Wednesday, November 25, 2020


You know who I feel sorry for?  The so-called "MainStreamMedia," that's who.

Those poor schlubs have been doing "Orange Man Bad" non-stop, 24/7 for nigh on to five years now.  Nothing else.  Just Trump Bad.  All day.  All night.  For Five. Full. Years.  

First, Trump was a Russian spy.  Incredulously, they seemed to believe that they could make America believe that Donald J. Trump, (in)famous raconteur, man-about-town, philanderer, builder of hotels, golf courses, casinos and brands, reality TV star and dedicated Democrat for more than 40 years, was a - gulp! - Russian spy!  In the pocket of Putin, they said.  Yeah, sure.  

The ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC/PBS/NPR blow-dried, bed-wetting crowd hippppmotizzzed themselves into believing that Trump could not possibly have won in 2016, against deeply-flawed, universally despised, inveterate liar and screaming harpy Hillary Clinton, without Russian assistance.  Or assistance from SOMEbody!  No way he could have convinced America to vote for him against a proven liar with a voice like fingernails on a blackboard without Vladamir's help.  No way...

So they built their entire daily programming around and against Trump.  Everything they did was designed to turn America against him, and everyone who represented him.  And everyone who might vote for him.  And business was good.  Their ratings were stupendous, and their ad revenue soared.  

But then, lightning stuck.  The Mueller Report exonerated Trump.  Mueller spent two and one-half years and $40 Million of our tax dollars an effort to run Trump out of office.  He was unsuccessful.  So the "MSM" then had a hard decision to face; apologize to their audiences for having lied to them for 3+ years, and promise to do better in the future, or just keep on shoveling out the lies and the bullshi*t to their believe-anything audiences.  

They chose the latter.

And then it was impeachment time!  The "MSM" slavishly reported on the trial as it unfolded.  Every day brought another breathless accounting of just how mean and nasty Trump really is.  Months were wasted as they scorched Trump all day every day.  For a phone call!  To Ukraine, of all things!  You may recall that a Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic was raging outside the Capitol Dome, yet the Congress - with the help from their friends in the "MSM" - preferred to spend their time on destroying Trump.  On running him out of town on a rail.  Perhaps they were all worried he might win reelection so they had to dirty him up a little...

How prescient of them...

But now, the Election is over.  It seems that our Orange Man has been defeated by a scrawny old coot who's biggest challenge may now well be dodging Karmela's efforts to unseat him.  So while Biden putters around the Rose Garden, looking over his shoulder continuously, the "MSM" will be busying itself in an effort to try and find somebody else to blame...for everything.  But I predict that for the next several months, at least, no matter what happens, it will still be Trump's fault.  Pay attention.  You will learn.  It Will Still Be Trump's Fault! 

NoKo no longer making nice?  Trump's fault.

Manufacturers heading on back to China?  Trump's fault.

Black-clad "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matter" hellions still burning and looting?  Trump's fault.

The "rich" still unwilling to pay their "fair share?"  Trump's fault.

Fearful folks still buying guns in droves?"  Trump's fault.

Unemployment rate heading skyward?  Trump's fault.

Virus still uncontained?  Trump's fault.  

Iran not universally disarming?  Trump's fault.  

Israel still building settlements in the Golan?  Trump's fault.  

Climate still "changing?"  Trump's fault.

Everything even remotely negative, all Trump's fault.  You get the idea...

But while the "MSM" and the raging harpies who've been nipping at Trump's heels waste their time in such a futile effort, I predict Trump will be working overtime to try and put a hole in their collective boats.  And whether or not he ultimately wins this particular contest, and it just might be best for the Democrats if he did, he will still be a turd in their punchbowls for the foreseeable future.  But while they're still doing their best to blame him for everything, including all of Biden's screwups, he'll be hiding in the bushes just waiting for any chance to throw rocks at them.  With nothing... stop him.  And more than 74 Million Angry Voters still believing that this Election was stolen from them.  And they are the ones will all the guns... 

And you and I and everybody else will be able to sit back and watch it unfold.  And it will be glorious.  And pay attention here Netflix, it will all be free! 

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