Thursday, August 3, 2023

Equality vs. Equity.

The Declaration of Independence proudly states that we citizens of a bright, new America, were given, by their Creator, 

        "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Please notice it says you may pursue, but not necessarily obtain that happiness.  

And therein lay the rub, as Shakespeare used to say.  For it appears we have an entire generation of Americans who want happiness, and all that the word entails, without bothering to even pursue it.  They just want to take it.  By force, if necessary.  And they seem to think they can, because of a thing called "equity."  A term that's been sold to them by all the Black Marxists in charge of our minorities all these years that's now threatening the very fabric of our society.

If you don't believe that "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matter" are Marxist-oriented and -derived, check out their websites.  They're proud of it.  

For the sake of definition, "equality" means everyone starts from a level playing field.  And from there they either "sinks," or they "swims."  That's why some folks wind up caressing a needle on San Franpoopco's sidewalks, and some others wind up wearing Rolexes and riding around in Bentleys and Learjets.  That could be one reason why not everyone becomes Beyonce.  Or Willie Mays.  Or Samuel Jackson (notice, all Black $Multi-Millionaire examples).  

Remember, you can lust after it, but perhaps not attain it.   As in, boo hoo.  Too bad, so sad.  Some win, some lose.  You can file that under sh*t happens.  And some others win, and then lose (i.e., Whitney Huston, and Robin Williams).  Could it be our "social media" has sold an unatainable bill of goods to our younger generations?  

Maybe that's why we have so many drug addicts?

But wait!  Those who harbor the opposite view from mine just will not settle for that.  No, no, no!  The definition of "equity" is, ready for it?  No matter where you start out, everybody's got to wind up in the same place.   

BTW, that's also the definition of Marxism.

Kinda' dumb, right?

Here's a way of comparing the two viewpoints:  Let's say there's a six-foot fence separating our citizens from a developing news story.  Each of these citizens are of differering heights.  In fact, our average height is 5' 9."  The equality crowd would issue everyone a wooden crate to stand on.  A nice, sturdy wooden crate.  And everyone would be able to view the story as it unfolds.  Equally.  

The equity crowd would issue boxes of varying heights to enable all the viewers to wind up viewing from the exact same perspective.  So they'd all wind up viewing from exactly the same height, no matter how tall they each started out.  Jeeeez, that could start an entirely new industry, making boxes of varying heights to accommodate Marxists!  

I'm wondering what might happen if you had a dwarf who's also afraid of heights?  

Kinda' dumb, right?

But let's take this to its likely end point.  I always wanted to play professional basketball.  But a.), I'm too short.  And b.), I'm White.  Soooo, since I indentify as Black (and also gay, and Jewish, and a Gypsy, and Transgender, so that's out of the way), all I need is a vertical assist to play professionally.  Maybe leg extensions, paid for by Medicare.  Or more directly by those folks who don't pay "their fair share."

Sounds painful.  Or better yet, cut everybody else's legs down a foot or two (ouch!)!  So that every basketball player winds up exactly the same height.  Then we could find out who's the best player, right?  

You decide.  That's equity.

Oh yeah, and I can't sing, but the equity crowd should pay for my vocal chord enhancement, or turn down everybody else's hearing, or force everybody to buy my songs just to make everything equal.    

And I live in a majority Hispanic state.  Like Mehheeeko, North.  And that means as both a Black-identifier, and White-by-Birth, I'm doubly mistreated.  I get jeered at by all those who are jealous of my Blackness.  And so I need a mansion in Bev Hills to be sorta equal.  Like JayZ.  And his leggy wife's vocal chords.  And the ACLU should make all of this happen, post haste.  Which means right now.  In Latin.  I think.

I'm waiting.  

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