Monday, September 12, 2022

A Machiavellian Conspiracy?

Is it just me, or should we be concerned about the long-term consequences of O'Biden's recent legislative actions?  

Follow the bouncing ball:

Those in power have been hipppmotizzzed by the highly educated idiots amongst us to believe that "Global Warming," or "Climate Crisis," or "Climate Change," or whatever they've poll tested to call it now, will be the death of us all.  Unless we radically change our habits and go back to the horse and buggy.  I say "we" in the imperial sense, like the Queen (God rest her soul) used to wave her little gloved hand as she glided past the assembled masses in her gilded cage.  

But what I mean to say, is "you."  

The folks who ride around in limos and take private jets want you to stop using an SUV to get from place to place.  That's waaaaay too much freedom for them!  For you, I mean.  Too much freedom to ride around all willy nilly.  All hither and yon.  Go just anywhere you want, freedom?  What's up with that?  I mean, shouldn't you have to ask someone?  

They want you to use public transportation.  Or, preferably, ride a horse.  And be sure to clean up after...

Or, walk.  Mucho better.  Just walk...

It's John Kerry on steroids.  His fingerprints are all over this.  All of this sturm and drang we're now suffering through is part of a demonic plot by John Kerry and his cronies to keep all of "them" living in high style while "we," the Great Unwashed, the Proletariat, the Peons, the people who are breathing "his" air, start riding the bus.  And the train.  Standing up.  Holding onto a strap.  Whether we want to or not.

And we don't want to.  As in, F*ck You, Johnnie!

You knew he shot himself in the leg to get out of the Viet Nam war, didn't you?  The cowardly pr*ck.

So, a group of these overeducated, two-dimensional socialists get together in the Faculty Lounge at Yale and come up with this;  

     1.  They elect a guy (Joe O'Biden) who's dedicated to ending oil and gas drilling and leasing and usage.  Because they think oil is all "dirty" and should be outlawed.  Because they're scared the Earth will come to a fiery end in 8 or 10 or 12 years, and they want you to suffer for it.  'Cause it's your fault.  For driving an SUV and not raising your thermostat during the heat wave!  It's you, you Troglodyte!

     2.  This guy then stops all drilling and leasing; cuts off the Keystone-XL Pipeline, eliminating a future 800,000 barrels of crude oil a day into America, when we're currently only 400,000 barrels a day short; ends almost all offshore oil and gas leasing; stops all oil and gas exploration in the ANWR in Alaska; then greenlights the Nord Stream Two Pipeline to kiss Putin's ass and expedite Europe's Winter of Discontent.  Who does this bozo work for again?  

They'll be rioting in the streets over this come January.  Mark my words...  

     3.  His Party then passes legislation without a single Republican vote to give $7,500 of taxpayer's money to buyers of electric buggies.  Which cost, as of today, an average of $67,454.00.  Almost exactly twice as much as the average gas-powered car.  Car manufacturers love them because they're so profitable (20% of the parts, 20% of the time, and 20% of the labor to manufacture).  Except their 2,000 lb. batteries require "rare earths" to make, and those rare earths come from...China

That's ONE TON of batteries! 

     4.  Since half of America cannot afford a grossed-up electric golf cart like Joe and his Sycophants demand you drive, tax credit or not, they'll be forced out of their gas-powered cars sooner or later.  Most likely sooner.  Which means they'll be riding busses and taking the train, and even walking, whether it's safe or not, and whether they want to or not.  Which will entirely remake our relationship with our employers nationwide (Can't get to work?  You need a different job!). 

Those condescending, unappreciative elitists!

     5.  Automatically, almost over night, half of America will be forced onto public transportation.  Which is not ready for that increased ridership.  Within 12 years.  That's an eyeblink, historically speaking.  And some of that "half," like in California, which was built around gas-powered cars, will not be able to conform.  Lost Angeles is not Chicago!  L. A. is 75 miles wide and 125 miles long!  And neither is Salina, KS, or Rifle, CO, or Albuquerque, NM, or Centralia, IL.  Or Butte, Monfriggintana!  You could be miles from a bus or a train station, even before you try to board it!  And then maybe get knifed in the process!

     6.  No problem.  Can't get to work?  Just go on welfare.  Like your cousins in Chicago.  And Baltimore.  And in Philadelphia.  They've been living that "company town" lifestyle for generations.  You're easier to control that way.  And the new laws, plus their 87,000 new - and armed - IRS agents, will go about the business of extracting enough money from those evil rich people (employers) to pay for it.  Welcome aboard!  

You like that thinking?  That level of "Progressive" planning?  The way they intend to grab ahold' of your miserable little life?  And then never, ever let go?  And then most likely blame the "Ultra Super Fantasmagorical MAGA Republicans."  Well, lemme' tell you something they may have forgot to remember.  Our half of America is armed!  Heavily!  455,000,000 firearms!  And if pressed, presumably willing to use them! 

I will be subsequently writing about how Nature Abhors a Vacuum.  In this case, post "defund the police," I predict that vacuum will be filled by militias...   

What was it that guy said?  Oh yeah, "The Best Laid Plans... 

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