Friday, November 6, 2020

Vacation Planning...

Hey there, boys and girls!  One of these days this dratted Wuhan Killer Chinese Coronavirus will be in the rear view mirror and it will be time to hit the vacation trail!  You know, throw the kids in the Family Truckster and head out for parts unknown.  

However, a bunch of the States of the United States have just voted to give us the finger.  Yes, old friends, several of our states have come clean; they've finally fessed up about their true feelings about Conservatives and those who vote that way.  And it might be helpful to those planning a vacay to know who their friends are.  I mean, you don't want to give your hard-earned discretionary vacation dollars to those who hate and revile you, and want you removed from the human race, right?  

These folks have told us, to our face, that they deem us deplorable.  They consider us racist.  And sexist.  And homophobic.  And misogynistic.  And haters of all things good and wonderful.  They think we're all beer-swilling, pickup-driving, flag-waving, inbred toothless rubes who want everyone but Whites eradicated.  They actually believe this.  They've been fed this stuff by the so-called "MainStreamMedia," the entertainment industry, college and university educators and the "Big Tech" social media giants which have successfully censored our news for months.  And they believe it enough to vote that way. 

Given a choice, I'm thinking, you wouldn't intentionally visit Oregon or Washington, would you?  Even after undergoing more than 4 months of rioting and looting and burning, Oregon and Washington each voted 61% for the Democrats who permitted it to happen.  They must all be masochistic to vote for more of the chaos they've been living through.  Or just plain stupid.  

And would you go to Disneyland, deep in the heart of the Socialist Republic of California, which voted two-out-of-three (Dem - 66%) for the Democrats, when you could go East to Disneyworld, in good ol' Florida, where way over half (Rep - 57%) voted for Republicans?  I think not.

And Virginia?  Why would you go to VA, which voted 64% for Democrats, when you could go to West Virginia, where 3-out-of-4 (Dem - 71%) are your friends?  

You wouldn't want to visit New York (Dem - 61%), or Illinois (Dem - 71%), or Massassassassachusetts (Dem - 69%) if you had the choice, would you?  Especially when you could visit beautiful South Dakota (Rep - 63%), or Tennessee (Rep - 61%), or Utah (Rep - 60%), right?  You just know that these states would welcome you with open arms and treat you right, right?

And BTW, South Dakota has a cute Governor, so there's that.

And Alaska (Rep - 61%) and Arkansas (Rep - 64%) and South Carolina (Rep - 60%), and Missouri (my home state!) (Rep - 57%) are all open for business and await your arrival.  Why would you go to Hawaii when two-out-of three of their residents (Dem - 69%) hates your guts, would you?  How would you know which one is your friend?  And Washington, D.C?  Ummmmm, no.  Get this:  95% of those in our Nation's Capital voted for the Democrats.  How'd you like to work in a city where 19 out of 20 of the folks you bump into every day are dedicated to your demise?  

One thing for sure, we Conservatives know who our friends are.  And we are not likely to give our greenbacks to folks who hate the ground upon which we walk.  So, fellow Pilgrims, when this pandemic thingie has run its course, which I'm guessing will be about two days after the Election is certified for the Democrats, and it's perhaps time to consider another family vacation, my suggestion is we spend our dollars where they think like we do.  Who knows?  If we can't beat them at the Ballot Box, maybe we can run them all out of business...

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