Wednesday, October 28, 2020


                         Masks suck.

There.  I said it.

Masks suck.  They really do.  You know it.  I know it.  We know it together.  They're uncomfortable.  They fog your glasses (if you wear glasses, like me).  They look foolish.  Reeeeely foolish!  They turn speech into a series of grunts and mumbles.  Nobody can understand what anybody's saying.  They cause rashes.  And they restrict oxygen intake (bad for lots of folks with asthma and COPD or other respiratory ailments).  And they're proof-positive that the American people can be trained like lab rats to do anything we're told, whether reasonable, or prudent, or lawful, or even Constitutional.  Matters not.  

We, The People, are now Sheeple.  I'm sorry to say...

It was just about ten months ago.  China turned loose a viral pandemic upon us, and upon the rest of the world.  And it's damn near ruined our Country.  And the world, for that matter.  We had been beating the crap out of them in matters of trade and commerce, and it's my opinion they just gave up and threw in not the towel...but the virus.  And to try and guard against it we were told back in February by the CDC that masks don't work.  And that we shouldn't wear them.  Until two months later they then told us we should.  Yeah, like that.

All I know is that wearing a mask is supposed to protect others from youNot you from others.  Lemme's say that again.  In all caps:

Masks are supposed to protect others from the wearer.  Not the wearer from others.

People sneeze.  And they cough.  And sneezing and coughing can spread germs quite a distance.  Up to 30' we're told.  That's why we're supposed to stay six (6') feet away from others (!) if we wish to go mask-less.  And we do.  God, how we do...

So, the original plan was for us to stay six (6') feet from others and wear a mask if we couldn't.  Got it?  Okay.  We can start from there...

Somehow, someway, wearing a mask is now our new National Talisman.  Our "proof" that we're "on board" and trying to "do the right thing."  That we're "with it."  That we're "following the rules," however new and unproven and inane those rules might be.  And posted...and the "authorities," whoever they are.  Demanded to such an extent that folks are now getting citations for not wearing them.  They're being prevented from entering businesses and buildings for the want of a mask.  They're being "mask-shamed" by various and sundry "Karens" and "Kevins" if they choose not to wear one.  There's even a case where a woman was tased for failing to wear a mask while watching her son's baseball game.  Outside.  By a fat cop.  Who was mask-less.  Lemme's say that again.  Outdoors.  Socially-distanced.  Tased by a mask-less cop for not wearing a mask.  Yeah.  Like that...  

I've even noticed large numbers of seemingly ordinary people wearing a mask when they're riding bikes and jogging and while driving their cars with the windows rolled up.  

Dumber than a bag of hammers, they are.  

In short, masks are nothing much more than a panacea for what we think might be ailing us.

BTW, viruses are very small.  As in VERY small.  Somewhere between 0.4 and 0.25 microns.  That means they're sub-microscopic.  Too small, even, to be seen by a light microscope.  The pores in the most commonly-available and -used masks are from 0.50 to 0.500 microns.  That means the pores in your basic household mask are at least 20 times bigger than is your basic Chinese Killer Coronavirus germ.  Like BB's in a boxcar, they are.  In other words, if a virus wanted to enter through your mask, they could do so, holding hands with another 10 viruses, sideways.  Do you still think they might offer protection for the wearer?

(Did I mention that masks suck?)  

Dr. Fauci, the darling of the Hard-Left, and the "Mainstream Media," stated unequivocally back in the February that there will be no reason for The People to wear masks.  Now?  He says everybody, everywhere should be required to wear a mask.  He goes even further now and wants the Prez to shut down the Country once again.  Remember, Trump was taking his advice and counsel primarily when establishing our formal response to the China virus.  Every day Fauci told Trump what to say, and Trump said it.  And now some are blaming Trump for the inaccuracies in Fauci's advice.  Maybe Fauci doesn't (and didn't!) know what the Hell he's talking about?  Or maybe he's making it up as he goes along?  Or maybe he's just saying what the MSM wants him to say?  Fauci won't get his speaking gigs on CNN(LOL) and MSDNC if he doesn't say what they want said, doncha' know...

For me?  I've figured out how to avoid all the unpleasantness associated with being forced, under penalty of the law, to wear a mask when I show my face outdoors; simply don't go outdoors.  Pissed that you have to put on a mask when you go into the Post Office or Albertson's or your favorite mortuary?  Just don't go there.  Just stay home.  With the doors closed and the shades drawn.  Oh, it's acceptable to sneak out early once or twice a week to buy provisions.  You know, flour and eggs and milk and bacon.  Especially bacon.  Can't do without bacon.  And lots and lots of beer.  I can do without a mask, but I can't do without bacon.  And beer.

Other advantages associated with Just Staying Home?  Here's a short list...

     -  Your gas mileage will go through the roof!  No driving, no need for gas.  And your tires will last mucho longer!  And you can disregard all those coupons from Juffy-Lube.  Just think of all the money you'll save!

     -  You will save a fortune not eating out.  No restaurant visits, no expensive meals.  Plus, since there's no place open to eat, you won't miss them.  

     -  Your chances of being in flaming accident if you stay home, or having a brick fall on your head, or getting into a fist fight with a rowdy drunk at the local watering hole, all go down to ZERO!  

     -  You'll have plenty of time to clean your house, and go through your closets and get rid of old clothes, and polish the silverware, yours or somebody else's, and write your memoirs, and get a college degree on line (ASU will love you!), and a whole lot of other stuff.  Just think of all you can accomplish by Just Staying Home!

So, fellow Pilgrims, avoid the various "Karens" and "Kevins" screaming at you for not wearing a mask, by not wearing a home.  Plus, you'll save money.  A lot of money...     

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