Tuesday, August 15, 2023


I was taught during my 63 semester college hours of psychology to prepare me to become a clinical psycholotist,* that the average American had an average I.Q. of 100.

Which was average.

That lofty pronunciamento had its roots all the way back to 1912 when one Willian Stern, a well renowned German psychologist (there they go again) decided we needed a guage for the ability to learn.  

Not intellitence, but rather for the ability for one to learn.

So by dividing one's chronological age, by one's theoretical age, to be determined by the administration of a test, which the psychologists would unilaterally write (!), we could theoretically determine one's Intelligence Quotient.  Uh Huh!

Anyway, they jiggered the numbers so that the average would be 100.  Above that, you're "smart," colloquially, and below that you're "less than."  Somebody has to deliver the mail, and fix your car, and drive your bus, right?

But anyway, I always thought that our average American was about 100.  Boy was I wrong!  The last couple of years of police defunding and riots and disputed elections and pandemics and dummies wearing masks while riding bikes outdoors and offering to shoot you if you don't get vaccinnated, and traffic stops by cops displaying the fact they couldn't get their preferred job and are taking it out on motorists, I can tell you the average I.Q. is nowhere near 100.  

It is said some 85 BILLION videos are recorded each day.  And that there's at least one video camera watching you 24/7/365.  The people who are so damn dumb they shouldn't be let out alone, without a minder, will be found out.  And they are the ones about which I speak. 

Let's put it this way, I doubt I'd hire anyone I've seen on a YouTube video to watch my kids...

How about you?

*    I discovered that playing pool in dingy dive bars, peeling rubes like a grape, paid far better than clinical psychologists were earning at the time.  Forgive me, I just followed the money...

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