Sunday, August 30, 2020


                                                        M E M O

TO:               The Leadership of the NBA, MLB, NFL, NASCAR, etc.....

FROM:         The Chuckmeister

SUBJECT:   Our National Anthem/Flag

DATE:          Right Now

As we head into the foreshortened playoff season, I just thought I'd pass along that America's 18.2 million veterans believe your players taking a knee when the National Anthem plays is quite a bit like coming to their home and taking a sh*t on their front porch.

They take it personally.  They take it as an insult.  And so do I.  Because it is.

And we believe it's intended to be so.  

Those desirous of expressing some disfavor with America because of some past slight, perceived or imagined, is just fine with us.  Protesting is a part of our DNA.  Do it!  Protest away.  We've fought enemies, foreign and domestic, in uniform, for your right to do so.  And some of us have died in the process.  Just about One Million of us.  You're pissed that some Black guy somewhere got shot by some White cop, so you feel the need - the compunction - to march down Main Street and wave a sign.  Or boycott one of your games.  Great.  I like it.  Keep on doing it.

But do not take a knee when my National Anthem plays.  Stand up, put your hand over your heart like a gentleman or a lady and stay silent for the three minutes of your overpaid, entitled life while the Anthem plays.  That's all we ask of you.  But if you absolutely have to protest, please protest sometime other than while our Anthem is playing.  Get up off your knees and stand, at attention, like an American.  Like a citizen.  Otherwise, we're going to think that you're intentionally disrespecting our Flag and our Country.  A Country we've fought for, and some have died for.  And unless you've paid that price, do yourself a favor and either (a) stand, hand on heart, quietly, for a tiny fraction of your celebrated life, or (b) do your little kneeling thing somewhere else.

You could choose to kneel in your locker room before the game.  That would be fine with us.  You could kneel in the parking lot before the game starts.  That'd be okay too.  You could kneel in a local church or synagogue or mosque.  Everyone would buy that.  Or you could just go ahead and kneel in the studios of the Comedy News Network or MSDNC and save them the trouble and expense of launching a remote broadcasting team.  Just don't kneel before a game on national TV as our National Anthem plays and our Flag waves.  We believe that your doing so would be an intentional insult to us and all we represent.  And if you didn't know that before now, you do now.  

Just a thought in closing.  You don't have to take my advice.  You can continue kneeling in protest while pissing off 18.2 million veterans, more than 5% of America's population, or you can grow up and join in the American Way.  We won't get involved in your protests, don't get involved in our celebrating America.  You know, the Country that gave you both life and freedom.  If you choose not to do as I request and continue to insert yourselves between us and the Country we love, you'll destroy your sport, as many folks will vote with their feet and stop watching.  Then your $Multi-Million dollar contract will go "poof" and you'll be washing cars on Main Street instead of protesting on it...

You've been warned.  The next step is yours...

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