Saturday, September 5, 2020

Manufactured Racism...

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming America..." *

                                                   -  Barack Hussein Obama, Columbia, MO,
                                                      October 30, 2008

I didn't used to be racist.  

And I'm still not.  Not yet, at least.  But the CLM (Corrupt Legacy Media) and whoever's pulling their strings (George Soros?) regarding their tacit - and financial - support for rioting and looting and burning and vandalism in dozens of Democrat-run cities are doing their very best to make me so.

Is that their intent?

I was born in the Midwest where we take people as they are.  We don't much care what color a person is so long as they're a good, solid citizen.  I went to school with Black kids and Brown kids and Yellow kids and kids of every shade and hue.  We shared classes together, played football together, went to parties together, laughed and lived together.  We didn't know that we should be cognizant of our differing races, since nobody told us to be.  Everything was about as good racially-speaking as one could possibly expect.

And then I went into the service.  And if one was ever inclined to be racist, serving in the military would wring that right out of you (there are no Blacks and Browns and Reds and Yellows and Whites in a foxhole!).  I can say with assurance that if you displayed any vestige of racism in the service your ass would be handed to you, macht schnell!  With extreme prejudice!

So I count - and counted - myself among the millions and millions of Americans who abhor racism and don't countenance it in others.  And I still do.   

I even avoided becoming a bit racist when one Barry Obama took to the throne and started spouting racist dogma for all to hear.  Remember the "Beer Summit?"  Remember when he said those cops were "...acting foolishly."  Remember when he said that Trayvon Martin "...could have been my son?"  Remember when Ferguson, MO was on fire for a bogus killing?  The flames of which he personally fanned?  Remember when he sent 8 members of his Cabinet to Ferguson to march with the rioters?  8?  When the rioters were screaming "Hands up, don't shoot!," even though the perp Michael Brown never uttered those words.  There are other examples too numerous to mention.  And so I stayed as before.

Until about March of 2020, that is.

Trying to take Trump down via the "Russia-gate" hoax didn't work.  And attempting to find something impeachable in lawyer Cohen's testimony backfired.  And trying again using a phone call to Ukraine to fuel impeachment didn't feed the bulldog, either.  And then when all else failed, politicizing a pandemic which China unleashed upon the Land with nightly rioting in dozens of big "blue" cities to try and wrench the POTUS-hood from his chubby, orange fingers has so far similarly failed.

So what have the Democrats resorted to now?  Accusing Trump, and every single one of his voters, of being racist.  I guess when all else fails you resort to accusations of racism and sexism.  I guess this is the update to Hillary's "deplorables" comment.  Dirty, nasty accusations of racism, the very worst possible insult one can hurl, designed to invoke hatred and fear and anger among the populace.  Deadly accusations that shut off conversation and start violence.  Deadly accusations that force the "natives" into "tribalism."  

All I can figure is that there's somebody, somewhere who wishes our nation to erupt in flames.  To cause race riots border-to-border.  To pit one American "identity" against another.  To cause another civil war.  I don't know why, and I'm not sure who, for sure, but I do know our society is teetering on the edge. 

To those who are behind this uprising:  Be careful not to overplay your hand.  You might just foster a backlash the likes of which you could never imagine.  There are a lot of really good people out there who just might be called upon to do some very bad things.  And remember, we're the ones with all the guns...

*  There were more than 30 reporters in the audience the night Obama made this statement.  I wonder why not a single reporter asked Obama what he meant by that?  However, nearly 13 years later, I think we now know...

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