Sunday, October 11, 2020

Where Are All The Chinese Protesters?

I got to thinking, I haven't seen any Oriental protesters infesting our streets lately, have you?

I've seen lots and lots and lots of twenty-something, disaffected White kids with degrees in Medieval Lesbian Poetry and a $Hundred Grand in student debt, who've obviously grown weary of playing video games in their parents' basements, so rioting and looting and burning down courthouses must seem like the thing to do for them about now, I guess (one of my patented long sentences!).  And I've also seen a few Black members of "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matters" thrown in, too.  But only a few.  

The FBI's own statistics show that about 3/4ths of all the "BLM" rioters are White.  Bored, I guess.  

Does that surprise you?  It surprised me.  I somehow thought that a "protest" that's "protesting" racial inequality and "protesting" police brutality would feature those being treated "unequally" and "brutally," wouldn't you?  But noooooo!  Just White kids and college professors and school teachers and government workers and a smattering of Black Marists and would-be socialists and those desirous of tearing down and destroying America and everything for which it stands.

They seem to hate America that much.  

But I began to wonder exactly why there are no Chinese protesters?  Or Koreans,  South, or otherwise?  Or Indonesians?  Or how about Filipinos?  Or Tonganese?  Or Cambodians?  Or Japanese?  Not a single Oriental anywhere to be found, I'd say!  Why?  Aren't they pissed at how they've been treated by our society and our police?  Aren't they mad about economic depravations our capitalist society has visited upon them?  Aren't they upset with the way our police have been treating them?  What's wrong with all those Orientals out there?  

Could it be that our Orientals are too busy working and studying and raising their families to engage in such destructive and wasteful exercises as useless picketing and marching?  Or worse yet, rioting and looting and burning?  Or perhaps they're too used to obeying the law and are afraid if they didn't they be arrested and chargedCould it be that this whole thing is nothing but a charade mounted by $Billionaires desirous of tearing down America, and Orientals, famous champions of capitalism and hard work, want nothing to do with it?

I'd say that our Black and Brown friends might want to take a page our of our Oriental citizens' playbook; if you study and work hard, and keep your noses clean, you'll get ahead in today's America.  If you don't, you won't.  And those who "don't" are available for you to see every night in Portland and Seattle and Chicago and other Big Blue cities that have chosen not to protect the lives or property of their citizens.  They're the ones who are rioting and looting and pillaging and plundering and engaging in outright anarchy.  They're the ones who are putting your society at risk.  They're the ones who are putting America's future at risk...  

Haven't seen a single Chinese or Korean or Japanese "protester" yet.  And I don't expect too... 

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