Friday, January 22, 2021

Cause and Effect...

I think I've been exercising too much.

Yeah, that's it.  Waaaay too much!  I'm thinking that's where all those aches and pains are coming from.  I didn't used to have them when I was younger, and I didn't used to exercise so much.  So...VOILA!...putting two and two together, I must be exercising too much!

Cause and effect, doncha' know.

Occam's Razor tells us that.  The simplest explanation for a problem is almost always the correct one.  And trust me, a simple person arrived at the answer to this problem.

Who was Occam?  Not sure.  But he had a razor, and we're all thankful for that...

No, fellow Patriots, I read somewhere this morning that many of us are exercising too strenuously and need to back up a bit.  Especially our most seasoned citizens, which in this "day and age" of Identity Politics, includes "moi."  So I'm backing up on the leg lifts and the crunches and the sit ups and the bench presses a little bit.  Well, actually more than a little.  So far back they no longer exist.  Different zip code, do you hear me? 

I mean, think about it:  How do we know for sure there's not an absolute maximum number of leg lifts authorized to each of us by God?  And if we were to reach that Magic Number, somehow, our legs just wouldn't lift anymore?  And then where would we be?  I ask you, fellow health enthusiast, fellow gym rat, where would be we beHmmmmm?  

Hadn't thought about that before, now had you?  

So, discretion being the better part of valor (I wish I'd come up with that saying!), I've decided to reorder my work-out routine considerably.  I'll now consider other activities previously not included in my workout routine, such as getting up and going to the bathroom in the middle of the night to take a pee, as "working out."  Tough to pull a muscle taking a pee, even though my doctor told me not to lift anything heavy.


Cause and effect, doncha' know.

Taking out the trash around The Chuckmeister's expansive abode shall also henceforth be called "working out."  So, I'll now be adding the taking-out-of-trash as a part of my workout routine.  There's a lot of bending and stooping and carrying associated with taking out the trash.  So there's that.  And cooking?  Yes, cooking can also be strenuous, doncha' know.  You could hurt yourselves cooking!  And so cooking is up there with curls and deep knee bends (deep knee bends?  Are you kidding me?).  So cooking's "working out" from now on. 

"Two eggs over easy, sausage, bicep curls, hash browns, sit-ups..."  I mean, that 12" skillet is hev-veee! 

And what about shopping?  One must go grocery shopping at least weekly for necessary provisions, like coffee, flour, bacon and beans, and that involves a lot of lifting and bagging.  Which can be considered exercise if you loosen up the definition just a little.  Which is why God put me here today; to loosen up the definition a little bit.  For my seasoned friends and neighbors.

Cause and effect.

And also to let you know there's that direct "cause and effect" thing they tell us is now going on.  If you're doing something and something results, even if totally unrelated to the original "something," then you're hereby authorized by me, The Chuckmeister, to connect their dots to that other something.  You can then therefore cease doing that something with the hope that the other something...will stop.

If you understood that, get back to me.

Hey there, fellow Pilgrims, you now have authority to redefine your workout routine to fit your lifestyle.  No more Peloton for you?  How about a "pillow, son?," instead?  Heh, heh!  That was a little joke there.  Anyhoo, no more getting up early to do something you don't want to do.  How about getting up late and simply redefining some of your normal daily activities as exercise?  The net result will be a happier you and you'll have an extra hour back in your day.

Oh, the aches and pains will still be there, unfortunately, but you won't need to shower quite as often...   

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this instruction in my 2021work out Routine I really don’t want my New Year’s resolution to fail 🙏


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