Wednesday, September 28, 2022

"Billy Beer"

Way back when, then-Prez Jimmy Carter had a (in)famous brother named Billy.  

He was a "goodolboy" who hung out around the only filling station back home in Plains, GA.  And Billy was also something of a beer lover.  Lots of beer.  Morning, noon and night.  Every day.  And because his brother was now famous, and had network TV cameras following him into every liquor store, he decided to cash in on the America dream.  He was gonna' introduce his own brand of beer.  And so we were subjected to...

                         "Billy Beer!"

Yes, fellow Patriots, it's true.  Unfortunately.  So, I guess you can figure out that Billy Beer didn't last all that long.  Billy Carter was sent to dry out and Jimmy was sent packing by Ronnie Reagan.

Flash forward to present:

We now have a "Swamp Creature" in the White House.  A Swamp Creature who's only real job has been the Senate.  Since he was 29 years old.  If that's a job.  Followed by carrying Barack's briefcase for 8 years (that's why I've awarded him an honorary "O"), and then a couple of years as an Avatar for the man behind the TelePrompTer.  With a son who's even worse that good ol' Joe.  Joe's son Hunter is a piece of work.  Here's his "Cliff Notes" version:

Hunter entered the U. S. Navy following law school.  Having never matched up to his older brother Beau, Hunter decided to hide his inadequacies in a crack pipe.  And other narcotics and booze and whores when he could find them.  

When found out, he was summarily discharged from the Navy.  With a Bad Conduct discharge.  That's not a good thing.  Fewer than 3% of military inductees share this dishonor.  A BCD would keep a normal citizen from work at any Government agency.  Including any Agency that does bizz with the Gubmint.  Including as a lawyer.  

Except for his own law firm.  Pimping for his father.  The "Big Guy," as he's come to be known.  The Guy who gets 10% for just being Joe Biden.  And he's made $millions letting his crooked crackhead son pimp out his name.  To the tune of some $38,000,000 if recent reports prove true.  And once the Republicans take over the House, we should find out...  

And Hunter's spent $millions, too.  Usually on hookers and cocaine and crack and alcohol and hotels and guns and jewelry and cars and expensive mansions and anything else he could think of.  He actually had his father wire him $30,000 one night in a crack-fueled orgy and spent it before dawn the next day...

So Hunter was sad when his brother Beau died.  So sad he chose to screw his brother's dead widow.  Literally.  Oh yeah, and then gave her clamydia.  He divorced his first wife, moved in with a second, who was a "dancer," in a "gentlemen's club," knocked her up, she gave birth, and he bolted.  Only to disavow the bastard child and be sued by the dancer for paternity.  And lose.  And be forced to pay $20,000 a month.  Child support and alimony.  Without a job.

You kind of need a program to follow this s*it, don't you?  

Oh yeah, all while living in a rented house in Malibu, at $20,000 a month, with the Secret Service renting pricey homes all around him to protect his slimy ass.  Which we, The Taxpayers, are paying for.  Just like everything else these perennial leaches touch.

And Hunter set about memorializing all of this drug-induced excess on Facebook, and Twitter, and Instagram, and anywhere else he could find.  Pictures of him snorting coke off hooker's breasts are all over the Internet.  And then he went and did something extra stupid.  He dropped his laptop off for repair.  While drunk.  And stoned.  A laptop which the Democrats turned themselves inside out to try and blame on "Russian disinformation."  And then dropped his gun in a supermarket.  A gun he'd bought illegally.  He'd sworn that he'd never been addicted to a narcotic substance on Fm 4453, that thing you need to fill out, under penalty of perjury, in order to buy a gun.  And he did.  He lied.  Which was...and is...a felony.  And then he sent his hooker buddy to find it and throw it in a wastebasket.  At the same supermarket.  

Is this some special brand of stupid, or what?  Is it in the DNA?  

Purchasing the pistol was a felony.  He swore that he wasn't addicted to an illegal substance.  He was.  He's going to jail if a real FBI ever gets in charge.

But until then, Jimmy had Billy.  And Joe, and all of America, and China, and Ukraine, and Russia, and who knows who the Hell else, has Hunter...

You know, it's got to be tough for the "Legacy Media" to avoid learning the stuff I just reported to you, right here, right now...

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