Sunday, January 24, 2021

There is But One...

(BTW, and that means "by the way," for those who are unaware, The Chuckmeister, famed author, lecturer, wino, Big Game Hunter, journeyman welder, transgender- and Black-identifier and all-around Nice Guy,  will opine on any subject, at anytime, for any reason.  Even, one should know, on topics about which he has absolutely no knowledge whatsoever.  However, every now and then a subject comes over the transom about which He knows pretty much everything.  This is one such subject.  And the information it conveys should scare the crap out of you...)

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Two factoids you should know:

1.     Since 2006, Mexican drug cartels have killed more than 160,000 of their own citizens.

2.     There is but one, single, solitary gun store in the entire country of Mexico, and it's located inside the Main Police Station in beautiful downtown Mexico City.


This location is not conducive either to those citizens located hundreds, or even thousands of miles away, or those who would rather not have to interact with the gendarmes when buying a weapon they may have to use to protect themselves...against the gendarmes.

Ergo, Mexico is pretty much unarmed.  Except for the drug cartels, of course, which are better armed than Mexico's military.  It seems you can buy all the guns you want when you have a few $Billion in cash.  And the above referenced murder statistics tend to indicate that fact.  One has to wonder, I would think, whether that statistic would differ were a significant percentage of Mexico's population armed.  

Like in America.  Where more than one-third of our population owns some 450 million guns.  And 1 in 20 are carrying concealed.  These statistics happen not to be conducive to the mass murder of innocent civilians by armed thugs as it's been in Mexico for the past couple of decades.  Fortunately.

Then Admiral Yamamoto, Commander of Japan's WW2 navy, when asked why his country didn't invade America when it had the chance, stated, "Behind every blade of grass there is an American with a rifle."  What he said...

I think a reasonable person, even one who favors more stringent gun control laws, has to concede that a disarmed America could become the newest Mexico.  I trust the weenies now in charge in Foggy Bottom will consider these facts when drafting their new anti-gun legislation.  Which they're sure to do.  And since they have proven themselves to know absolutely nothing about guns, such negotiations will most like occur in a bar.  In Georgetown.  On a Saturday night.  Late...

Oh yeah, as I head out the "Digital Door," please allow me to highlight the fact that Chicago also has but one. single. gun. store.  And it's located inside the Main Police Station in Downtown Chicago.  I kid thee not.  And it's only open on Thursdays between 10:00 and 2:00.  Which no doubt makes it readily available to those hard-working Chicagoans wishing to afford themselves of their 2nd Amendment Rights...

And it's also made Chicago the Mexico of the United States...

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