Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Something I Never Thought I'd Read...

Whilst perusing the news this a.m., something they used to call "surfing" back in the Stone Age, I came across a paragraph I never, ever thought I'd read:*

     "A post-operational transexual Canadian has requested that the socialised healthcare system provide an assisted suicide lethal injection in order to end long-term suffering and pain from a surgery to manufacture a "neo-vagina."

Ummm, what?

Yes, fellow Patriot, it goes on to tell us this, "...self-described "First Nation" transsexual has undergone untolerable pain from this "neo-vagina," which was manufacutured from an inverted penis."  Gulp!  And not only thaaaat, this proved to be a surgically-created open wound, that needed daily medical care to prevent permanent closure.  As in daily.

In consdideration of all the lopping off of pre-teen breasts and the surgically removing of genitalia going on now in the top-tier universities all over America, perhaps we could take a moment and look at what happened from overly-liberal social decisions made a decade ago up North.  And then learn from it.  Then perhaps take a tack back to the center, socially, politically, medically, and psychologically.

Does anyone but me think there may be a few dozen Porsche-driving surgeons, completely devoid of any consideration for young minds and bodies, making Big $Bank off "gender dysphoria?"  Slicing and dicing and cutting and shaving in the name of...profit?

The Hippocratic Oath"First, do no harm."  Me thinks those Porsche-driving surgeons should re-read their oaths.

Firstly, I'd like to say this paragraph's writer is afflicted with "LSS" (Long Sentence Syndrome).  So am I.  Got something to say, and I can't wait to say it.  The few, the loud, the duplicative.  Good for him.  

Secondly, WHAT THE HELL?  I had to read that paragraph three times in order to get all the parts and pieces right.  In order just to understand it!  That's how far we've gone off the rails!  And that's right next door!  The Great White North!  Huh?  When will it migrate Southward to infect us as well?  Like some gigantic "blob," as in, the movie.  

I've been yelling from the rooftops (figuratively speaking) for a decade or more that "social media" will be the death of our families, our culture, our society and our Country.  I think we now see proof of that.    

Plus, is it just me, or is this TMI?

I know we're all in on transparency, but I sometimes yearn for the half-hour newscasts of the 60's and 70's.  Just the "Joe Friday" facts.  Is there a news source which delivers just that?  Only that?  Or will the "Legacy Media" continue to function as the Media Arm of the Democrat National Committee.  Or is it finally time for us to oil up the old 'thutty-thutty," gas up the Jeep and head for that proverbial mountain cabin?  

*    And wish I hadn't...

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The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!