Monday, September 7, 2020

White Privilege.

I've been hearing the term "white privilege" a lot lately.  Perhaps you have as well.

Apparently, White folks here in America are equipped at birth with a "special something" that makes it possible for them to become rich and famous and successful and well educated and the life of the party just because they're White.  At least that's what the Liberal weenies are telling us.  

Over, and over, and over, and over.  And OVER!  

Now, I'm one of "those" White guys, and I never noticed my life particularly blessed by virtue of my skin color.  In fact, I've never, ever noticed an advantage by simply being White.  I can't sing, and I can't dance, and I can't dunk a basketball.  And when I go to the 7/11 I'm forced to pay the exact same price for my Slurpee as the (fill in the blanks) guy in line right behind me.  And I can't even riot and pillage and plunder like my Black compatriots 'cause I'm supposed to follow "the rule of law," unlike those who are permitted to riot and pillage and plunder solely because of the color of their skin. 100 nights in a row.  The price of being a good citizen, I guess.  Is that a vestige of "White-ism?  The inability to riot without being arrested?  

And these days it seems being White poses another serious disadvantage.  I won't be getting reparations any time soon...

Now, I should say that I've noticed advantages accruing from showing up to work early and staying late, and trying extra hard at my job, and paying my bills on time and being super nice to customers.  And saying "please," and "thank you."  And pulling over immediately and being polite when a cop stops me.  Or better yet, not doing anything for which I could be pulled over.  But I've never noticed an advantage from simply being White.

I've noticed advantages accruing from studying hard and getting good grades.  From good grooming and keeping my nose clean and being considerate and extra sensitive to the needs of others.  But I don't think my "Whiteness" contributed all that much to those accomplishments.

Yet, some of our Black friends, and nearly everybody in the CLM (Corrupt Legacy Media), tell us that we (White people) have been blessed by enjoying a light(er) shade of skin pigmentation, and that we'll all do great in life thereby (James Earl Jones).  And the converse being, anyone born with skin of a darker shade is eternally damned by the "Pigment Police" to a life of pain and hunger and torment (Le Bron James).  That they don't have a chance in this life, and it's somehow White peoples' fault (Samuel Jackson, Jr.).  And that maybe nothing but a pile of reparations cash can make that problem all go away (Denzel Washington). 

Wait a minute:  They got the excess pigment, and we didn't!  Yet it's somehow our fault?  Wouldn't that make it God's fault?  

Oh wait, unless you don't believe in God...  Sorry for the interruption, Godless hypocritical Liberal weenies.  Back to the rant...

Just inserting here, I'm guessing there'a whole bunch of White folks in Appalachia who aren't feeling their "White privilege" so much this morning.

But here's a question you might wish to ponder:  The Democrats are telling us that all Republicans are sexist and racist.  Yet, it seems to me that Kamala Harris was chosen to be Joe's Vice President solely because she's a woman, and she's Black.  And they admit to it!  They ADMIT to it!  Isn't that racism?

We now know that the choosing of Harris had nothing to do with her being an African-American.  She's not. She's actually a member of the Southeast Asian-American (notice the "courtesy" hyphen?  You're welcome...) tribe, since her dad's from Haiti and her mom's from India.  It had to do with her being "Black."  Yet, if you'll notice, she's not "Black" at all.  She's rather a nice, pleasing shade of "mocha."  I'm about that same shade at the end of a nice summer vacation to the beach (if I could actually have one).  I'm pretty sure if I were one of those who demanded Biden pick a "Black" woman V.P. candidate I'd be major-league pissed!  Kamala is not Black!

I'm thinking we should maybe use the same sort of gauge to measure "Blackness" as we do to measure the window tint on our cars.  As in, too dark, you get a ticket from The Man.  Too light, you pay reparations.  And if you've been bestowed with the "Goldilocks" shade, you become Vice President.  You see?  

So, the act of being "Black" and a woman are now the most important qualifications for Vice President.  Not being management-qualified, or possessing military experience and accomplishments, not even a successful set of legislative wins that make one's time in the Congress notable.  Just "Black."  And a "woman."  Paltry, if you ask me...

Remember Rachel Dolezal?  She was the Washington State NAACP Regional Director a couple of years back.  At least until they caught her, that is.  Seems that Rachel is White.  Yeah.  She did some of that "stolen pigmentation" thing to pretend to be Black all her life, including hair carefully presented in corn rows.  And she benefited from it financially as a result.

And now we have another one.  A White professor at George Washington University just admitted she's lied during her entire career about being Black.  Sort of like Sen. Liz "Fauxchahontas" Warren who lied about being a Native American her whole life.  And both women made Major Bank due to those hypocritical lies.  And now I ask:

     "If White privilege actually exists, why would these women want to lie about being Black?"

We're but two months away from the General Election.  The People will then select whomever they want to run America.  And if that selection is a guy who's been in Washington, D.C. since The Flood, since Lincoln freed the slaves, since JFK was a tax-cutting Democrat, and a woman who's sole qualifications for selection is that she's a "she," and that's she's "Black," I'll have to say I'll be happy I'm quite old and won't have to live all that long under what could surely be the beginning of America's end... 

Vote carefully, America.  You'll be left to pick up the pieces...

1 comment:

  1. The really odd thing I found out that MAKES NO SENSE is that in the black community, you have higher status if you're "a light(er) shade of skin pigmentation" but you have lower status if you're really dark black. Personally, I think they're pretty, no matter the shade. But then, somehow because I am deemed white, "I'm the prejudiced one." AND I've heard them say "Black people can't be prejudiced."


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