Saturday, March 28, 2020

And While We're on the Subject of Guns...

...I have a question:

If gun control works,

why hasn't it?

Good question, huh?

It's almost impossible to buy a firearm in Chicago, for example, or any of the 32 cities that surround it.  It's been almost impossible to buy a firearm there since the 1960's.  Chicago is the poster city for gun control and is proud of it.  A retired Black janitor, after having had his apartment ransacked six times in six months, had to sue all the way to the Supreme Court just to buy a shotgun for personal protection (SCOTUS, "McDonald v. City of Chicago," 2010).  There's only one gun store in the entire City, and it's located inside the Main Police Station, and only open for business on one morning, every other week (anti-2nd Amendment much?).  

And yet, there's an average of 50 shootings in Chicago every single weekend, and at least 7 or 8 or 10 homicides.  

Why is that?

Wouldn't you think that after 60 years of their all-out effort, and more than 30,000 anti-gun laws on the books, gun control would have worked...if it worked?

Want more?  Okay...

It's almost impossible to buy a firearm in Baltimore.  Guns have been effectively outlawed there for more than a generation.  Yet, Baltimore leads the nation in gun homicides.  At one-fourth the size of Chicago (619,000 vs. 2,700,000), it shockingly outpaces the Windy City's gun murder rate.  Why? 

Yes, why?

Let's go even further.  It's been damn difficult to buy and own and use firearms in CA, and WA, and OR, and IL, and NY, and CT, and NJ, and CO, and so many other Democrat owned and controlled, "blue" cities and states for decades.  In fact, CA passes an average of 8 new gun control laws a year, every year, and has for the past 20 years.  Yet, it seems CA, and those other "Gun Control" cities and states are the places most likely to have out-of-control gun crimes.  Why is that? 

Maybe it's because they've worked overtime for a generation to disarm their citizens?  

And here's another question for you to ponder.  If "Gun Free Zone" signs worked...

...why don't they?  

We know that 19 out of the past 20 mass shootings, as defined as 4 or more deaths resulting therefrom, have occurred in "Gun Free Zones."  Yet, some 500 cities have at least some "Gun Free Zones."  Why is that?  

If insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, expecting a different result, wouldn't this whole exercise be considered... 


Yet, by contrast, one in 18 residents of the state of Florida owns a concealed pistol carry permit.  That's almost 7% of their entire population.  Yet, one does not hear of wild, out-of-control shootouts in Florida like is an every-day occurrence in Chicago.  Why is that?  Even the mass shooting at the Marjorie Stoneman-Douglas High School in Parkland a couple of years back occurred in a "Gun Free Zone."  

Not so "gun free," was it?  

A yuuuuge percentage of the populations of AZ, and NV, and UT, and MT, and WY, and ID, and KS, and TX, and OK, and TN, and SC, and GA, and ND, and MO, and so many other "red" states, carry permitted concealed weapons on a daily basis.  In fact, there were 1.4 Million more concealed carry permit holders in the U.S. in 2019 than in the year before.  In short, there are 18.66 Million concealed carry permit holders in the U.S.*  Texas even has an open carry law, and has for the past four years.  We were all told that their passage of that law would lead to mass murders!  Blood running in the streets!  Thousands murdered in cold blood!  Has it?  No siree, Bob!  Just imagine:  cowboys walking around with six guns strapped to their hips.  Yet, no bloodbaths to report.  No shootouts on Main Street.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zip...  

Why not?

Maybe, just maybe, it's not the number of guns in circulation, or the availability of guns, or the types of guns people own that dictates where and when we'll see the next mass murder.  Or a shooting of any kind, for that matter.  Rather, maybe, just maybe, it's who is doing the possessing.  

I'd like throw in an old adage right about here:  

If even 5% of the ducks were armed,
would anyone go duck hunting?

*  (Statistics courtesy FBI, 2019)

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