Monday, March 9, 2020

"...the Pursuit of Happiness."

The Declaration of Independence guarantees each American citizen the Right to...

 "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit
of Happiness."

Please notice that I underlined "Pursuit."  That's because our guarantee is that if we pursue it hard enough, and perhaps are fortunate enough, we'll attain it.  But only if...

It seems, however, that something's been lost in translation between the opportunity offered by that august document from more than 230 years ago, and now.  Now, it seems, our younger citizens, and maybe some of our more aged ones, and an assortment of socialists Marxists and communists, believe they're entitled to happiness without having to pursue it.  Successfully, or not.  Or, maybe they pursued it, and failed.  And maybe they're just pissed at that outcome.  

Or maybe they're just too damn lazy to even try...

And maybe that's just due to improper, or incomplete, or erroneous, or intentionally incorrect teaching content or methods.  Maybe they've just been sold a bill of goods by those who've failed to attain the "happiness" they've personally sought, and have unfortunately failed to attain it, and so they're passing along...their unhappiness.

Or perhaps they're just of a mind that nobody anywhere should be happier than they are, and if they are, it's bogus.

I dunno' about you, but I've grown increasingly weary of those who seem to want a handout instead of a hand up.  Those who seem to believe they're "owed" everything for free, just because they're Americans.  Just because of an accident of birth, or of geography, it seems that a whole bunch of folks seem to think they're owed "life, liberty and...happiness, without that "having to pursue," part. 

Well, they're wrong.

There may be very smart people who choose incorrectly, and thus crash and burn.  And there may be very accomplished singers and dancers and musicians who may not "break through," and thus are relegated to playing that accordion only for friends and neighbors.  Or for singing only in the church choir.  Or dancing only during a night out at the club.  Or maybe playing for tips in the bowels of a subway.  But that's not my fault.  Nor is it anyone's fault, except theirs.  But clouding up and raining all over everyone because they don't have everything they want is not very bright.  And not very reasonable.  And it's guaranteed to piss off everyone around them... 

So I'd suggest that anyone who demands a whole bunch of free stuff (ala Bernie Sanders) simply because they're an American should sue their civics instructor.  Assuming they actually had a civics class.  Maybe it was supplanted by "Medieval Lesbian Studies."  But if it was, to them I would say, "Stop demanding and start working."  That's the only way I know to actually attain the happiness which everyone seeks...

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