Monday, January 18, 2021

Who Knew?

 Who knew that you could impeach a President in one day?

I mean, 



I thought impeachment was like a Big Deal, or something.  I seem to recall being taught in civics class back in high school that impeaching a President was like a last gasp effort they'd use to fix stuff, and that it's a full-bore trial, with lawyers and people like those, with witnesses and opening statements and a stenographer and everything!  

This one  Was.  Not.  Like.  That.

San Fran Nan Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, a body which used to be filled with extra-special, well-educated accomplished people, sent there to represent their constituents interests, which is no longer true, has been pissed at The Donald since he called her a "Third Rate Politician."  And tearing up his State of the Union speech just wasn't enough payback for her, so she just had to impeach him again. 

No, not nearly enough. 

The first one was over a phone call The Donald placed to Ukraine.  Nancy didn't like the content of that phone call so she impeached him.  She can do that, it appears, being Speaker and all.  Actually, it had nothing to do with a phone call.  She was just looking for any opportunity to bury him.  Six feet under.  It failed, of course, which was pre-ordained, but hey, The Donald has a couple of days left in office now, so hey, why not impeach him again?  And since there's no chance he'd be convicted, even if he had the lawyers and the witnesses and the stenographer and stuff, she thought, what the Hell, why not an instant replay?

And if another one's good, why not another one?  

Good idea, Nan.  And, since there was no chance of convicting, why even address the niceties of lawyers and witnesses and such.  Why not just so straight forward from reading the charges to, ...HELLO!... a vote.  And if you get more votes than the sane people on the other side of the aisle, then you win!  And The Donald is impeached!  Again!


Damn, that was easy!  And hey, if it was that easy, why not do it again?  The Donald has a few days left in orifice, and he can't do anything in terms of retaliation, and he can't even complain to his followers since he's been yanked off every social media platform by the Lefties that run them, completely silenced, so why not kick him when he's down and make him the very first POTUS to have been impeached for nothing, a THIRD TIME!  Yeah, why not?

So I'm suggesting that San Fran Nan go ahead and impeach The Donald yet a Third Time.  The blow-dried talking head commies at MSPMS and the Clinton News Network will have an organism over the all-day proceedings.  They will cover it breathlessly, just as though it was actual, real news.  Hey, why not?

And since they've gotten so good at it by now, they can probably complete the next one in a couple of hours or less!

Oh yeah, and by the way, you know that part up there in a preceding paragraph when I said there was nothing The Donald could do to protect himself or his reputation if Nan decided to pull the trigger once again?  I might mention that he can't, but he has 74 million voters who feel deeply screwed, and that one of them just might...

You'd have to be either really confidant in your security team's ability to protect you, or totally convinced that ALL of Trump's voters, every single one of them, will be willing to just take it on the chin one more time, like good sheeple.  If she really felt that way, then I'd have to ask just why every single one of our state capitols are on complete and total lockdown for the inauguration right now?  Just why more than 27,000 cops are currently patrolling Washington, D.C.?  It's never happened before, but it just might happen again.  And to reiterate, if we don't immediately stop this effort to silence and humble Trump's voters, and make them submit, then America is an idea whose time has come...and gone.

I dunno' about you, but if I was going to piss off a few folks, I surely wouldn't want to piss off a few already pissed off - and armed - Trump voters...

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