Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Redistribution of Wealth...

"Progressive" Democrats and Leftists are always calling for a "redistribution of wealth."

That's when they plan to forcibly remove some of the money some of us have, and then give it to certain others, for free.  The ones they've decided are more "worthy," I guess.  Or the ones that just might vote for them.  That's what they want.  

But every now and again we have a confluence of disparate interests that turns normalcy and sanity and reasonableness and comity and precedent on its ugly head.  

That time is right now...

So we have a $Billionaire POTUS right now.  He ran as a proud $Billionaire, and, from what we're told, after having won, his net worth has decreased by 31%.  I guess that's because half the Country who used to love the guy when he was a reality TV star, now hate the guy, and wouldn't be caught dead in one of his hotels or restaurants or putting around on his golf courses.  

But he's still a $Billionaire, so get over it.

But then the 2020 POTUS race popped up and dozens and dozens of Democrat candidates threw their fedoras into the contest.  And one by one, they've dropped out, leaving just a few to try and wrest the POTUS-hood from The Donald's steely grasp.  

So once they realized that their candidates were as exciting as a massage from your sister, in jumps another $Billionaire.  That would be one Tom Steyer, a hedge-fund $Billionaire who just luuuuvs the environment more than anything and hates Trump and wants to offload hundreds of $Millions of his  unneeded $Dollars to try and become Prez.  

Oh yeah, and he's been trying desperately to impeach The Donald since the day before he was inaugurated.  

And then in popped ex-New York City 3-term mayor Mike Bloomberg.  He's the only Republican, Democrat and Independent Mayor of New York City, all wrapped up into one very small package.  He apparently felt that Joe Biden was fading so he thought he'd run to protect the Party from Bernie Sanders, a committed socialist.  So this guy Bloomberg is the 7th Richest Man in the World!  He's got something like $61 Billion Dollars between the cushions of his couch, and he's let it be known that he's willing to spend upwards of $Two Billion of it to defeat The Donald.  

Now that's some serious chunk of cash!  He's already spent a reported $600 Million Dollars on TV ads, running in a loop, non-stop, all across the Fruited Plain, which have boosted his polling numbers substantially.  Has he been interviewed and vetted by legions of journalists?  Ummm, no.  Has he given a couple of speeches and then gone on home to take a nap?  Ummm, yes. 

Of course, he owns 11 homes, so I'm not sure which one he goes home to...

So it seems to me that there is a major-league redistribution of wealth already occurring here in America.  It's likely that the Presidential Election upcoming will cause at least $4 Billion Dollars to have been spent by the time the dust settles.  That's Four Thousand Million Dollars, transferred from rich and the less-than, to the candidate of their choice!  And that's just about twice what was spent in the entire 2016 election!

Tom Steyer, one of the earlier Democrat candidates, just dropped out.  He dumped more than $250 Million Dollars of his own money on his failed campaign.  Pete Bootygagg just dropped out.  He was given and blew more than $49 Million Dollars on his failed campaign.  A whole group of somebodies gave him that cash.  Amy Klobuchar just dropped out.  She was given and blew more than $65 Million Dollars of somebody else's money on her failed campaign.  But let's not forget one Senator Liz Warren dumped more than $89 Million Dollars trying to win the Democrat nomination.  Now that's the redistribution of wealth.  

There were dozens of other candidates.  Each of them raised...and spent...$Millions of Dollars of somebody else's money.  Redistributed from those with too much money through these candidates to the private jet rental agencies and the food caterers and the hotels and the TV and radio broadcast and cable networks.  

Like I said, the redistribution of wealth.  

The 2020 race for POTUS has reminded us, we have the opportunity to give our money to the campaigns that excite us, and it seems to me that Mr. Bloooooomberg is just a little bit more excited about this whole thing than are we.  

Ummm, let me restate that; he's WAAAAAY more excited!    

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