Sunday, September 25, 2022

Nature Abhors a Vacuum...

Mother Nature has several immutable laws.

Among those are the fact that "A body in motion tends to stay in motion."  And "A body at rest tends to stay at rest."  And my all-time favorite, "Nature abhors a vacuum."  That means if something vital to a body's continued survival is removed, or negatively altered, it may in fact result in another force being attracted to fill the vacuum thus created.

Let that sink in...

Lemme' give you an example.   Remember a few years back when a dentist from Ohio shot Cecil the lion in a game preserve in Kenya?  Killed him dead, he did.  And killed his career, and his marriage, and his future with the same gunshot.  All for shooting a lion where he shouldn't have.  Dumbo!  

But what about that dreaded "Nature abhors a vacuum," thingie, Mr. Chuckmeister?  Sure, fellow Patriots.  And here it is.  Cecil's death caused an immediate drop in permits for visiting hunters to shoot lions as trophies.  And a loss of some $15,000 in revenue to the game preserve and the host country in fees.  And that meant no lions were shot in Botswana during those following two years.  So lions were permitted to wander around freely and reproduce and multiply their numbers and gobble natives.  To an out-of-control level.  So much so that during those following two years more than 200 villagers were eaten.  

Lions get hungry, you know.

Botswana came to its senses and restored hunting.  And added years to its villagers' lives.

Another example?  Sure.

The Hard-Left "Progressives" demanded that we "Defund the Police" in 2019.  And they banged that drum all year long.  Some are still banging it!  That means they want to remove the taxpayers' funding for police departments in America's cities.  All of them.  And then reinvest the money saved into "community activism."  Mental health screening and food banks and such.  Instead of cops patrolling the streets, they want civilians in those cars responding to calls.  So, when those dreaded "domestic disturbance" calls come in, the ones most responsible for cops being shot in the line of duty, they want bleeding heart Liberals to handle the problem.  

I'm guessing these lawmakers must own stock in funeral parlors... 

Well, fellow Patriots, as both a historian and a trained sociologist (and pool hustler and race car driver), let me share what I've learned on the subject.  Some 140,000 - 150,000 years ago, pre-historic, pre-homo sapiens sapiens hunter-gatherers began to shelter together.  They did this seeking safety.  They began building their lodgings together and building their campfires together and they appointed members of the group to provide safety for the others while they slept.  And that safety (First) enabled them to focus on foraging for and even growing food and growing their families instead of (Second) having to worry about personal safety.  

And that increased sense of safety available in communal settings after awhile became an expected benefit of moving there.  And pitching your tent with the others.  And then beginning to start farming and stop hunting.

So, follow me here, 'cause I'm going somewhere, And so, ancient cities such as London and Baghdad and Jerusalem, attracted hundreds of thousands of dwellers.  And that expectation of increased safety, stretching all the way back to prehistoric times, continued on to Detroit and Chicago and Baltimore and New Orleans today.  

Where you could now be shot to death before dark...

That sense of increased safety pushed out the sense of anarchy and fear and trepidation.  And replaced it with a sense of personal safety.  A sense one needs to work and perform and learn and enjoy and play and raise your family in order to fully experience the human condition.

A sense made even more believable by cops in patrol cars all over our streets, keeping us safe.  They're keeping the "fringe" at bay.  Those who would rise up and fill any "defunding" effort and instill anarchy.  So when we call, the police usually come within minutes.  To corral the perps and restore our sense (there's that word again) of safety.  And tranquility.  

But Then.................

Those fun-loving Chinese were losing the trade war with Prezzzz. Trump so they unleashed (luuv that word!) the Wuhan Coronavirus upon us.  And nearly One Million of Us Died (I certainly hope the Big Guy's monthly check wasn't disrupted!).  And what was the first thing the Left-Wing "Progressive" caucus of the House did?  They demanded that we "defund the police."  Yes, they're trying to rewrite history now, but that's what they've been demanding since early 2019.  And that's what their constituents in those Big Blue Cities did.  They "defunded their police."  And crime has gone through the roof!

Remember when Seattle wasn't a war zone?

After more than a 30 year decline in firearm murders, 2020 gun deaths nearly doubled in some cities!  And 2021 saw that trend continue!  Why?  The cops in the Big Blue Cities bolted!  They took their pensions and went to the outlying cities to work.  Probably with a raise.  While the Big Blue Cities they left turned into toilets.  The ones that weren't toilets already...

As the title appearing above states, "Nature Abhors a Vacuum."  When the Sheriff Wyatt and his brothers' arrived in Dodge City, Kansas back in 1855, the crime stopped.  Dead in its tracks.  Wyatt moved in, criminals moved out.  So it is with cops.  A city provides effective policing, the crime goes waaay down.  The cops leave, the Bad Guys come back to town.  Simple.  I don't know why the simpletons in "The Swamp" or their handmaidens in the "Legacy Media" or those "Progressive" gadflies can't quite get their arms around that...

You've been watching a sociology experiment play itself out in real time.  Remember this:  Our Open Society has always teetered on the razor edge of the laws of man keeping men law abiding.  Because, if for no other reason, to avoid the harsh discipline the law could mete out.  Today?  Very little "meteing."  And a whole lot of perp coddling.  A vacuum in policing always results in heightened crime.  A vacuum will always be replaced with something.  

We would hope in this case it's a few (thousand) good cops...  

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