Monday, October 5, 2020

They Cheat, You Know...

We pretty well boomed into 2020, I'm sure you'll agree.

The stock market was at an all-time high.  The unemployment was at an all-time low.  Even for Black folks and Hispanics.  Manufacturing was up.  Way up.  And crime was down.  Way down.  Everyone but Democrats were happy.  Trump had even begun to achieve Middle-East peace.  He'd even been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.  3 times.  

And then a pandemic up and crashed our party!  China unleashed a killer virus we're still trying to quell (the very day after they signed a new $250 Billion farm products purchase agreement, interestingly!).  All of a sudden Trump was forced to close down incoming flights first from China, and then the U. K. and the European Union.  He quickly followed that with a complete and total shutdown of our entire economy!  Businesses and schools and manufacturing plants and everything else was stopped.  Dead in their tracks.  From 120 m.p.h. to a dead, screeching stop!  And then we were ordered to stay home, with the shades drawn, and the doors closed tightly.  And if we just HAD to go out, for some milk and bread maybe, or a quart of scotch and an ounce of pot, then we just HAD to wear a mask.  A nightmare scenario, to be sure.

We were asked to give up 15 days of our freedom and our privacy to "slow the spread."  And then that 15 days not-so-quickly turned into months.  It's a wonder more people didn't beat each other to death during this enforced home confinement.  And in some cases, like mine, solitary confinement.  Not good at all...

Riots erupted.  Cities burned.  Cops were shot and killed.  Mobs are out of control in at least 50 cities.  All Democrat-run.  So what's the Democrat's answer to this pandemic and our months-long ordeal of violence and anarchy?  

Is it a heartfelt plea for them to stop?  No.  So what, then, do the Democrats propose to end this national nightmare and get us back to normal.  Ready?  

                        Mail-In Voting!

Yeah, that's it!  Mail-in voting!  So that's the Democrat's answer to a viral pandemic, enforced confinement, masks and social distancing?  

How San Fran Nan Pelosi, the aged Speaker of the House, and her band of would-be socialists believes that "mail-in voting" can somehow solve our current pandemic "problem," I can't imagine.  But she's got enough of someone else's balls (possibly Sen. Chuckie Schumer's!) to give it a try.  And just exactly HOW is "mail-in voting" supposed to solve our dilemma?  Make sick people well?  Help people not get sick at all?  No no no!  She says it will solve our myriad problems by eliminating the need for our poor, put-upon populace to actually present themselves, in person, to vote.  

Now, I might insert about here that we've somehow managed to vote in person for more than 240 years.  Through fires, and floods, and famines, and periods of pestilence, including the "Spanish Flu Epidemic" of 1918, we've voted in person.  Through World War 1, and World War 2, and the Korean "Conflict," and the Vietnam "Unpleasantness," and the past 19 years of Middle East tumult, we've managed to haul our asses out of the Barcalounger and trundle on down to the post office, or the court house, or the fire station, to vote.  In person.  We've always felt that in-person voting was a small price to pay for our continuing freedom.  And we do not need to have a vote sent to us, unsolicited, by a quasi-governmental franchise operation filled to the brim with pissed-off drones that hasn't broken even or fixed its crappy service in more than 25 years?  All of this so we can avoid in-person voting?  

During the 2016 General Election roughly 123 million Americans voted.  Plus however many illegal aliens.  It's estimated that about 64 million of them voted "absentee," and in a few states, "solicited mail-in," meaning the voter requested a ballot to be sent him because he could not be home during the Election.  Those in the military would be a great example.  Or, in about five northwestern states, they've featured mail-in voting for years, and thus have perfected their operational systems so as to avoid possible fraud and abuse.  

This is different than the "Plan" - I'd say scam - offered us by the Democrats.  They want to flood America's mailboxes with unasked-for votes - as many as 80,000,000 of them - so as to sow confusion.  And misunderstanding.  And errors.  Millions and millions of votes!  The USPS (Postal Service) has estimated that up to 10% of all "mail-in" votes will have errors,* and thus be susceptible to invalidation.  And the Democrat Party and the Democrat National Committee are telling us trust the Post Office.  An organization that, with the possible exception of AMTRAC, is the poster example for "how not to do it."  Everything will be jussssst fine, they tell us!  Do you want that?  I'd say no.  

So vote in person, America!  Take from the Democrats the chance to obscure or invalidate your votes.  It's still going to get dicey.  They'll make sure of that.  But at least rob them of the chance to screw you with "harvested" ballots* like they've already done to so many counties and states.  

They cheat, you know.  As often as possible...

*    More than 100,000 ballots, representing more than 15% of their electorate, recently sent out unsolicited by the N.Y. Elections Commission were found to have errors so great that they had to be invalidated.  So what's their "plan" to correct this problem?  Send out ANOTHER 100,000 ballots to the same recipients, with instructions that they destroy the first ballots.  Yeah, sure...    

**  When the polls closed on Election Day 2018 in Orange County, California, 7 Republican candidates were leading by significant margins.  A week later some 250,000 votes, representing nearly 10% of Orange County's entire population, were "found" and delivered to the election commission by ballot "harvesters" (people who are supposed to be authorized to hand deliver somebody else's votes).  All 7 Republican candidates "lost."   

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