Thursday, December 17, 2020

Some Casual Observations...

I thought that now might be a good time to put my trusty digital pen to paper and jot down a few of my observations on the state of America, circa 2020.  These observations have been banging around inside my noggin like BB's in a boxcar for a few weeks now, and they're just screaming to get out.  And so, without further ado, here goes:

     -  Donald J. Trump got elected to President of these here United States because...he's not a politician 

And he's been unceremoniously shown the door to a reelection because...he's not a politician.

     -  A real, honest-to-God politician (not necessarily a complement) named Obama showed up and was elected to POTUS in 2000.  He managed to set back racial relations here in America by a hundred years, created the first "beer summit," wrote oodles of rules and regulations that hamstrung our businesses and corporations, gutted our military and more than doubled our National Debt.  We had 8 years of unnecessary hardship as a result.  Had he not been who he was, or done what he did, then Trump would not have been seen as a savior to undo it all.  And he was elected to do just that.

     -  Once elected, Trump proceeded to act like a non-politician, tweeting all hours of the day and night, berating reporters, stomping around like the proverbial bull in a china shop, acting anything but presidential, but everything like a frustrated businessman, anxious to fix everything that needed fixing.  Which was nearly everything.  Of course, whilst doing so he cut taxes and eliminated rules and regulations and ended old treaties and wrote new ones.    Those within his "core" group of supporters seemed not to care what he did, when he did it, or who he did it to; they were on his side, no matter what.  That core group comprised approximately 40% of the American electorate.  However, 40% is not enough to get reelected...  

     -  Folks started paying attention to the election on or about the time of the first televised debate.  People were all ready to watch the two combatants go at it when, instead of a polite, gentlemanly exchange of plans and ideas, ala Nixon/Kennedy, or Carter/Reagan, the sort you would expect from presidential candidates, it turned rather into a shouting match...with The Donald doing most of the shouting.  Non-presidential.  Yes, I know he was engaging in combat with two Democrats, including Chris Wallace, the moderator (he proudly admits his Democrated-ness).  And yes, I know he was doing his best to fight back.  However, the majority of that night's TV audience had no inkling of all these subtle nuances and.  

I think he lost the election that night...

     -  Some might have noticed that Biden spent the campaign in his Maryland basement.  Who ever managed that campaign has proven to be a genius.  How else to hide a mean-tempered, crusty old coot with flagging mental capabilities while the Nation was paying no attention whatsoever.  This will go down in history as the first and only non-campaign - campaign.

     -  Trump had no simple, straightforward, easily repeated campaign slogan.  Something like, "Hope and Change," which worked so well for Obama.  He didn't have one.  His was rather a series of dozens of performances in airplane hangers across America.  His True Faithful were there, mask-less, all wearing their obligatory "MAGA" hats and T-shirts, screaming and shouting in unison.  Unfortunately, one does not win an election by preaching to the choir.  One wins by inviting new prospective congregants into the church to hear the Good Word.  He should have.  

He didn't.

     -  I'm of the opinion that Trump is one of those guys who won't be missed until he goes away.  And when he does, people will come to realize how much he did for America, and wish he were still around to keep on doing it.  But they will have to suffer through at least four years of what I consider to be a criminal organization running our Country (there's a lot of proof of that; some prefer not to see it).  The Good News is that Trump will be hiding in the proverbial bushes, watching carefully, just waiting for the Biden Boys to do their socialist stuff.  And when they do, Trump will be there to publicize it.  And capitalize on it.  

     -  And on that subject, I'm betting that Trump will buy or put together a media organization to rival the CNN's and Fox News-es of the world.  And I'm guessing he'll soon have his own TV talk show.  And I'm guessing he'll make it his business to Ruin. Every. Single. Day. of what's left of Joe P. Biden's life.  And I'm guessing if Karmela Harris has anything to do with it, there won't be too much remaining of it...

     -  I now leave you with one of my favorite sayings:  "Be careful for what you want, you just might get it."  The people "wanted" Biden, it seems, and now they've got him.  If they work for a living, and earn a paycheck, I'm guessing they'll soon come to know how wrongly they chose.  And that sense of loss should help to shoooo Trump back into the White House if he wants it come 2024.  

Bet on it...

1 comment:

  1. Acrobatic. Two things: 1) Not a word about the un-Americanism of Trump trying to Marcos an election; 2) Why did you call Vice President-elect Kamala Harris "Karmela"?


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!