Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Fear of Loss...

                                  Part Two:

A couple of days ago I opined as to what our Great Landscape might look like were Biden/Harris to emerge victorious today, Election Day, 2020.  Here's Part Two of that particular bit of citizen journalism...

There's an old saying where I come from.  And it's one that should be seriously considered as we head to the polls...

                         "The Fear of Loss

                   is a Far Greater Motivator

              Than the Anticipation of Gain..."

What that means, in ordinary words, is that we Americans are historically unlikely to trade hard-won gains at the Ballot Box for the promise of even greater rewards.  Or, put another way, "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."  Or, even simpler, if the question were asked, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago,"  a question then-Prez Ronnie Reagan famously asked awhile back, 56% in a recent CBS-Marist poll answered with a resounding "YES!"   And being better off, are they more or less likely to vote against their common interests and vote for Joe Biden and his admittedly "most Progressive candidate ever" promise?  

The pollsters give Biden a 90% chance of being elected today.  90%!  Or rather, whenever the lawyers for both sides give up and go home (more than 10,000 of them have already been hired by the DNC!  Don't know, but suspect it's the same for the RNC.).  Which is most likely several weeks after November 3rd comes and goes.  But whenever it is, and no matter what happens after they count all the "magically appearing" ballots the harvesters will conjure up, are the voters likely to vote for pie-in-the-sky promises?  Promises from a guy who spent 47 years in Washington, D. C. and just needs "four more" in order to finally get it done?  

I'm thinking Trump voters are smart enough to vote their own interests.  And these are just some of the "interests" they'll be voting to protect: 

     -  Trump voters don't want their cities burned to the ground, and their stores looted, and their citizens harassed, and their cops shot.  It seems that Democrats do.  

     -  Trump voters don't want to drive high-priced little electric cars.  And they don't want our oil and gas industries destroyed by a bunch of "sky is falling" global warming alarmists.  Yet, Democrats do.

     -  Trump voters prefer a health care plan that doesn't threaten them with fines if they don't buy it.  And one that offers them a service they can actually afford to use, as opposed to the "Affordable Care Act," which most assuredly isn't.  Democrats are just fine with Obamacare, especially the ones who haven't used it, and don't intend to use it.

     -  Trump voters believe in the Constitution and all of its various parts and pieces.  And those "parts and pieces" include the Right to free speech and the Right to practice their religion and the Right to own and keep and bear arms.  And they will continue to look unfavorably on anyone who tries to take these Rights away.  And that would include Biden and Harris.

     -  Trump voters do not believe that America is "systemically racist," and never have.  And they will vote against anyone who tries to tell them it is.  And that's why they'll be voting against Biden/Harris.

     -   Trump voters believe that Black lives matter, and so do White lives, and Brown lives, and Red lives, and Yellow lives.  All lives, in fact.  And they will express that belief at the polling booth.  "BLM" and "Antifa," who believe than only Black lives matter, have endorsed Biden/Harris.  Enough said...

     -  Trump voters don't care that some others have more than they do.  And they're not terribly interested in any effort to "redistribute" their wealth.  All they want is the opportunity to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and participate in the American Dream.  The Democrats will not be happy unless or until the "rich" pay their "fair share," no matter how unfair that share proves to be...

     -  Trump voters believe that abortion should be, as Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton once said, "Safe, legal, and rare."  Not, as current Democrat POTUS candidates believe, just fine up to - and maybe a bit after - the moment of birth.  

     -  Trump voters don't want our Supreme Court "packed" with a few new Democrats just to "balance things out," as Kamala Harris has offered.  They're just fine with 9, a number that has served us well for more than 150 years.

     -  Trump voters aren't in favor of having Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia and Tonga, or any other Pacific Island, made into brand new states.  And they don't want the six new senators which such a move would bring, or the dozens of new Congressmen/women/others, which would guarantee a Democrat majority in Congress, forever.

     -  Trump voters, having strived to get 400 miles of new Border Wall built over the past 4 years, don't want it torn down.  Biden/Harris have promised to tear it down, and welcome millions and millions of new illegal aliens as citizens.  Trump voters are vehemently against such actions.

     -  Trump voters aren't happy about Big Tech and the obvious Silicon Valley censorship of conservative thought and media.  And they'll vote to change it.  And Big Tech knows it.  That's why they're working overtime to defeat Trump.  A word to the wise...

     -  Trump voters believe that most all of the Washington, D.C. intelligence apparatus needs to be overhauled and replaced with unbiased professionals dedicated to doing their jobs.  The CIA, the FBI, the NSA and the DNI have been aligned against Trump since he was inaugurated.  Time to fix that glaring defect...  

     -  Trump voters want Government out of their wallets, out of their businesses, out of their bedrooms, out of their vehicles, and, to the maximum extent possible, out of their lives.  Their opponents view Big Government as The Answer to all questions, asked or not.  Which should be all you need to know.  

     -  And finally, Trump voters crave optimism.  They abhor pessimism.  Trump exudes optimism.  Biden/Harris are promising a "dark winter!"  A calamity!  A horrible, terrible end-of-life-as-we-know it scenario if Trump wins!  That's enough, perhaps, to insure his victory.

And on my way out the Digital Door, let me restate the statistic highlighted above; 


56% is over half.  And over half...wins the Election.  Trump voters fear the loss of their freedoms.  And they will fight to retain them.  And that fight starts...and hopefully ends...at the Ballot Box.  And if "Black Lives Matter," or "Antifa," or anybody else has a problem with that, just remember: we're the ones with all the guns...

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