Saturday, September 3, 2022

The "Peter Principle"

Only those near my age will remember the book, 

           "The Peter Principle."  

Basically, it was a best seller by Laurence Peter that warned us that folks will be promoted to their own level of incompetence.  

In other words, just because you're good at one job, you might not be good at the next level up.  Or the one after that.  And it's an indisputable fact that eons-old rules, both by union and by custom, necessitate promoting those with seniority before those with proven talent and ability.  That's the way it's been done, and that's the way it is done.  Notice, after more than 100 years in the Senate, where he did some say an "acceptable" job, Joe O'Biden is now POTUS.  One level up.  See how the "Peter Principle" works?

I was once made National Sales Manager of a company because I was the its top salesman.  I fired their old sales force, hired a new one, revamped the marketing and sales strategy, and then quadrupled sales.  Made them their first profits, ever.  In my case, their having promoted me was the right thing to do...for all the wrong reasons. 

I've seen it backfire more than I care to recall.  Especially in union jobs where firing a person in supervision takes an act of Congress.  Or some C-4... 

And Joe O'Biden is absolute proof that this "Principle" still holds sway.  Our beloved "Mumbler-in-Chief" reads whatever somebody behind the curtain has written on the TelePrompTer, poorly, then goes back to puttering in the Rose Garden.  He's an "Avatar."  An empty suit full of somebody else's ambitions.  

We just don't know whose ambitions...

For proof we have a stump speech he gave in friendly Pennsylvania recently.  He was railing against guns in general and AR-15's in particular.  This guy hates AR-15's!  I think he must have been scared by one when he was very little.  Maybe "Corn Pop" was brandishing one.  By the swimming pool.    

Oh wait, when he was little they were using flintlock muskets!

We know he prefers shotguns.  He told us all once that if we fear somebody's breaking in, just go to the window, open it up, and then blast away with your shotgun a few times.  That'll scare them away, Joe said.  Google it!  It's illegal, of course, and he's a fool, of course, but the "BidenStateMedia" never called him on it.  

I told you he just barely graduated from law school, didn't I?

He wants to outlaw the AR's, again.  Many don't know that he and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) managed to ram through a 10-year suspension on the sale of AR-style rifles back in 1984 by an all-Democrat legislature.  And it didn't stick, even after a 10 year trial.  These firearms were made available once again back in 1994 following the sunsetting of that law, after which there was no statistical increase in crime using the weapon.Old Joe would likes to tell us there was, but check for yourself; he lies about this just like he lies about everything else.  Or maybe whomever writes the tripe on his TelePrompTer lies, and he just reads them...

In his speech, for instance, he stated that bullets fired from an AR-15 travel "...6 times faster" than bullets fired from any other firearm.  What a dummass comment!  Actually, they're on the slow side, ballistically speaking.  Another lie.  

And they're also designed to "...tear off body parts" he said.  Actually, their little 40 grain bullets (the same size as in the .22 you have in your closet) tend to poke right on through their victim, rendering them as casualties, not mortalities.  They were designed that way back in the 1950's when this rifle cartridge was first produced for the military.  That's because a wounded soldier would require two other soldiers to cart him off the battlefield.  Thus, taking three out of the fight.  

The .223/.556 round used in the AR-15 was not designed to kill; just to wound.

Which is why, BTW, the AR-15 is illegal for use in deer hunting in 16 states.  This horrendous weapon that "tears off body parts?"  It's not powerful enough to kill deer!  The bullet's too small, and the velocity is too slow.  Wouldn't it be nice if your leaders told you the truth?  And wouldn't it be nice if their "State Media" did the same?  

Then Mr. O'Biden commented that there exists a segment of our society that might wish to engage America in combat.  Refreshing that "Tree of liberty" thing, as Old Joe said.  But Joe cautioned that you'd need an F-15 to take on our America.  Your AR against Joe's F-15.  Which we don't even use anymore.  Does he even know that?  Don't anyone tell Joe.  The news might be too much for him to handle...

What Good Ol' Joe doesn't seem to realize is that it won't be One Guy against an aging F-15.  It'll be millions of guys with their AR-15's taking on a totalitarian government that doesn't seem to get the news.  One whose military is full of "woke" soldiers, National Guardsmen who most likely agree with you, but who couldn't find their asses with both hands and a flashlight. 

That's when we get to that place where "We're Mad as Hell and We're Not Gonna' Take it Anymore!"

Except we're armed...

Have you seen the grief Dutch farmers are giving their totalitarian government over its efforts to combat future "Global Warming?"  Google it.  They dumped a million pounds of sh*t on their parliament's steps to express their outrage.  They've shut down their government.  Shame they gave up their firearms a few decades back.  

And wouldn't it be a shame if we shut down ours...

The FBI tells us 100 million Americans own more than 455 million firearms.  That's 3 x the number of firearms we possessed when B. Hussein Obama was consecrated.  Obviously we knew something was coming.  We knew it was time to arm-up.  To get ready for any possible conflagration.  One spurred on by "Progressive wokeness."  Not that one is deemed likely.  They're just showing their belief in the Boy Scout Creed:  "Be Prepared."  You know, "In time of peace, prepare for war?"  And it seems, we are!  And no, they're not united into any sort of militia.  Yet.  But if this "Progressive" nonsense continues, unabated, and if they continue sending armed IRS agents, and telling us what to drive and what to eat and where to live and who to hate, and love, I can't guarantee that they won't.

So Joe, it won't be One Guy against an F-15.  It will be One Million Guys armed to the hilt against a scared bunch of National Guardsmen trying to protect their own asses, agreeing with everything we represent.    

You avoid this reality at your own peril...

*   FBI, March, 2021

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