Monday, September 14, 2020

One Looted 7/11 at a Time...

I've been doing a lot of research lately.

Old people with bad backs with a lot of time on their hands tend to do that a lot.  

Anyway, I've been doing research as to "who" lives "where" in our Great Country, and "why," and how that might have an impact on our electoral politics.  

For instance, did you know that about 20% of our entire population lives in what's considered our "rural" areas?

And - you ready for this? - 80% of our citizenry lives in what we term "urban" areas?  As in, Big Cities?  Now while that's sinking in, I'll provide a bit more context.

     -  57.8 million of our citizens are termed "rural."

     -  271.73 are considered "urban." 

     -  That, BTW, works out to 328.81 million citizens, according to the Federal Government, and upwards of 341,000,000 (Wikipedia) if suspected "illegal aliens" are included in that count.  Or maybe more.  Many, many more.  Which our Democrat "friends" are dedicated to including.

BTW, I'll stop calling illegal aliens "illegal aliens" when that terminology is excised from the Constitution of the United States.  

Why do I present this jumble of numbers to you, my exalted and highly-valued (and quite attractive!) readership?  Because it follows closely a previous posting I just published that speaks to the violence occurring on the streets of our biggest cities on a nightly basis.  More than 100 nights in a row of violent riots in Portland, as an example.  I've previously offered up that this rioting and looting and burning and pillaging and plundering and vandalism is either being applauded by the Democrats who run things in 48 of our 50 largest cities,* or tacitly ignored.  

In front of God and everybody.

Follow the bouncing ball here:  If, a), 80% of our population lives in our Biggest Cities; and b), "Black Lives Matters" and "Antifa" anarchists are destroying things in 48 out of 50 of our Biggest Cities; and the Democrats run those cities, all by themselves (not a Republican to be found anywhere!); then c), one might reasonably assume that those good citizens in those cities under siege might be getting royally pissed at their feckless and incompetent Democrat leadership!  With good reason!

Yes, we do live in "Two Americas."  There's the America that hasn't yet seen a "BLM" or "Antifa" thug anywhere nearby (like Wichita, KS, and Savannah, GA, and Souix City, IA and Cairo, IL), and very likely won't, and the America that's suffering through them nightly.  And 4/5ths of our population lives where the looting and burning and rioting is happening daily.  And their elected representatives - all Democrats - aren't doing a dam thing to stop it.

Chicago hasn't had an elected Republican in any aspect of its government in more than sixty (60) yearsJohn F. Kennedy was still alive the last time a Republican was elected to an office in Chicago!  So when those fun-loving "BLM" folks set fire to the vaunted "Miracle Mile," it's kind of hard to blame the violence on Trump.  

Although they try.  God, how they try...

Like I said in the previous posting, keep it up, you idiots!  You're guaranteeing Trump reelection, one riot at a time!  One Chevy dealership at a time.  One burned-out police station at a time.  One trashed bodega at a time.  One destroyed liquor store at a time.  One vandalized apartment building at a time.  One looted 7/11 at a time...

Princeton University Armed Location and Event Data Project. 

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