Sunday, March 22, 2020

Martial Law...

So California's boy governor, the guy whose hair is nevah, evah mussed up, San Fran Nancy Pelosi's nephew, J. Paul Getty's Godson, a guy who was born on third base and thought he'd hit a triple, one Gavin Newsom, just stated that we all have to stay at home, right now, "until further notice."  That's some 40 million of us.  

Not counting, I assume, the estimated 60,000 on our cities' streets who have no homes.  

He also intimated that he just might at some future time have to declare martial law.


Now, for those who've never heard of such a thing, "martial law" means that a state may simply decide to sidestep all normal, ordinary Constitutional protections to its citizens' life, liberty and property, and then replace them with whatever laws it finds desirable at the time.  The State's National Guard would be called out and then assigned to go wherever and do whatever Boy Guv should ask.  Assuming they actually decide to dance to the tune he fiddles.  And that's a big assumption.

It means that the Boy Guv can erase our Rights and insert his own preferences and predilections in their place.  As in, no more Right to free speech, or the Right to peacefully assemble, or the Right to buy, own and use a firearm!  

Think Venezuela, if you need a better picture.

For some time I, and folks just like me, have been doing our best to sound the alarm.  To warn our fellow Californians, and by extension, our fellow Americans wherever they may be, that the true goal of nascent socialist governments - like California's - is to more fully control each and every aspect of their "subjects"' lives.  And we, fellow Patriots, are the "subjects."  

They just want to be left alone to live our lives...

And, as ex-Obama Chief of Staff and Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel has oft warned, "We must never let a crisis go to waste."  And this, my friends, is a crisis.  So beyond shutting down all the restaurants, and the bars, and the nightclubs, and the sporting events, and the 7 counties surrounding San Franpoopco, what the Boy Guv reeeely wants is to tighten his control over your life, and mine.  And this crisis is his passport to doing just that...

However, those of us who believe in "being prepared" (you're now socializing at an acceptable digital distance with an Eagle Scout here, Pilgrim) have already acquired firearms and ammunition, and know how to use them, and are ready to protect their families and their property.  

I trust that includes you...

But some are not.  Many just flatly refuse.  They don't like guns.  They think those who own guns are country bumpkins.  Toothless, pickup-driving, flag-waving, beer-swilling, anti-social rubes.  They believe that our police will protect them and their families.  I hope they're right.  But I must add, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
And many of them are now standing in line outside their local gun stores for hours lately, trying to acquire the firearms and ammunition they should have purchased long, long ago.  And, despite a paucity of selection, they've been buying anything they can get their hands on, or so the gun dealers tell us.  Any gun, any caliber, any price.  

Better late than never, I'd say.

But be advised that your better-late-than-never decision to purchase a weapon, although your Right, may be taken from you at any minute.  How, you might ask?  Simple.  By an edict.

The mayor of Champaign, IL issued an edict last week closing her city's gun stores to all traffic.  She said that in an emergency, "...people shouldn't be able to buy guns."  Wha...?  Need I add that she's a Democrat?

The mayor of San Jose, CA just issued an edict today declaring that all its gun stores must close, immediately.  Something about "...not wishing to "add" to the crisis by injecting firearms into the equation."  Sort of like not "adding" a life preserver to a sinking ship, I'd say.  Another pantywaist, pearl-clutching Liberal, superimposing her own values over that of her residents.

The mayor of New Orleans just declared by edict that all gun stores in her Parish must close immediately.  She never liked them, she said, and now's the time to close them.  Too bad if you wanted a gun and hadn't bought one yet.  Remember, votes have consequences, as the citizens of New Orleans are now learning. 

(Flashback:  When Katrina hit, Henry Lee, then Sheriff of New Orleans Parish, put his deputies in rowboats and sent them out to the homes of citizens who owned guns.  To confiscate them.  Immediately.  Because their laws permitted him to know who owned the guns.  How conveeeenient.  Now his successor seems prepared to do the same thing...)

The Sheriff of Alameda County, CA just sent his deputies to shut down a gun store that remained open during his "shelter in place" edict.  So, using the force of prevent citizens from exercising their Constitutional Rights...just when they need them the most.  

And now Newsom has decided to get into the act.  He's long believed that so-called "assault weapons" have no business in the hands of "ordinary people."  That would include you and me, I guess.  And now he can do something about it. 

(BTW, we have no "assault weapons" in private, non-military hands.  We haven't since they were outlawed in 1934.  But of course, the MSMedia doesn't tell you that, do they?) 

For the past five years CA has required that the ownership of firearms be known to the State.  Heretofore that has never, ever happened.  In fact, the Federal Government, which oversees our current NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System)  (you didn't know we had one, did you?), never intended the States to know who has what gun.  Why?  So they couldn't declare martial law and come to your house and take them from you.  As is currently about to happen in many places.  

Including California, perhaps... 

I find it troubling that just when we need the ability to protect our lives and our property the most, the purportedly "helpful" government steps on our toes.  Why, after releasing from prison more than 60,000 hardened felons over the past two years, does California work overtime to keep its citizens disarmed?  There can only be one reason:  

An unarmed populace...
is a compliant populace. 

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