Sunday, September 18, 2022


They don't like us.

We don't like them.

Time to do something about it.

Ours has been an explosive relationship.  It began with a bang, back in 1776, and is apparently now ending with a whimper...

I dunno' about you, but I think the time is finally right for a...


Oh, I've intimated about it before, but it's obvious that our "Nawthen Elites" just won't play nice.  

These folks have looked down their noses at us for way too long.  They've considered us second-class citizens.  The "Great Unwashed."  The Proletariat.  The Peons.  America's "Uyghurs."  Those who live to serve...them.

And they, and their handmaidens, the "Legacy Press," which controls our information flow from a six-block area in mid-town Manhattan, who are the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat National Committee, which rule from their 55 square-mile "Swamp" in D. C., have treated us like Red-Headed Stepchildren.  They consider us "flyover people."  Those inbred folks who live between the Hudson River and the Sacramento River.  And do so, in their opinions, poorly...  

Those pickup-driving, beer-swilling, flag-waving, baseball-loving, sub-100 I.Q. Whitebread unfortunates who continue to drag down our Hard Left Liberals in their efforts to fully "Progressive-ize" America.  To turn it into what they've always wanted it to be; Cuba.  

Well now, fellow Patriots, I'm pretty sure you're just as tired as I'm am over this treatment, and just as anxious as I am to bring it to an end.  And I think I know how...

Picture Europe.  Europe west of the Eurasian Continent hosts an astounding 29 separate countries.  In a land mass that would fit comfortably Texas!  Think about it: Texas is 600 miles wide.  So is Western Europe.  

Count those countries if you doubt me!  Think France and Germany and Italy and Spain and Holland.  These countries have warred with each other for millennia.  France and England have been at war with each other for over 1,000 years!  Remember the "Battle of Hastings?"  Back in 1066?  No?  Too much "Equity, Inclusion and Intimidation" training?  Lemme' help you out... 

Think France and England.  There was no Internet back then, or TV, or even newspapers, so I think they considered it sport!  Something to allay boredom!  Yet now, today, they reside next to one another in (relative) peace.  

So it is possible, even between countries as ideologically opposed as France, and say England.  And as "cheek-by-jowl" up next to one another as is say, Belgium and Luxembourg.  They are at peace.  Or maybe they're just worn out from being at war... 

I propose a similar arrangement between the Northern States of America and the Southern States of America.  I propose the dividing line between the two to be roughly Interstate Highway I-70.  It runs from approximately Baltimore, Maryland, to the western edge of Utah, and then it blends into a series of state highways. 

However, everybody knows that our western tier of states, Washington, Oregon and California, are as Blue as Blue can get.  They really should get together and form another nation.  They are filled up to the very brim with Liberal "Progressive" Leftist pukes who live to co-opt OPM (Other Peoples' Money).  So there's no dealing with this Cabal of Commies.  They are beyond help.  So just forget about where I live and so many other "normal" people live.  We are beyond help.  Like those who lived in East Berlin, behind...The Wall.  Except our "wall" is where no U-Haul trailers available because they're all rented out.  

(What's that sound you hear?  It's the roll-up door on the back of a U-Haul truck slamming shut as it readies for a journey East to Anywhere Else on the I-10...) 

Remember the movie, "Escape from Los Angeles?"  Snake Plitkin doing his best to remove himself from this once-Golden State?  So is everyone else with the means to do so...  

I think we should "Build That Wall!"  But in addition to building it between America and the Rest of The World, we should also build it between America and These Three States.  And then try our best to keep them in.  I see it all now: Border patrols guarding the gates, checking your passports, as some try to enter California from Arizona.  To visit Disneyland.  For some unknown reason... 

Or leave.  I can predict a line of miles and miles as you try to leave.  Notice the traffic from Mexico and the Triangle Countries is all headed...North.

This rather extreme measure has been made necessary because almost all of our Constitutionally-protected news-gathering and dissemination services spew nothing but socialist dogma.  And that wouldn't be so bad, except about half of America watches nothing else.  As the Administration keeps on lying, to our faces, while they sanguinely report it.  Pravda would be proud.  

So, a corrupt Media, coupled with an ignorant sub-set of America which refuses to become enlightened, to consider any perspective other than whatever Joe says is bad, spells doom for our Representative Republic (no, Joe, we don't have a democracy).  Yes, it's an emergency.  The time to now!

In the coming days I'll write about how we divide up the assets between the NSA and the SSA.  But this is enough for now.  Its enough to say we have difficulties between us, and those difficulties are not being resolved.  And nothing but a divorce will resolve them.

In the meantime, just pay no attention at all to the incessant harping of the "DNC Media."  They're only spewing Democrat talking points to Democrat listeners anyway.  Those who refuse to listen to reason.  Vacuous twits.


(my favorite word) 

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