Saturday, December 12, 2020

"Critical Mass"

Remember last summer when those black-clad "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matters" goons were burning down Seattle and Portland?  Ever wonder why not a single one of these anarchists, who collectively caused more than $One Billion Dollars of damage, was ever arrested and tried? 

Because there was more of "them" than there was of "us."  And "us," in this particular exercise, was the police.

I recall seeing about 200 Chicago cops standing by and watching as these same thugs toppled statue after statue on their tony Miracle Mile.  Why weren't they arrested?  There were thousands of them, that's why.  The cops were outmatched. And so it went, all year long.  First Seattle and Portland, then Minneapolis and Rochester.  And on to NYC and Atlanta and Baltimore.  So many Democrat-led cities looted and robbed and set on fire.  Their police were shown to be insufficient in number to cross swords with hundreds, even thousands of trained anarchists.  And their Democrat "leaders" were similarly found wanting.    And so they didn't even bother to try.  They just stood by and let these criminals destroy their communities.  Sad...

Now let's transmogrify that little lesson in crowd (mis)management with our current restaurant situation.  When the "powers that be" shut down one restaurant for purported "violations" of wispy, ill-defined new rules and regulations, written by those with ivy-league educations in other than medicine, that restaurant will likely comply.  And go broke in the aftermath.  But when hundreds, nay thousands of restaurants are shut down, for no legitimate reason whatsoever,* you then have the makings of civil disobedience.  The beginnings of folks saying, "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not gonna' take it anymore!"  

And that, fellow Pilgrims, is exactly where we now find ourselves; smarmy, overeducated, under common-sensed politicians, like CA's Boy Guv Gavin Newsom or wanna' be Mafioso NY's Mario Cuomo, making up laws to "fix" situations completely beyond their comprehension.  And destroying lives in the process.  More than 110,000 American restaurants are now shut down.  Many of them forever.  And most have been shut down for no good scientific reason whatsoever.  The lives of hundreds of thousands of restaurant owners, and more than a million of their employees, have been torn asunder, without rhyme or reason.  And I'm thinking now might be a good time for them to revolt.

What would happen if thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of these same restaurants were to simply say, "NO!"  What would happen if they were to defy the orders of their governors and mayors and stay open.  With necessary safety precautions taken, of course.  What would happen if these restaurants were to achieve a kind of "critical mass," where there were more scofflaw restaurants then there were cops or politicians to shut them down?  I say...NOTHING!  Nothing would happen!  Oh, the authorities might post a cop or two in front of the more high profile establishments within their states or cities, but I seriously doubt that many would be cited for their "civil disobedience."  In fact, I'd say these authoritarians might well be cowered enough to rescind those same orders, perhaps in time to save the very restaurants they are now seemingly dedicated to destroying.

I wonder where Democrats plan to go out to eat when all of this is over?  Given their recent actions, I'd say they might want to learn to cook...  

*   The size, number or amount of something necessary to cause a particular result.

**  Admiral Brett Giroir, Asst. Director, Health and Human Services, stated unequivocally this week that there is absolutely no science to support outlawing dining outdoors.  In fact, he went on to say, there is no science to support the outlawing of dining indoors so long as necessary social distancing niceties are recognized.  Politicians might wish to take note... 

1 comment:

  1. Yes there were more of them so my thought was to spray them with permanent stain and arrest all the "blue" people at their convenience. Our police should never have to worry about being outnumbered. More than one way to skin a cat. 😉
    Also Gov Whitner should be on that list. She is ruining Mi single handedly. 😡.


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!