Tuesday, September 20, 2022


I kept on hearing about those "NGO's" in relation to our Border Protection folks.  

You know, the "Non-Governmental Organizations."  The ones our Border Guys and Gals and "Others" send those newly-arrived Illegal Aliens to after they've written down their names.  Or whatever names the illegals choose to give them.  All 7,000 of them a day.  Not including the so-far 750,000 "got-aways."  Those who would prefer not to be "welcomed."  

Perhaps they harbor nefarious intent?  Like those who flew planes into our Twin Towers, perhaps?   

Yes, it seems there's so many illegals streaming across our completely open and unguarded southern border, by O'Biden's order, that our guards must turn them over to what they call "NGO's."  We have only 22,000 total Border Guards.  And so far there's been 2,000,000 illegals invade our sanctity.  This fiscal year!  So far!  With one more month to go!

Not Joe O'Biden's sanctity, just our citizens' sanctity.  And our sanity... 

NGO's?  What's an NGO and what does it have to do with illegals?  I thought you'd never ask.  So I did a little digging.  I always do a little digging.  Sometimes more than a little...

That's what you pay me for, right?

And what I found shocked even me, the totally cynical-ized old reprobate who has lived through too much of this liberal horsepucky to be surprised at much of anything anymore.  Get this:  We, the Taxpayers, you and me, but we're only half of the population, remember, spend more than $139,000,000 a year on NGO's!  Hundreds and hundreds of them!  From Catholic charities to sanctuary city shelters and programs, we spend $139 Mil, but those Deep Blue Cities spend hundreds of millions more!  Remember, there are 239 Sanctuary Cities!  And all, I would say, at cross-purposes to our immigration laws.

In other words, those NGO's, funded by the Taxpayers, are aiding and abetting illegal immigration.  Remember, they get paid by the illegal!  So the more, the merrier (and richer)!  Just like the  Mexican cartels, who charge each poor migrant $Thousands, so do we.  Except we, the taxpayers pay our NGO's by the migrant!  

In other words, we get screwed both coming and going!  They come across our border illegally, forcing us to incur all those costs, and then we pay the NGO's to give them what they don't legally deserve, adding addition $Millions to the Taxpayers' burden.  

These NGO's give these illegals cell phones, and transit papers, and "arrest" warrants with which they can fly or take a bus.  For free.  And food and water.  And shelter.  For free.  And rent abeyance.  For free!  In Estados Unidos!  The Big Enchilada!  Our veterans living on the streets, and we're putting illegals up in ritzy hotels.  Bizarro World?

America is the Black Hole, drawing in illegals from 180 countries so far!  Illegally!  And if you can make it to NYC, and you now can, for free, they'll give you free healthcare and a coveted spot in Cardinal Dolan's private - and expennnnsivvve! - Catholic school system for their kids!  And once again, FOR FREE!  

(Psssst!  Memo to Cardinal Dolan.  There are a lot of Catholic families in New Yawk who can't afford to put their kids in your fancy friggin' schools.  For an average of more than $10,000 a year!  Yet you give those spots to illegals?  For free.  Why should they stay Catholic, again?)

I suggest we all just drive to Tiajowanna, walk across the Border, add a "Z" to our last names, smear some coffee grounds on our faces to get that "south-of-the-Border" tan, and wade back across the Rio Friggin' Grande.  You'll be welcomed by our Border Folks as a newly-minted 'Murican, with all the goodies and bennies Joe O'Biden can offer.  Courtesy of your neighbor.  Who will be pissed he didn't join you...  

But if he can't, his (our) NGO's will still be on duty, awaiting the next arrival!

It used to be that if you could make it in New York City, you could make it anywhere.  Now?  Think of this:  Regardless of your level of education, or whether you can speak English, or your intellect, or even desire, if you can make it TO New York City, you've already made it!  

Who The Hell Permitted This Crap To Happen?

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