Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Donating to Marxists...

Did you know that if you click on "antifa.com," it will take you to "joebiden.com" directly?  No?  Then read on...

Let's say you're sympathetic with the "Black Lives Matter" movement.  Or the "Antifa" movement.  Or what you believe their individuals goals and objectives to be.

Let's just say that you believe Black folks have gotten the short end of the stick over the years and need a helping hand.  And let's say you'd like to give them a donation.  A few bucks just to help them along a bit.  And you've been told that giving money to these organizations would aid that effort.  Did you know that if you check the little box at the bottom right hand corner of their official website (blacklivesmatter.com), you'll be taken to "ActBlue." That's the outfit that handles such donations.  Nice of them, I'd say.  They specialize in delivering your money to Left-wing organizations.  

But what's not nice is that more than 95% of all the historic donations sent to "BLM" via "ActBlue" winds up with Joe Biden's campaign.  Did you know that almost all the money sent by nice folks like you to "BLM" goes straight to Biden and his Democrats?  Nothing to aid "Black lives?"  Not a penny to any conservative causes?  Even conservative causes that offer assistance to Black lives?  Didn't know that, did you?  

So legions of angry, disaffected, mostly White young people are rioting and looting and burning and destroying dozens of American cities, beating innocent people senseless, and engaging in all-out anarchy, all under the banner of "BLM," and "Antifa," and all they want is some of your money to keep the fires burning.  Nike has given "BLM" $25 Million Dollars.  Google has given them $100 Million Dollars.  Amazon has given them $50 Million Dollars.  In total they've received thus far more than $500 Million Dollars!  That's a lot of money for a cause started by a couple of Marxist radicals that didn't even exist until 2013.  And it's a lot of money being run through a non-profit that's being spent without any oversight.

Have you felt like contributing to "Antifa?"  You know, the fascist organization that dresses its folks in black ninja outfits, with masks, and sends them out to Democrat cities to riot and burn and loot and pillage and plunder, to throw bricks and shine commercial lasers into cops' eyes, who they do their best to hurt or even kill, all in the name of "racial justice."  

Can anyone tell me what stealing a Gucci purse from a Macy's has to do with George Floyd's killing?  Yeah, neither can I.  But there they are, night after night, throwing bricks and bottles of frozen water and condoms full of feces and baseball bats and tire irons at the cops and anyone else they perceive to be "the enemy."  And like "BLM," this is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that bills itself as "anti facist."  Of course, every action it takes is facistic, so I'd say that's a real good joke there. 

And like I stated above, if you type in "Antifa.com," its official website, it takes you to "joebiden.com" directly!  They don't mess around!  Talk about transparency!  You try to give a few bucks to your friendly Marxist outfit and - "Shazammmm!"  You're delivered right to Joe Biden!  Are we to assume by this that Joe Biden is a Marxist?  Are we to assume that Joe Biden owns "Antifa?"  Are we to presume Joe Biden not only fully endorses the rioting and looting and burning and pillaging that's "Antifa's" stock in trade, he also endorses their political beliefs and aspirations?  


So "BLM" is Marxist and "Antifa" is facist.  And Joe Biden benefits financially from both.  The people lighting fires in dozens of Democrat-led cities on a nightly basis are financial tools of your friendly, modern-day Democrat Party.  The Party for whom all these miscreants work.  Chew on that for awhile, Liberal friends...

*  As per their website, and their offer, I've asked "ActBlue" for current financial information on their donations and spending.  It's yet to be provided...

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