Monday, November 23, 2020

So Here's The Plan...

You've heard by now that the governors of several states, and a few mayors, and a bunch of city council members, and perhaps a Forest Ranger or two, have arbitrarily - and some would say unconstitutionally - decided to try and limit the number of guests their citizens may invite to Thanksgiving Day Dinner.

Ummmm, what?  Is nothing sacred anymore?  Limiting the number of guests to T-Day Dinner?  Our most family-important holiday?  One governor even ordered family members in excess of six not to attend the festivities.  And our Boy Guv, Gavin Newsom, famous frequenter of the tony French Laundry restaurant, has even ordered us, his peons, not only to wear masks indoors and to the dinner table, but to replace those masks between bites.

Can you say "dumbass?"

Seems to me these are the same sort of busybody troublemakers who wind up on your HOA board and try and fine you for having bushes too high or flying the American Flag.

Has there been any directives yet on how we should wipe our collective arses and the number of sheets of toilet paper we may use?  Just asking...

I dunno' about you, but I don't cotton to people telling me what to do.  Especially when they have no right to do so.  Americans are like that.  I'm like that.  We enjoying being free, and we get our hackles all up when some bozo decides to try and invade our privacy and order us around.  Not a good idea.  And the Governor of the once-Golden State of California has no right to tell me, or anyone, how many folks I can invite to dinner.  Any dinner.  Anytime.  Ever.  Got it?  Okay.

We are adults, Boy Guv.  Stay out of our business and leave us alone.  And while you're at it, you might wish to review a copy of the 1st Amendment.  Especially the part about guaranteeing "...the right of the people to peacefully assemble."

So.  Here's my suggested plan in the event there's an errant policeman or highway patrolman or HOA board member or two who's ordered to your house to arrest you for over-serving.  If you see them coming to your front door to investigate, and count guests, and collect the bird and the side dishes and the dinnerware, so as to write you up for violating the law (Oregon's Guv Kate Brown declared up to a $1,250 fine and a year in jail!), I suggest you turn the tables on them.  A couple of your designated guests sneak out the back door, go around the house, and proceed to set fire to their patrol cars.  It's not hard, really.  Just pour a little kerosene on the roof and hood and trunk and light the match.  They will go up in a glorious, civil disobedience-sort of way.  And when the coppers run out the front door screaming at you, just hold up your pre-made signs.  Tell them it's a protest against our ham-handed, authoritarian gummint and it'll all be okay.

If you have any problems with this, just ask any "Black Lives Matters" follower and they'll show you how to burn down police cars.  They're really good at it...

So when the gendarmes try and arrest you, just tell them that yours is the very same sort of protest that's permitted legions of black-clad goons to burn down cities for months.  And loot, and pillage, and plunder, and hurt cops.  And cause $Billions of Dollars of damage.  And for which not a Goddammed thing has happened.  Not a criminal found guilty.  And all you have to do is emulate their actions and neither will you.   

And even if you were, they would immediately release you from jail to avoid unnecessary Killer Virus contamination. 

If this looks and feels like an SNL comedy skit, it is...  

Think back.  Has anyone, anywhere, so far, been arrested and tried and convicted of burning a police car?  Any of the hundreds of them?  Or convenience stores?  Or anywhere else for that matter?  This has happened over and over again in dozens of Democrat-led cities.  Think hard.  I think you'll get it.  It seems they can arrest you for a house-full of turkey and overstuffed guests, but not for destroying cop cars and burning down jewelry stores.  Which the taxpayers will have to replace.  Which

Is America a (once) great place, or what?  

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