Sunday, November 15, 2020

You've Really Stepped in it Now!

If things proceed as now seems likely, Donald J. Trump will soon be shown the door.  And those who sent him packing will soon be subjected to his unmitigated wrath.  Whoa boy!  Gird your loins!  It's time for battle!

I mean, you had him right where you wanted him; tightly contained within the White House, and that Southern White House of his, and the Plane and the Helicopter.  Contained.  Cheap price to pay, I'd say...  

And he couldn't do too much damage, either.  Oh, a few executive orders here and there, and a few political rallies here and there, but that's about all.  As we all know, with San Fran Nan Pelosi in charge of the House, no meaningful legislation could be passed.  So The Donald was all boxed in.  Divided gummint.  The People seem to like that.  

But then just over half of you it appears decided to vote against your common interests and elect a scrawny old coot whose elevator doesn't go to the top floor.  I know, I know, the other guy's Orange Man Bad.  People hate him.  Because, ummm, they've been told to do so.  By their masters on Google.  And Yahoo.  And Twitter.  And Facebook.  And maybe the Huffpo.  And if they say it, it just musssst be so...  

But now the Trumpster can flit around unimpeded on his $100 Million Dollar jet, living in his enormous mansion, gathering up donations like a Hoover vacuum cleaner, giving speeches to adoring crowds, and prepping for his run in 2024.  Or a chosen surrogate's run.  Since he more or less owns the GOP, his choice.  You turned him loose so he could do that.  Whereas he had a job to do before, his only job now will be to cause you grief and to prep for his reelection.  Picture it.  

The so-called "MainStreamMedia" launched a full frontal attack against him 5 years ago and it has yet to subside.  Turns out "Orange Man Bad" all day and all night was a good programming scam.  Just demonize Trump as a lecher and a traitor and a fool and a dumbass and ratings among the unenlightened and uninitiated will soar!  And they did!  I mean, why actually commit the act of journalism and actually look for stories to report when you can just pass along crap to your room temperature-I.Q. viewers?  But the MSM folks really played a huge part in smearing Trump, as did the pollsters, most of which are owned by those same MSM lords and masters!  

And they, plus their good buds in Silicon Valley, and the Entertainment Industry, and colleges and universities everywhere, and the majority of the House of Representatives, and the Democrat National Committee, and it seems the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DNI and the National Park Service have finally scored a win!  Barely!  

But by doing so you've sprung Him from his gilded cage.  Just like the final scenes in Jurassic Park, where some dufus leaves the latch to a gate open and a Velociraptor is unleashed (unleashed!  Get It?  Knew you would...), you've turned The Donald loose.  Loose to accept an already-offered talk and news show on NEWSMAX.  Loose to form a new cable and digital TV news and radio empire to rival Fox and CNN put together.  Loose to start, or buy and grow, a Twitter-like competitor.  Which would launch on Day One with 74 Million prospective viewers, or just about double all the other guys, put together.  And via a public offering Trump could swap shares in this new venture for ownership of NEWSMAX and OANN and Parler and Mewe anything else he fancies, further growing his empire and padding his potential viewership, all without forcing him to reach in his fat wallet even one time.  They will have turned him loose.  

Loose to start a new political action committee and raise $Billions of Dollars with which to influence the 2022 election.  And then the 2024 election.  With him in it, perhaps.  He would be 78, of course, JUST ABOUT THE SAME AGE AS BIDEN IS NOW, so no complaints about his age.  And he's a spry old geezer.  He's like the Energizer Bunny, which the DNC and the Biden Administration will come to loath with all their granite hearts.  Bet on it.  He'll be a ball and chain around their ankles for the next four years.  He'll be like a doberman nipping at their Gucci-clad loafers.  Just like they've been doing to him for the past four.  Turn about is fair play, right?  

You've demonized Trump in the worst way.  You've accused him of being responsible for fires, for floods, for hurricanes, and tornadoes, and cyclones, and the "poor" economy, and rampant, systemic racism, and treason, and climate change, and now the pandemic.  Even Slow Joe accused him of being personally responsible for every single one of those 230,000 deaths.  Yeah, right...

But whaddaya gonna' do now?  Who ya' gonna' blame now?  Huh, punk?  Who ya' gonna' blame when the virus isn't contained, or the economy tanks, or somebody attacks us, or "racism" isn't cured, or the climate isn't changed...back, or nobody is paying back those student loans, or millions of new, once-illegal aliens are living in your backyard?  Won't be Trump.  He'll be living in his Palm Beach mansion, with his supermodel wife, sitting on the throne of RNC power, without any responsibility...lemme' repeat that...without any responsibility, or oversight, at all, eating cheeseburgers and fries and drinking milkshakes without the N. Y. Slimes taking his portly picture.

So you've unleashed the modern-day Godzilla, who will stomp all over your parade.  You just watch.  It will be better than anything on Netflix...

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