Monday, December 21, 2020

The Good Old Days...

I remember a time in the not-so-distant past when you could vote for a city council person, or a mayor, or a governor, or even a president, without first worrying whether they would kill you or ruin your life.  Perhaps you do as well.

Seems like those were the good old days.  And I want them back...

Now?  Now you vote for some bureaucrat with a degree in "transportation management" from USC or Tufts or Stanford, or even some community college somewhere like that, to keep the trains running on time and the snow plowed.  We look to bureaucrats to do the boring, often thankless jobs that nobody else either wants to do, or knows how to do.  And we throw them a "bone" in terms of pay and benefits for keeping this stuff handled properly.

But none of those jobs remotely resembles figuring out which "non-essential" businesses to close down tight because a virus they don't understand or know how to deal with has been visited upon the land by a hostile foreign power.  We don't vote for doctors or nurses to run cities or states.  We vote for people with an  education and talent in those areas.  And we hope we get our monies' worth...

So what happens when the Chinese release a killer virus?  They do so the very day after Trump announced they'd signed the largest trade purchasing deal in history.  More than $250 billion in farm products, it was.  They were backed into a corner by Trump, and they folded.  Did they release this virus in retaliation?  No proof as of yet, but there's a strong possibility.  A virus that's not only sabotaged our economy, but the economy of the entire world.  And since there's no doubt as to where the virus came from, only why, perhaps we should all focus our energies on trying to gain some degree of pay-back for this horrific act.  Perhaps we should endeavor to make China think twice before committing such a heinous act again.  Maybe we make a few Chinese just "go away..."  

Instead, it seems, the Democrat Party and the Legacy Media wish to deflect the blame from China.  One can only guess as to why.  I'm thinking it might have something to do with bushel baskets of American Greenbacks flowing their way.  And God knows they have plenty of them.  They've been buying our debt and selling us Wal-Mart trinkets for decades.  If you see a politician arguing against holding China responsible for all of this, an event which could possibly bring down our Country, perhaps we should take a look at who's been funneling them money.  Funny how some good ol' palm-greasing can make those charged with protecting and advising us just  Look. The. Other. Way.

So it seems we must now endeavor to protect ourselves not only from our enemies, both foreign and domestic, but from our elected officials as well.  I dunno' about you, but so long as Boy Guv Newsom and Mafiosi Cuomo and their ilk continue to try and punish us, their constituencies, with outrageous demands with which they themselves are unwilling to comply,* maybe it's time to pick up the torches and the pitchforks once again.  Maybe it's time to run these bastards out of their comfy statehouses and send them packing.

What do you think? 

*  Most recent statistics tell us there's only a 1.7% chance of contracting the disease from restaurants.  Even restaurants like The French Laundry, where Newsom dines.  Far less than from other "approved" operations.  Yet, restaurants are still punished with incessant lockdowns.  As an example, more than 1,000 New York City restaurants are now permanently closed.  And we fear as many as 40% of all restaurants will be forced to cease operations.  There will be an end to all of this.  The question is, what will remain?

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