Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Sinus Rythym of Politics.

Eleven years ago, almost to the day, one B. Hussein Obama was immaculated to the Presidency of these here United States.

And he immediately set about undoing  Every. Single. Thing. that President George W. Bush had put into place during his 8 years in office.  He could do so because of Article One, Section II, Paragraph I of the Constitution of the United States.  This bunch of verbiage gives our POTUS not only the right, but the obligation, to make pronouncements carrying the force of law via Executive Orders (E.O.'s).  

The POTUS, you see, has his hand on America's tiller, so he might see stuff happening quicker than the Congress could adequately respond.  Quick enough so that he might have to make snap decisions; decisions in the form of Executive Orders covering damn near anything under the Sun without having to wait for actual laws to be passed.  He can order us around as if we're his serfs via these Orders unless his orders are deemed unconstitutional by some judge somewhere or the Congress sees fit to tell him "No!"  

And the Congress has proven itself almost completely unwilling to engage in these fights over rights of late.  As a matter of fact, the Congress has been offloading its authority to the Executive little by little over the past couple few decades.  Maybe just letting the Prezzz make up his own laws is quicker, easier and simpler than doing the actual work of governing.  Governing is work, after all, and many of our most recent electees are proving themselves allergic to work.  And permitting the POTUS to act as if he was Emperor also enables them to sidestep most all responsibility for his actions.  

So a new POTUS comes in and immediately writes a bunch of E.O.'s.  E.O.'s reversing the E.O.'s of his predecessor.  Just like Trump did to Obama when he arrived at the Orval Orifice.  And just like O'Biden will do this morning when he moves out of his basement and heads off to D.C.  The "sinus rhythm of American Politics," I call it.  Just like the wave on that green-screened machine in the ICU you've seen so often, it goes up...and then down...and then back up.  Up and down.  Up and down.  It's enough to make one dizzy!  Trump voided Obama's E.O.'s, and O'Biden is reported to be planning to void not less than 13 of Trump's E.O's today.  And the Congress will sit back, on its hands, and watch.

Yep, fellow Pilgrims, by the end of the day POTUS O'Biden will have issued E.O.'s thwarting continued construction on our southern border wall, for which funding has already been established; he'll proclaim our previously-illegal DACA residents to be pre-citizens, giving them an 8-year pathway to citizenship; he'll stomp the brakes on the XL-Pipeline, creating a serious legal rift between us and Canada, eliminating more than 8,000 highly-paid union jobs, irritating various Indian tribes who enjoy the income from this drilling, and once again returning America to energy dependence; and he'll halt Trump's immigration holds on populations from various dangerous places.    

So O'Biden becomes POTUS.  And he'll issue a flurry of E.O.'s eliminating Trump's entire history.  Or so much of it as he is able.  Like a Presidential magic act.  Sort of like incoming Pharoahs back in Egypt's Middle Kingdom had their serfs scrub predecessor's "cartouches," or signatures, off all the monuments when they arrived.  Only those laws passed by Congress on Trump's watch will be safe; all the other "laws," i.e., E.O.s, will be erased.  All the rules and regulations that Trump eliminated will be restored.  It will be like Obama was back in town.  

For if regulative overreach is the yardstick, he will be.

Maybe this whipsawing of the American People back and forth is actually a good idea.  Maybe they need a harsh dose of reality to force intrusion into their cushy, cell phone-attached lives.  Maybe those who get their news via Yahoo or Google need to learn exactly what they just voted away.  For like the guy once said, "Democracy is the belief that the voting public know what it wants, and deserves to get it good and hard!"  They voted for a different sort of small-"d" democracy than they've been privy to during the past four.   And my guess is, even if they didn't feel the harsh touch of Big Government into their puny lives during Trump's term, they certainly will during O'Biden's.

like the guy said, "...good and hard!"  

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