Thursday, October 1, 2020

Taxation Without Representation...

For all you fine folks living in the "other" 49 states, here's what it's like to live in "Taxifornia."

Did you know that 46 of California's 53 members of the U. S. House of Representatives are Democrats?  Only 7 Republicans?

Did you know that 46 of California's 52 counties are owned and controlled by the Democrat Party?  Only 6 Republicans?

Did you know that 24 of the 40 members of California's Senate are Democrats?  Only 16 Republicans?

Did you know that 55 of the 80 members of the California Assembly are Democrats?  Only 25 are Republicans?

And did you know that the overwhelming number of Democrats in both the Assembly and the Senate gives the Democrat Party a "supermajority," meaning it can, and does, vote for and pass any inane, ridiculous, stupid, dumbass, foolish, wasteful laws that comes into its members' drug-addled, sophomoric minds?

That's how, my fellow Pilgrims, we wind up with laws that make windmills more important than an oil wells.  And outlaw straws so that "global warming" won't kill us all.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad...

I've opined in the past about Taxifornia's outlandish laws.  We pass, on average, some 985 new laws each and every year.  And our Boy Guv, one Gavin Newsom, San Fran Nan Pelosi's nephew, J. Paul Getty's Godson, signs into law nearly every one of them.  Jeeeeesh!  And because there's not a single statewide elected Republican to be found anywhere (you could shoot off a cannon and not hit one!), there's nobody to stop them.  The Democrats have succeeded in transforming what was once the Golden State into a tarnished example of former greatness.  What a shame...

Need an example of law-making gone bad?  Here's one to make you say, "Whaaaa?"

California just voted to form a commission to study the giving of reparations to Black people.  There.  I said it.  They really did.  They voted to study giving money from taxpayers who never owned people who never were slaves.  What could possibly go wrong?

And to this I might add that Talifornia was admitted to the Union in 1849.  It was not a slave state.  It was never a slave state.  Yet, sensing an opportunity to buy some more votes, or perhaps further cement its age-old purported "ownership" of Black people, race-bating, poverty pimp legislators sequestered no doubt in Sacramento's tony digs, chose to go forward with this naked example of extreme, ham-handed pandering.  And old saying comes to mind about now:  

"Those who rob from Peter to pay Paul, will never get an objection from Paul."

But wait, there's more!

Our Boy Guv just signed legislation forcing Taxifornia's public corporations to have directors from so-called sexual or racial minority groups on their boards under a first-in-the-nation bill.  On top of its 2018 measure requiring these same corps to have at least one woman on their boards, for some unearthly reason, Taxifornia will now force its 660 public corps to appoint Black, Latino, Pacific Islander, Native American, Native Hawaiian, Native Alaskan, or gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender board members.  How quaint.  But what about Gypsies?  What about Sephardic Jews?  What about Druids?

I would opine that this tells you all you need to know about Leftist Democrats and their identity politics.  They believe so completely, so thoroughly, so indelibly in identity politics that they're willing to force corporations in which they have zero ownership interest to appoint certain groups to their boards, presuming, I'm guessing, that these same board members will vote a certain way due solely to their skin color, or sexual preference.  How stupid.  How condescending.  Black folks ought to take a look at this scenario and understand - finally - that they've been considered chattel by the Democrat Party...forever.  

As John Wayne so famously said, "Life's tough.  It's even tougher when you're stupid..."

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