Friday, August 18, 2023

The Tyranny of the Minority...

You might be interested to know that Germany's Nazi (National Socialist) Party only commanded the support of 32.1% of its citizenry at the peak of its power.

That's only one in three.  Just about what Joe O'Biden counts as his hard-core backers among Democrats today, interestingly.

The other two-thirds were/are just going about their business, paying no attention, shielding their eyes from the philosophical train wreck happening all around them, hoping all the bullsh*t would just go away.  

Like the non-Nazi Germans felt 9 decades ago, I'm guessing, while their country was coming apart at the seams.  Until it was too late to do anything about it.  

Historically, those who choose not to get involved when democratic societies are turning autocratic, are dragged kicking and screaming to either an awakening at some future point, or their death.  Let's talk about how that all might work out...

Forgive me for the quick and dirty history lesson here, fellow Patriots, and I'm talking super Crib Notes.  Since I lived for several years in Germany and married one of their own as my starter wife, I know quite a bit about that nation, its people, and their history.  So, as I'm sure you know all this stuff, be not insulted as I inform others who might read my words later on down the pike.  

For them, the Germans were ravaged after WW1.  I recall holding a One Million Deuchmark Note, issued in 1945.  Inflation was so bad it was the size of a bath towel.  Yet it could not buy a loaf of bread.  And our Marshall Plan called for the "Krauts" to pay for all the damage they'd done to the rest of the world during the War they'd just lost.  When they had no opportunity to do so since their economy was toast.  And especially since they had no seat at the table to help decide their own fate.  

When they were starving.  And they wouldn't forget it...

The two-out-of-three who were left to pick up the pieces after the Big War were not happy.  And the world called it their fault.  

So among the ashes here comes Hitler.  It was 1932 and he promised to take them back to greatness.  Back to Teutonic mastery.  He proved to be a threat to the ruling elites who were "managing" the post-war economy so they tossed him in jail.  He wrote "Mein Kampf" while there.  He became a rock star.  And by 1938 he and the Nazi Party had pushed aside his detractors and taken command of Germany.  Thus beginning the awful steps leading up to WW2.  

One of the ways they did so was to assign blame to a host of real and perceived enemies, including England and America.  But also the Blacks and the Gypsies and the Jews.  He blamed them all for nearly every ill they were then suffering.  High quality deflecting, here.  Life was good before the Jews, he said.  And by exterminating them, everything would be just fine again, he said.  Things would return back to normal, he said.  

And this was the only message that was permitted to reach the masses...*

Let us focus on a few facts:  The Hitler Administration was in complete control of Germany's media.  They seized it!  And two-thirds of the population's wishes were then being ignored, and even subverted.  That stated, you might want to think about this: Hitler had to threaten Germany's journalists with death.  

Strangely, our Mr. O'Biden didn't have to...

All of our major media outlets are housed within a six-block area in MidTown Manhattan.  All of them.   ABC/CBS/NBC/ FOX/NPR/PBS are located there, plus seven local affiliate stations, serving 4 local states.  That's nearly one-fourth of America's population.  And their managers and employees all shop together, and hit the beaches together, go to the movies together, lounge in the bars together, and go to church together.  

Ummm, strike that last one.

However they are of a crop.  And our Constitution clearly states that our MSMedia is our Fourth Estate.  It must rise above all influences including petty politics.  Our journalists are given broad freedoms in the Constitution, and have a duty to us to find the truth and report it.  

Except they are not doing so.

The members of the White House Press Corps willingly stated that they voted 95% Democrat in the 2020 Election. Is that what our Founding Fathers envisioned?

As a reminder, Hitler and his goons took first took control of the media.  (And that now includes "social media," including Google, Meta, and X.)  The German Media only reported the news they found flattering to Hitler, and only through channels favorable to them.  Are you seeing a parellel here?  

Sensing anything out of bounds here?  Anything?  

The results?  We all know the results.  But I chose to overlay the events that led to WW2 with the events dragging us toward a Civil War today.  Or God forbid, even WW3.  Hitler controlled his media.  O'Biden's backers control our media. Not that they need a whole lot of controlling.  I say "backers" because it's pretty obvious to anyone who watches that O'Biden isn't controlling anything, including most likely his bladder.  And half our population gets its information from channels with their noses up O'Biden's ass.  And only 32% of our population believes O'Biden could find that ass with both hands and a flashlight, and only about that same percentage followed Hitler, interestingly.  Hitler led them into war.  O'Biden appears Hell-bent on doing the same to us.  

In just two years O'Biden has turned Saudi Arabia from a friend into an enemy.  He's turned both China and Russia loose to buddy up and combine their might to bring down America.  And then join up with China to form a truly scary triumvirate, which has never existed in history before.  North Korea is rattling its sabres, after having been kept at bay for years  by Trump.  China has subsumed nearly all of South America while O'Biden has been worrying about pronouns.  We have more oil in the ground than any other country on Earth, and we're buying oil from the shieks.  In short, everything has pretty much gone to Hell.  

It's Bizzarro World!

And one has to wonder why O'Biden has allowed this?  He bought more than $22,000,000 worth of beachfront property on a senator's and V.P.'s salary of $175,000 a year.  But wait!  We're told he scooped up a share of some $20,000,000 as the "Big Guy!"  From, wait for it, China?  After all, he either knows, or he doesn't.  And it seems the only ones who believe him is...the MainStreaMedia.

You know the main difference between Hitler's 1936 Germany and the O'Biden's 2023 United States?  Hitler disarmed his people.  That's the very first thing he did.  He took away all their firearms, believing that a disarmed society is a compliant society.  It was.  Our society?  100,000,000 of us own about 500,000,000 guns.  And the people behind O'Biden know it.  And they're doing their damndest to come and get them.  

Guess what?  We won't let them. 

Packing up the dog and the guns and my rations from the general store and heading off for the mountain cabin.  To prepare for Winter.  Hopefully not the "nuclear" type of Winter...

Sorry for the comparison.  I guess I'm the only one to notice it.  It only takes a small and dedicated group of dedicated Marxists to take over a country.  It happened in Venezuela.  It happened in China.  It happened in North Korea.  It happened in El Salvador.  And it could happen here.  

As we used to say in the Army, 

"Embrace the Suck."

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