie pukes!

So I, The Chuckmeister, am ready to sign off.  With this message:  I'm not worried about "Biden Voters" and their efforts to destroy America.  And I'm not worried about "Trump Voters" and whether they'll accept the (certified) results of this Election.  So long as it's legal, and can be proven so, Trump Voters will, just like always, accept the results and go on home.  Back to the pharmacy, or the convenience store, or the Chevy dealership, or the lumberyard.  Just like they have after every single election that's preceded it for more than 240 years. 

But if attempts to steal this Election through bogus ballots, and ballot harvesting, and ballot stuffing are permitted to continue, unabated, I'm of the opinion that the 74,000,000 folks who voted for The Donald will not accept the results.  Never.  And it won't be very long before the Patriots who have been waiting in the wings decide to band together and take to the streets.  For the very first time since 1775.  And when that happens, to the twenty-something White kids who are trying to escape boredom by destroying stuff, you'd best go on home to your momma's  basement.  Go now.  It's gonna' get reeel,  reeeeel soon...

*    A great friend, Geoff West, helped me through my own personal angst and agony back then by suggesting I start a blog.  Thanks Geoff!  You, fellow Pilgrims, are witnessing the results of that suggestion...

**   We adhere to that old admonition, "You don't sh*t where you eat."

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