Friday, November 13, 2020

"The Pursuit...

I'd like to have you take a look back with me in recalling what it actually means to be an American.*  

In the final analysis, it came down to you, fellow Americans, to vote - individually - to either continue pursuing the American Dream, or trade it in for the potential of even greater promised rewards.  Sort of like the modern equivalent of "a bird in the hand."   You had to decide whether you liked where you were and would like to continue down that same pathway, or take a hard Left turn into the netherworld of socialism.  Your Country, your choice... 

     "...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."

                                                                        The Declaration of Independence, 1776

I remember a time in the not-too-distant past when folks were excited to have the chance to get a good job and start a family and work hard and get ahead and save, hoping doing so might fund an enjoyable retirement, like the capitalistic system we enjoy here in America makes possible.  Like it's made possible since 1776... 

And the Declaration emblazoned above provides the framework under which such a life can be lived.  All it requires is that we reach out and grab at that Golden Ring as the merry-go-round twirls... 

But it seems that far too many of our folks now want everything right now, and for free!  And the results of the Election just held seems to prove it.  They seem to want that "happiness" thing without having to first work for it.  The question seems to be, how many of those "gimme" folks are there out there, and why do they hold that opinion?  Why do we have such a significant portion of our society that seemingly embraces socialism?  With both hands?  And how do we capitalists work to disabuse them of that toxic, and potentially America-killing notion? 

Lemme' ask again: why does it seem that an alarming portion of our young twenty-somethings just hate the capitalistic system which has brought their Nation freedom and prosperity?  Or is it that they have a monumental butthurt that they have $100 Grand in student loans they took out to pay for that degree in Existential Phenomenalism (with a minor in Medieval Lesbian Poetry), and are working at one of those "Would you like fries with that?" jobs, while still living in their mommy and daddy's basements?

I'd be pissed as well!  

I dunno' about you, but I'm ashamed of those who wish to free-ride off the sweat of their fellow citizens.  They are leaches!  They are to be ridiculed.  They are failures.  And so are their parents.  And especially their teachers.  ESPECIALLY their teachers!  And I say that as a guy with three teacher-daughters (hopefully none of whom are beset with this ailment).  How else an entire generation learn to hate America and the brilliant and motivated and dedicated Patriots who built it?  And the System that made it possible for those teachers to gain tenure so they can spout Marxist philosophy all day and night to their captive students.  What kind of Orwellian bullsh*t is this?

You have a choice; you can work toward achieving success, within our capitalistic system, or you can watch the parade go by.  Without you in it.

Our Founding Fathers intended via their "...pursuit of happiness" that their citizens would actually pursue happiness.  Not wait to be given stuff they haven't yet earned, which was taken from those who actually worked for it.  Can you imagine our "Westward Ho!" pioneers waiting patiently by the side of the trail back in the 1850's for something good to happen?  

What prompted this particular rant?  I just watched some video of the latest "Biden voter" riot, this one in Philadelphia.  A department store had just been broken into and scores were relieving it of its wares.  A couple of guys were trying to figure out how to get a new clothes dryer they'd just stolen into the trunk of a Honda.  A clothes dryer.  The trunk of a Honda.  Ummmm, who taught those guys again?  

I close this little rant with a quote from Sir Winston Churchill:

"Trying to make one man rich by making another man poor is like standing in a bucket and trying to pull yourself up by the handles..." 

*  This is an opinion piece.  That means that this is the opinion of the author, alone.  By his lonesome.  Nobody else involved.  Just moi.  Sitting around dreaming up stuff to write.  And the reader may not agree with the author.  That's okay.  Stuff like that happens.  No need to burn down an appliance store.  Opinions matter.  Just like Blue Lives.  And all the other colors...

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